Wednesday, May 31, 2017




Cinnamon stick tea is given to a pregnant woman close to her due date. Cinnamon stick tea can ripen the cervix faster that causes early water breakage.


Though these home remedies have been written carefully, we still highly recommend you to take advice from your doctor before consuming/applying these home remedies


Ginger is a traditionally used herbal medicine. Drink ginger tea to encourage labor. You can also consume spicy ginger cookies.


Thyme is a popularly used herbal medicine among pregnant women

Steep fresh thyme leaves in boiling water to prepare tea. Drink it to induce labor pain.


Fenugreek encourages uterine contractions and proves beneficial to induce childbirth


Add more basil in your food, and also drink basil tea twice a day to induce labor. Basil also increases blood circulation which is very important for healthy pregnancy


Licorice contains prostaglandin which plays a vital role in inducing labor. Being slightly laxative in nature licorice helps stimulate contractions. Try to get the natural one that has less sugar and more licorice.


Drink castor oil to induce labor pain. Castor oil stimulates your gut and uterus to cause the first contraction at the earliest. Castor oil has been traditionally used as a remedy to induce labor. It is available in the form of capsules, juice, a solution used in colonic irrigation.


Do not drink more than 60 ml of castor oil as it may cause severe diarrhea in a pregnant woman, pushing her to extreme dehydration and loss of energy. Using castor oil can also lead to fetal bowel movements. There are no enough evidences on the effectiveness and safety of castor oil.

In many cases it has been found that this oil only causes nausea and diarrhoea, not labor


Recent researches have revealed that eating date fruit at the later stages of pregnancy can be considered as one among the functional natural ways to induce labor. Women who consumed 6 date fruits in a day for four weeks got their labor early compared to women, who did not eat them. Date fruit also makes your contractions longer, thus, higher cervical dilatation happens. In this way, the first phase of labor gets shortened. When women eat date fruits at their third trimester, the chances of getting spontaneous labor are also very high.


Do not over eat dates as it may upset your stomach. In addition, eating date fruits may produce a higher amount of heat in your body, so drink a glass of boiled milk after having dates. It is not recommended that you eat dates in the first or second trimester without consulting your doctor.


Pineapple contains bromelain- an enzyme that softens the cervix and the neck of your womb to speed up labor. So, eat pineapples (at least seven) to get labor fast

  • Eating more pineapple may also cause diarrhea in a pregnant woman. Do not drink pineapple juice.
  • Avoid canning as it may destroy the bromelain content in the pineapples.


Both ripe n unripe but
Especially the unripe ones.

Late pregnancy cases utilize peppermint as an additional supplement to induce labor in womenIt should definitely be avoided during the early stages of pregnancy especially since it proves to be toxic to the liver and kidneys.
Consume Aloe Vera juice to induce labor that is a commonly used source by midwives for assisting contractions. Aloe Vera is rich in vitamins and minerals and promotes lactation and strengthens uterine walls during labor. Like castor oil, it works as a laxative that induces child birth at home.
Consuming fruits like bananas rich in potassium helps with muscle contractions therefore is an easily available source for inducing labor. Leave aside potassium supplements and instead have a banana which is a safer remedy to use if you’re trying to induce labor at home.
This vegetable is rich in iron and possibly one of the best stimulants for inducing labor at home. Most women don’t even notice what they’re eating, unknowingly pushing their pregnant bodies to undergo uterine contractions at an unexpected stage.
Great chances of going into labor is by consuming a glass of orange juice and of milk that work as perfect combinations for enhancing uterine contractions. Half a cup of orange juice and milk produce a reaction of high and low ph that stimulates labor.


1. SEX

Basically, labor induction involves ripening of the cervix through which the water releases or dilation happens faster and labor starts. The chances of cervical ripening increases, as a full-term pregnant woman continue to have sex with her partner. Besides, sex triggers the release of oxytocin which is a key hormone that induces labor. The semen also contains prostaglandins that ripens cervix and causes it to dilate.


If a woman is having placenta previa or any other complications with her pregnancy, then it is good to avoid this method.The chances of dilation are high when a pregnant woman indulges in an intercourse. If the water breaks, hospitalize the woman immediately.In case of vaginal bleeding, sex is not a recommended natural labor induction option.This method do not have any certain results in inducing labor.


This is the second most recommended way to induce labor. Similar to having sex, nipple stimulation also increases the release of oxytocin to cause labor contraction. This is a simple yet very effective method which involves stimulating the nipples (areolas) like how a baby sucks while nursing. Massage around your nipples for at least 15 minutes and stimulate one nipple at a time. Repeat this process for about three times a day to increase oxytocin release in your body


Stimulate nipples after intervals. Do not repeat this process for more than three times a day. Use any fragrances free moisturizer to massage around the area since rubbing with bare fingers may make it sore and painful.


Walking is also one among the natural ways to induce labor. If you have got your first contraction, start walking immediately as it may shorten the time interval between your contractions. When a full-term pregnant woman walks, her baby’s head is pressed hard towards her cervix to ripen it. Walking also encourages the baby to get through the cervix on time. Try not to exhaust yourself by walking fast as it causes energy loss. You need to save your energy for the other stages of labor, so stay energetic and hydrated


This may not be recommended for many women with high risk pregnancy, but it is an effective way during normal pregnancy. Climbing stairs may help position the baby right and also gives more pressure to your cervix to cause water breakage. Try to climb stairs often when you are overdue, but ask your doctor before doing it. As said earlier, it is good if you don’t exhaust yourself by climbing stairs often, since you may get tired easily


Massage not only induces labor but also keeps nausea and vomiting at bay when contraction happens. Massage can relieve an expecting woman from stress and energy loss during labor. Take a massage from expert masseuse, in order to induce labor.


Warm water bath can also induce labor. But the temperature of the water should not be very high; otherwise, it will cause the baby stress. You can also add 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil to the bath water.


Dancing is also a great way to induce labor but be very careful when you dance. Ensure that you just move your body and not strain yourself in inducing labor.


Swimming increases your possibilities of getting muscle contraction early. Do swimming to naturally induce labor once your due date is already over.


Doing squats can move baby to the down position and fix his/her head to make him/her ready to come out early

I close with this story of my friend.

His wife was due for delivery n in the hospital.
She had difficulty in labour. Doctor advised her to have a quickie with her husband in an empty room in the hospital as only that could salvage the situation at that moment.

Her husband who is my friend refused to oblige her even in pain. He said she deprived him of sex immediately she took in to the moment of delivery.

Eventually, she put to birth three days after.


Enjoy sex even in pregnancy as it aids easy delivery.

1 comment:

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