Wednesday, May 31, 2017




Cinnamon stick tea is given to a pregnant woman close to her due date. Cinnamon stick tea can ripen the cervix faster that causes early water breakage.


Though these home remedies have been written carefully, we still highly recommend you to take advice from your doctor before consuming/applying these home remedies


Ginger is a traditionally used herbal medicine. Drink ginger tea to encourage labor. You can also consume spicy ginger cookies.


Thyme is a popularly used herbal medicine among pregnant women

Steep fresh thyme leaves in boiling water to prepare tea. Drink it to induce labor pain.


Fenugreek encourages uterine contractions and proves beneficial to induce childbirth


Add more basil in your food, and also drink basil tea twice a day to induce labor. Basil also increases blood circulation which is very important for healthy pregnancy


Licorice contains prostaglandin which plays a vital role in inducing labor. Being slightly laxative in nature licorice helps stimulate contractions. Try to get the natural one that has less sugar and more licorice.


Drink castor oil to induce labor pain. Castor oil stimulates your gut and uterus to cause the first contraction at the earliest. Castor oil has been traditionally used as a remedy to induce labor. It is available in the form of capsules, juice, a solution used in colonic irrigation.


Do not drink more than 60 ml of castor oil as it may cause severe diarrhea in a pregnant woman, pushing her to extreme dehydration and loss of energy. Using castor oil can also lead to fetal bowel movements. There are no enough evidences on the effectiveness and safety of castor oil.

In many cases it has been found that this oil only causes nausea and diarrhoea, not labor


Recent researches have revealed that eating date fruit at the later stages of pregnancy can be considered as one among the functional natural ways to induce labor. Women who consumed 6 date fruits in a day for four weeks got their labor early compared to women, who did not eat them. Date fruit also makes your contractions longer, thus, higher cervical dilatation happens. In this way, the first phase of labor gets shortened. When women eat date fruits at their third trimester, the chances of getting spontaneous labor are also very high.


Do not over eat dates as it may upset your stomach. In addition, eating date fruits may produce a higher amount of heat in your body, so drink a glass of boiled milk after having dates. It is not recommended that you eat dates in the first or second trimester without consulting your doctor.


Pineapple contains bromelain- an enzyme that softens the cervix and the neck of your womb to speed up labor. So, eat pineapples (at least seven) to get labor fast

  • Eating more pineapple may also cause diarrhea in a pregnant woman. Do not drink pineapple juice.
  • Avoid canning as it may destroy the bromelain content in the pineapples.


Both ripe n unripe but
Especially the unripe ones.

Late pregnancy cases utilize peppermint as an additional supplement to induce labor in womenIt should definitely be avoided during the early stages of pregnancy especially since it proves to be toxic to the liver and kidneys.
Consume Aloe Vera juice to induce labor that is a commonly used source by midwives for assisting contractions. Aloe Vera is rich in vitamins and minerals and promotes lactation and strengthens uterine walls during labor. Like castor oil, it works as a laxative that induces child birth at home.
Consuming fruits like bananas rich in potassium helps with muscle contractions therefore is an easily available source for inducing labor. Leave aside potassium supplements and instead have a banana which is a safer remedy to use if you’re trying to induce labor at home.
This vegetable is rich in iron and possibly one of the best stimulants for inducing labor at home. Most women don’t even notice what they’re eating, unknowingly pushing their pregnant bodies to undergo uterine contractions at an unexpected stage.
Great chances of going into labor is by consuming a glass of orange juice and of milk that work as perfect combinations for enhancing uterine contractions. Half a cup of orange juice and milk produce a reaction of high and low ph that stimulates labor.


1. SEX

Basically, labor induction involves ripening of the cervix through which the water releases or dilation happens faster and labor starts. The chances of cervical ripening increases, as a full-term pregnant woman continue to have sex with her partner. Besides, sex triggers the release of oxytocin which is a key hormone that induces labor. The semen also contains prostaglandins that ripens cervix and causes it to dilate.


