Thursday, May 18, 2017


People diagnosed with cancer keep increasing by the day. People call me for advice on new diagnosis on a daily basis now.  If you are reading this please do me a favour....SHARE IT. Yes, that much you can do. Save a life.
Repeated post

First of all, the cancer patient should eliminate the following acidic foods:
1. Bread and anything made from wheat and flour.
2. Meat, I mean all kinds of meat and fish. 3. Anything fried,
4. Any food containing sugar including all carbonated drinks like coke and processed drinks including the so called packaged fruit juices like 5Alive etc.
5. Eggs.
6. Milk. etc

His meals must contain a lot of the following on a daily basis:
1.He must begin to eat a lot of green vegetables. It can be prepared like smoothies. The veggies should just be steamed before he eats them to avoid over cooking them. There's an Edmark product called Splina. It's concentrated chlorophyll. Just a spoon in a glass of water.  It's good for cancer patients. You can find it in NAO Supermarket.

2. He must begin to eat a lot of different types of fruits like carrots, cabbage, carrots,  watermelon, oranges, grape fruits, almond seeds (if you can find them) pineapples, avocados, etc. You should eat more of these fruits as meals. This is very important.

Carrots, beetroots are particularly great for cancer patients.

3.Cooked tomato juice with cayenne pepper should be included in your stew.

4. If you can have an experienced nurse to give him or her Artesunate (yes the common malaria drug) intravenously and followed immidiately by a high dose of Vitamin C also giving intravenously. Artesunate is a common malaria drug but it fights cancer too.

5. Vitamin D. It is sold in supplement forms. You can get it directly by sitting in the early morning sun (9 - 11am) with your cloths off and just in underwear for at least 20 minutes daily.

6. Soursop leaves cures cancer. Boil a few leaves and drink.

7. Turmeric cures cancer. Get it in powder form and drink as tea twice daily.  Add a little black pepper. (It's available in big supermarkets like Shoprite). It helps in absorbing the curcumin the active compound in turmeric.

8. Lemon juice with Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda, not Baking get powder) This mixture also cures cancer. It is high alkaline. Drink twice a day. 2 tablespoons of u diluted lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of Baking Soda mixed in a glass of water. Don't confuse baking soda with baking powder. They are different. Baking soda is what is needed. It's also called Sodium Bicarbonate.

9. Apple cider vinegar is cancer destroyer. 2 spoons in a glass of water taken twice daily. ACV must never be taken raw.

10. Ginger. Drink like Turmeric.

11. Virgin cold pressed Coconut oil.  Take 2 tablespoons after meals.

12. Water. Should increase water intake in the morning.

13. Exercise. 30 minutes brisk walk daily will do.

14. The patient should stay off drugs, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery would worsen the problem. Chemo drugs themselves carcinogenic. Studies around the world has shown that if cancer patients do nothing, they would still live longer that those who went through chemo.

He could take supplements. Alliance in Motion sells one the best food supplements I know. Restorlyf, and C24/7 which contains 22,000 phytonutrients and Choleduz are all very good. I know others like Cellgevity too that works at cellular levels to cure all kinds of diseases. These supplements are good but expensive.

High dose of vitamin C is also helpful. Some come in 1000mg.

15. The patient should also take omega 3 fish oil daily. I've  mention Choleduz which an Omega 3 fish oil formulation.

The whole idea is to put more alkaline foods in the body, remove toxins from the body and reducing acid in the body. Cancer cells cannot survive in alkaline environment. They can only live and spread in acidic environment.

The patient should eat very little carbohydrates but with a lot of green vegetables. He should endeavour to eat more uncooked and natural foods.

Finally, it's important that the patient have a positive mind towards healing. There's a strong connection between our minds and our bodies. He should pray more and believe God to get him completely healed. Intermittent fasting will strengthen the immune system too.

The list above is not exhaustive by any means.

Cancer is no longer a death sentence but knowledge of what to do is crucial.

Please share and let's safe lives

Credits - Jenifer Aganoke

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