Tuesday, May 9, 2017


We have different effective methods health care organisations proffer to us as contraceptives

But they come with different side-effects.
So today we decide to look else where for help.

Mainly on herbs.
These methods are as follows


Learn how to prevent pregnancy using this simple but amazing herb. Neem is more commonly called as ‘Indian lilac’. It is widely used by men and women. It is the commonest natural birth control method. It helps prevent unwanted pregnancy in females by decreasing the motility of sperms and thereby preventing fertilization.

Neem can be used in three different forms for birth control: Neem leaves, neem oil and neem leaf extract. These three forms of neem have proved to be successful.

Neem oil can put a stop to fertility in females for a year, if a small amount is injected at the junction where the uterus and fallopian tubes meet. Neem oil does not alter the menstrual cycle or ovarian cycle.

Neem oil can also kill sperms in the vaginal area within 30 seconds. Neem promotes reversible and temporary sterility in males if neem leaf tablets are ingested daily. It has no effect on sperm production or sex drive.

Neem also has a protective function; it protects the female body from vaginal and sexually transmitted diseases. Neem is great because it has many functions and no side effects; it has anti-viral and anti-biotic properties.

This NEEM is commonly known as DOGOYARO here.


These also serve as an agent to regulate your menstrual flow. People who experience very low or ceased menstruation should take these well. They will be amazed at the miracle.

Well, still on pregnancy preventive measures


Learn how to prevent pregnancy using ginger root. It is hard to believe that ginger, a common household ingredient commonly used in various dishes could help prevent unwanted pregnancies, but it can. Ginger root can help stimulate menstrual bleeding.

Boil a cup of water.Wash your ginger and grate it.Add grated ginger to the water.Boil for a couple of minutes.Let the tea steep for 5 minutes and then strain it.Enjoy your hot ginger tea.

Drink at least 2 cups of ginger tea everyday to stimulate menstrual bleeding. This tea is also useful if your period is late.


Vitamin C is used to prevent conception. It is a component of many herbs. It is taken as an emergency contraceptive; the ascorbic acid interferes with the hormone progesterone. Progesterone is very important as it functions to prepare the uterus for pregnancy and helps to vitamin C inside the vagina, as that promotes an acidic environment. Sperms cannot survive in an acidic environment, they need alkalinity. However, this method is not practiced as widely anymore.

Vitamin C should not be taken in excess, as overdose of this particular vitamin can have short term and long term side effects. Consult your doctor as to what herbs contain high quantities of vitamin C.

People who take anti-coagulants or who have sickle cell anemia should  natural birth control method.


Cinnamon is not as effective as other methods of natural birth control. It takes a long time before cinnamon starts functioning as a contraceptive. Regular intake of cinnamon is advised.

Cinnamon functions to stimulate the uterus. It is included in those herbs that induce miscarriage and abortion. It is better if a doctor or herbalist is consulted before the intake of cinnamon  for induced abortion or miscarriage.

* note our BABALAWO O!
Those specialized in herbs.


Papaya is the fruit of choice for natural birth control. It is used extensively by women in South Asia and Southeast Asia. It has contraceptive and abortifacient properties.

Unripe papaya is used to prevent or terminate pregnancy. A ripe papaya is not suited for this job as it loses the phytochemicals that interfere with hormones. The seeds of a papaya can kill sperms. A daily intake of papaya seeds can decrease the sperm count in a healthy male. The best part is that this is reversible, the sperm count will return to normal once the intake of papaya seeds is stopped.

Do you remember or PAPAYA class? We spoke extensively on how the UNRIPE papaya prevents n even Aborts pregnancy.


This is an old Malaysian recipe.
Good for pregnancy prevention.

Two or three times a day drink a glass of unripe pineapple juice.


It is an old Japanese remedy, which consists in the fact that the man at least one hour before sex takes a hot sitting bath (water temperature is about 40 degrees). Sperm can not withstand the temperature rise and die or lose activity.


They do act in same capacity as ginger does.


Take care of your diet.
Consult an herbalist or a doctor.
Stop usage immediately if you start developing problems.
Use herbs that contain high quantities of vitamin C.
Use lemon juice for unwanted pregnancy.
Use unripe papaya.
Use apricot kernels, pomegranate seeds and cinnamon.
Do a lot of research before choosing an herb.
Talk to your partner or husband about your choice of contraceptives.
Drink 2 cups of ginger root tea daily.


Do not use a ripe papaya, as it does not contain the required photochemical.
Do not drink hot boiling tea; let it cool down to a bearable temperature.
Do not continue using an herb if you start developing problems.
Do not increase the dosage of herbs more than the required amount.
Some herbs function to stimulate menstruation and prevent implantation. A few even prevent fertilization and others act as abortifacients. Herbs and natural methods for contraception have been in use since ancient times because of their effectiveness. Other methods of contraception such as pills, patches and vaginal rings have been associated with health risks. Therefore, the safer and risk-free option is to use natural family planning methods of birth control.

Herbs such as Blue Cohosh, Neem, Queen Anne’s Lace and Ginger root are known to act as natural birth control.


To be double sure,  you can combine a couple of methods that go down well with your body system.

This is the GIN type that contains UDA n other herbs.

Get local gin then add the following inside it: spring onion or garlic, lemon, Uziza seed, uda, uhia-uhia (it is long wood like spice ,brown in colour,some people use it for pepper soup. when lighted the smell drives 🐍 away.) I don't know the English or Yoruba. Allow it to stay for 24hrs, take one shot immediately after the action.It is trusted & tested. No side effect so far you don't exceed the dosage.

Better when herbs are crushed to infuse fast n well.

Do these and let's get your feedbacks.


  1. God bless Dr Ebacol for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES since 2018 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system, I searched out some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about Dr Ebacol, how he cured HERPES,DIABETES,HIV,and CANCER with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 14 days later i was cured from HERPES, Dr Ebacol truly you are great, do you need his help also? Why don’t you contact him through his EMAIL:    drebacolherbalhome1@gmail.com  call or whatsApp him on +2348159042641    

  2. I had HIV I was told there was no cure except medication that can control it, I totally lost hope, all I could think was losing my life because I was so depressed and confused about the whole situation , few weeks ago I read about Dr Ojie natural herbal medicine which was guaranteed, I ordered the medicine after using it for 2 weeks I went for test and I tested negative I am so excited to share my testimony thank you so much dr Ojie you can also contact dr Ojie via WhatsApp or call +2349015357322 Email doctorojie1@yahoo.com OR doctorojie@gmail.com, Dr ojie also have medications for, Kidney failure ,Herpes 1/2, CANCER, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Hepatitis A/B, chronic pancreatitis, Emphysema, COPD (Chronic , Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), asthma, Acute angle-closure Glaucoma, Diabetes, CHRONIC PANCREATITIS thanks everyone God bless.

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