If a woman is having placenta previa or any other complications with her pregnancy, then it is good to avoid this method.The chances of dilation are high when a pregnant woman indulges in an intercourse. If the water breaks, hospitalize the woman immediately.In case of vaginal bleeding, sex is not a recommended natural labor induction option.This method do not have any certain results in inducing labor.


This is the second most recommended way to induce labor. Similar to having sex, nipple stimulation also increases the release of oxytocin to cause labor contraction. This is a simple yet very effective method which involves stimulating the nipples (areolas) like how a baby sucks while nursing. Massage around your nipples for at least 15 minutes and stimulate one nipple at a time. Repeat this process for about three times a day to increase oxytocin release in your body


Stimulate nipples after intervals. Do not repeat this process for more than three times a day. Use any fragrances free moisturizer to massage around the area since rubbing with bare fingers may make it sore and painful.


Walking is also one among the natural ways to induce labor. If you have got your first contraction, start walking immediately as it may shorten the time interval between your contractions. When a full-term pregnant woman walks, her baby’s head is pressed hard towards her cervix to ripen it. Walking also encourages the baby to get through the cervix on time. Try not to exhaust yourself by walking fast as it causes energy loss. You need to save your energy for the other stages of labor, so stay energetic and hydrated


This may not be recommended for many women with high risk pregnancy, but it is an effective way during normal pregnancy. Climbing stairs may help position the baby right and also gives more pressure to your cervix to cause water breakage. Try to climb stairs often when you are overdue, but ask your doctor before doing it. As said earlier, it is good if you don’t exhaust yourself by climbing stairs often, since you may get tired easily


Massage not only induces labor but also keeps nausea and vomiting at bay when contraction happens. Massage can relieve an expecting woman from stress and energy loss during labor. Take a massage from expert masseuse, in order to induce labor.


Warm water bath can also induce labor. But the temperature of the water should not be very high; otherwise, it will cause the baby stress. You can also add 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil to the bath water.


Dancing is also a great way to induce labor but be very careful when you dance. Ensure that you just move your body and not strain yourself in inducing labor.


Swimming increases your possibilities of getting muscle contraction early. Do swimming to naturally induce labor once your due date is already over.


Doing squats can move baby to the down position and fix his/her head to make him/her ready to come out early

I close with this story of my friend.

His wife was due for delivery n in the hospital.
She had difficulty in labour. Doctor advised her to have a quickie with her husband in an empty room in the hospital as only that could salvage the situation at that moment.

Her husband who is my friend refused to oblige her even in pain. He said she deprived him of sex immediately she took in to the moment of delivery.

Eventually, she put to birth three days after.


Enjoy sex even in pregnancy as it aids easy delivery.

Saturday, May 27, 2017





Let’s face it: Most of us don't give much thought to our pee before we flush it out of sight. But the basic details of your urine -- color, smell, and how often you go -- can give you a hint about what’s going on inside your body.

Pee is your body’s liquid waste, mainly made of water, salt, and chemicals called urea and uric acid. Your kidneys make it when they filter toxins and other bad stuff from your blood. A bunch of things in your body, like medications, foods, and illnesses, can affect how yours turns out.

What Color Is Your Pee?

If everything is normal and healthy, the color should be a pale yellow to gold. That hue comes from a pigment your body makes called urochrome.

The shade, light or dark, also changes. If it has no color at all, that may be because you’ve been drinking a lot of water or taking a drug called a diuretic, which helps your body get rid of fluid. Very dark honey- or brown-colored urine could be a sign that you’re dehydrated and need to get more fluids right away. It may also be a warning sign of liver problems, so see your doctor if it doesn’t get better after a day or so.

Other unusual colors that may show up:

Pink or red: Some foods like carrots, blackberries, beets, and rhubarb can turn your pee a pinkish-red color. This can also be a side effect of medications like the antibiotic rifampin or a drug for urinary tract infections (UTIs) called phenazopyridine.

Always check with your doctor if your pee is pink or red. You might have blood in your urine. It doesn’t always mean there’s a problem, but it can be a sign of kidney disease, a UTI, prostate problems, or a tumor.

Orange: When your pee is the color of a citrus-flavored soft drink, it’s probably because of meds like high-dose vitamin B2, the UTI drug phenazopyridine, or the antibiotic isoniazid. Depending on the color, it could also be a sign that you’re dehydrated or that there’s a problem with your liver or bile duct. You should ask your doctor about it.

Blue or green: These hues are probably due to dyes in your food or meds you’ve taken, like the anesthetic propofol or the allergy/asthma medicine promethazine. A few rare medical conditions can also turn pee green or blue, so let your doctor know if the color doesn’t go away after a short time.

Foamy: No matter what color it is, you should check in with your doctor if it consistently looks foamy and frothy. It may be a sign you have protein in your urine, which may mean you have issues with your kidneys.

How Does It Smell?

Pee doesn’t usually have a strong smell. But some foods -- especially asparagus, which has a smelly sulfur compound -- can change the odor. So can vitamin B-6 supplements. When you’re dehydrated and your pee gets very concentrated, it can smell strongly of ammonia.

If you catch a whiff of something really strong before you flush, it might also be a sign of a UTI, diabetes, a bladder infection, or metabolic diseases.

Credit - Hybee Lola Babs


HOW TO MAKE RICE FLOUR AT HOME – benefits and uses of rice powder.......

Start off by soaking rice in water for 30-60 minutes. Then drain the water and spread out the rice on a clean kitchen cloth.  (for about 10 minutes).

While still mildly wet, add to a food processor / dry blender / grinder in batches.

 Grind for 4-6 minutes or until you have a super fine rice powder. (depends on your grinder)

Add the rice powder to a fine sieve.

Sift it to get super fine rice flour.

Store in air tight container until use.

Benefits And Uses of Rice powder----

Rice powder has been used for centuries as a natural beauty aid by Asian wometn.It’s natural anti ageing and oil-absorbing properties, makes them good for oily or acne-prone and dull mature skin.It’s also a good anti-inflammatory and skin whitening agent that soothes sunburned skin and makes skin smooth and fairer naturally.Let us find out some of the miraculous beauty uses of rice powder and it’s skin benefits.

1.Rice Powder as Translucent Face Powder

Ingredients – Fine rice powder and corn starch powder

rice powder translucent

One of the best beauty uses of rice powder that it can be used as oil absorbing natural face powder.It blends easily with the skin and cover pores.Mix 2 tbsp of rice powder with 1 tbsp of corn starch powder and using a makeup brush dust on your face.Do this after applying the foundation for a silky, satin smooth finish and also to help makeup stay longer.

2.Exfoliating Rice Powder Body Scrub for Silky Smooth Skin

Ingredients – Gram flour, Rice powder, Sugar, Honey and Coconut oil


– Prepare an exfoliating body scrub by mixing 2 tbsp of gram flour, 1/2 cup of semi-fine rice powder, 1/4th cup of sugar, 4 tbsp of honey and few drops of coconut oil.
– Gently combine all the ingredients well to get consistency like body scrub.
– Before taking bath, gently scrub this mixture all over your body for 3 minutes and then rinse with cool water.


This body scrub works wonderfully on your skin. It exfoliates, purifies and re-mineralize your skin. Infused with natural beauty ingredients this body scrub leaves your skin satin-smooth and soft. It deeply polish away flaky and dead skin cells leaving your skin clean and refreshed. The nourishing ingredients honey and coconut oil
hydrates, replenish skin moisture and retains natural sheen

3.Rice Powder for Fairer and Odour-Free Underarms

Dusting talcum powder under your arms can cause gradual darkening of your skin. So here is a natural remedy for odour-free and fairer under arms. After taking bath dust some rice powder under your arms. This prevents underarm sweating, controls smelly underarms and reveals smooth and fairer underarm skin.

4.Rice Powder Face Pack for Glowing Skin

Ingredients – Orange, Cherry, Apple and Yogurt.

rice powder pack

-Blend 2 tbsp of rice powder, slices of orange, apple pieces and 3 cherries to a smooth paste.
-Add 2 tbsp of cold yogurt and mix it well.
-Apply the pack and allow it to stay for 30 minutes.
-Rinse with cold water and then rub an ice cube.


This is a skin glowing and rejuvenating face pack for oily, dull and tired skin.These face pack contains ingredients that are rich in powerful vitamins and antioxidants that boost facial glow and radiance, guard against environmental stress, gives strength and lustre to damaged skin and makes skin gorgeously bright and resilient.

5.Rice Powder as Fairness Skin Toner

Ingredients – Rice powder and Lemon Juice

rice cold water pack

– Soak handful of rice in 1 cup of warm water overnight.
– In the morning, strain the rice water into a separate bowl and add 3 tbsp of lemon juice.
– Place the mixture into the refrigerator for 1 hour.
– Dip a cotton ball into this rice water solution and gently wipe your face.

A soothing facial toner for oily or acne prone skin. It controls secretion of excess oil from skin surface, tightens pores, improves skin tone and fades away dark spots and other skin blemishes. The natural goodness of rice powder and lemon juice keeps your skin fair and refreshed.

6.Rice Powder for Clear and Fair Skin Tone

Ingredients – Rice powder, Turmeric and Lemon juice

-In a bowl, add 2 tbsp of rice powder, 1 tsp of turmeric and 4 tbsp of freshly squeezed lime juice.
-Mix all the ingredients to form a smooth paste.
-Clean and steam your face to open the pores.
-Apply the pack and leave for about 15 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.


Rice powder when combined with turmeric and lemon juice makes an excellent fairness face pack.It’s anti aging and cleansing properties refine skin texture, remove impurities and excess oil giving you a healthy, clearer complexion. Turmeric and lemon juice are natural skin whiteners that dramatically improves the look and color of your skin.

7.Rice Powder for Removing Suntan

Ingredients – Rice Powder, Cold Milk and Chocolate Powder

rice powder chocolate pack

– Take 2 tbsp of fine rice powder, add fresh cold milk and 1 tbsp of chocolate powder.
– Properly mix to form a smooth paste.
– Apply the pack to clean face and leave for about 20 minutes.
– Rinse with cold water.


Tanned skin looks dull, tired and old.This suntan removal pack help retains back your original color and glow.It diminishes dark spots caused due to sun exposure, repair damaged skin cells and makes skin healthy, young and flawless.

8.Rice Powder Facial Massage to Remove Pimples, Acne and Dark Spots

Ingredients – Rice powder, Honey and Aloe Vera gel

-Take 2 tbsp of very fine rice powder, add 1 tbsp of honey and 2 tbsp of aloe vera gel.
-Combine the mixture well to a smooth paste.
-Now wet your hands with rose water and gently massage the paste on your skin for 5 minutes.
-Rinse with cold water.

This face massage is very effective in lightening dark spots and removing acne scars.Rice powder natural germicidal and antiseptic properties fights germs and bacteria that causes acne and pimples.Honey and aloe vera gel contains soothing properties that reduces skin inflammation, reduces dark spots and makes skin spotless.

9.Rice Powder as Anti Ageing Face Mask

Ingredients – Rice powder, Egg white and Glycerin

– Prepare a skin tightening face mask by mixing 2 tbsp of rice flour with 1 egg white and 4 to 5 drops of glycerin.
– Apply the mask to your clean face and let it stay until it dries completely.
– Remove the mask slowly in upward direction using your fingertips and then rinse with cold water.


This anti ageing face mask instantly firm up sagging skin, smooths wrinkles and fines lines, increases skin elasticity and leaves skin feel moisturized, re-energized and youthful.

Credit - Hybee Lola babs


Hospital too far. My mom has it planted at the back of our house according to her the plant is from Jerusalem. We use it cook egusi soup, she drinks it with malt and milk and also add it to our  yam porridge, is also richer than  uwgu leave in nutrients and boost your immune system.

It boost blood level n richness. Very good for anemic persons.

Friday, May 26, 2017


Atosi (gonorhea) for those that are not yoruba or you dont know about leave and root or anyother part just take your pen and write it down for easy searching from those who know it in your area or market..........
One big bara, cut it into small pieces, baka, epa ikun and kanhun bilala(original potach), put it in the keg and soak it with palm wine for three days and take half teacup 3ce a day.

Credit Afolabi kola



This business can be underestimated if only u know the profit involved. Am not talking about buying already smoked fish to sell o but the one u wld buy and smoke yourself .This way you get 80% of the profit

1. Mini oven: Please note that I am not referring to microwave because there's difference between the two.
Go to a dealer and ask for mini oven or if u have an oven at home,then u are lucky.
2. Salt
3: Little groundnut oil (optional)
4: Fish (any type of fish is OK including catfish)

Wash the fish very well and pls note that it has to be fresh.
For catfish wash with lemon or lime then fold the tail into the mouth of the fish ,put them on a large surface and salt the fish then allow to dry when its dry, warm your oven then use brush to slightly add groundnut oil arrange them (the fishes) in the tray and roast it for an hour and make sure it's properly dried. Note that your finished products should come out sandless cos that will be ur selling point.

Now one kilo of catfish is about 1500naira and the finished products sell for 3000 naira per kilo calculate 1500 profit * say u sell 10 a day which is small that will be 10500naira a day for a start because your costumers keeps increasing.

You can package your pro
ducts with transparent nylon and label. Or just supply to market women selling soup ingredients.
For the packaged ones, u can sell to supermarkets ,friends, neighbors ,churches or mosque members please note that the mini oven is for startup. As soon as you have enough money pls buy a fish smoking machine.

Pls buy your fishes from fish ponds and not the roadside sellers.

Credit - Time Sugarberry


Do you know that leaf Yoruba called ewe ogbo , efinrin, ewe owu , bitter leaf ,7up and milk. All these  cure quick ejaculation in a man , it prepare women's mind to do more and it will relax your body but you be sleeping after sex.

Credit - Olabintan Olakunle



I can't keep this piece to myself alone. It's forever going to be useful, even for our unborn generations. It is for keeps.
I advise that u print and keep a copy in a file, captioned Health Issues, just like am going to do after forwading to u all.



it is disturbing on how we go about
our health problems, spending so much money on issues that we can resolve with little or no money.

Long gone are the days
when drugs💊💉, manufactured in laboratories, were popular, when
expensive chemical or synthetic drugs were deemed to be the
best for our bodies . Apart from the high cost of drugs, the side effects
that the body has to deal with (after their use) cannot be ignored. But HOME REMEDIES and NATURE CURES ,which have no side effects, no chemicals, are
inexpensive, plus the pleasure of being able to cure yourself are gradually catching up and being embraced by more enlightened people.

Read on, for how all this is useful and how people are using these home made methods in their day to day lives to KEEP/STAY FIT, HEALTHY AND ALERT.

👉1. TYPHOID FEVER: Get unripe pawpaw, unripe
pineapple,ginger,lime orange and Lipton tea. Cut into pieces,
boil with fermented corn water for one hour. Take one glass cup
3 times daily for one week. The ailment will disappear.

👉2. STOMACH ULCER: Get 7-8 unripe plantain, peel them, cut
them to pieces and pound. Put everything inside a plastic
container, fill it with one gallon of water. Allow it to ferment for
three days. Take one cup 2 times a day for one week. The
ailment will disappear.

👉3. ASTHMA: Get some seeds of mango, cut it into pieces and
keep under the sun to dry. Grind to powder. Put one spoon of
the powder into a glass cup of water, stir it and drink. Once in a
day for 3-4 weeks .

👉4. RHEUMATISM / ARTHRITIS: Get 5 seeds of English pear
(Avocado pear),cut into pieces and dry under the sun, grind to
powder. Mix with a glass of honey to form paste. Take one
spoon,3 times daily until the 6 days.

👉.5 CHOLERA : Take three teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of
sugar, add half spoon of dry gin. Drink all as a single dose. The
cholera will stop immediately.

👉6. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE : Get 4 seeds of English pear
(Avocado pear),cut into pieces, dry under the sun and grind into
powder. Put a teaspoon of this powder into your prepared palp
and drink. Once daily for 2 weeks.

👉7. PNEUMONIA: Get a handful of garlic, grind to extract the
juice. Drink a spoon and use the juice to rub the chest and back.
That will close the chapter.

👉. 8 SEVERE COUGH : Get about 10 pieces of bitter cola, grind to
powder, add half cup of original honey. Take 2 spoons thrice
daily for 4 days.

👉. 9:TUBERCULOSIS : Get 20-23 pieces of bitter cola, ginger of
equal quantity and 3 bulbs of garlic. Grind everything and add a
bottle of original honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one

👉10. DIABETES : Grind 6 bulbs of big onions, add one original
bottle of honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one month.
ALTERNATIVELY; get a handful of bitter leaf and scent leaves,
squeeze out the water in them, add lime(orange)juice, grinded
garlic and small potash. Take half glass of it twice daily for one

👉11. STAPHILOCOCCUS : Get 2 pieces of aloe-vera,cut into
pieces and put it in a container. Add one bottle of original honey
and a glass of water. Take half cup of it,2 times daily for one
👉12. WOMAN UNDER HARD LABOUR : Get some leaves of
Cochorus Olitorus(Vegetable Leaf),squeeze out the water and
give it to the woman under hard labour.She will deliver the
baby instantly.

👉13. INTERNAL PILE: Get the leaves of pawpaw, scent leaves and
bitter leaves, squeeze out the water. Take half cup twice daily
for 4 days.

👉15. MENSTRUATION PROBLEM: Get 4-5 cola, ginger and garlic
,cut them in pieces .Mix it with lime orange juice. Take 2
spoons daily for 3 days.

👉16. WEIGHT LOSS : Get some corn silk, boil with lime orange
juice. Drink half cup of it daily for one week and also embark on
physical exercise.

👉17. FUNGAL INFECTION : Mix a native soap with ground potash,
add lime orange. Apply the mixture after bath.

👉18. GONORRHEA : Get 3-4 pieces of cola, ginger and garlic, cut
into pieces. Mix everything with lime orange juice. Take 2
spoons daily until, it is over.

👉19. INTERNAL HEAT : Get some quantity of dry pawpaw leaves
and cashew leaves, boil with water and drink half cup daily for
one week.

👉20.  INSOMNIA : Add 3 spoons of honey into a glass cup of milk.
Take all at bedtime for one week.

👉21-. HEART FAILURE : Grind 12 bulbs of onions and 12 bulbs of
garlic together. Get 3 bottles of honey, mix together. Take 2
spoons thrice daily for 2 weeks.

👉23. TEETHING PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN : Get a mixture of lime
juice and honey; let it be of equal quantity. The child should
take one teaspoon twice daily until the problem is over.

👉24. LOW SPERM COUNT : Get large quantity of guava
leaves,pound,add water and filter. Drink one glass cup thrice
per day for 1 week. As you are taking that, eat carrot and
cucumber daily for 2 weeks.

👉25. QUICK EJACULATION : Get 3 bulbs of Okro,slice them; get
the dry seed of it, ferment everything with soda water for 2
days. Take half cup daily for one week.

👉26. WEAK ERECTION: Get 6 bulbs of white onions, grind and
extract the juice. Mix the juice with honey. Take 2 spoons thrice
daily for one week.

👉27. VIRGINAL DISCHARGE: Get 3 pieces of bitter cola, some
ginger and garlic, grind and add lime juice .Take 2 spoons twice
daily for one week.

👉28. CHILDREN CONVULSION : Get one onion, small garlic and
ginger, grind all. Mix with palm kernel oil. Give the child to drink
and use the mixture as cream for the child.

👉29. FIRE BURNS : Rub the affected the area with pure honey

👉30. HAIR BREAKAGE : Get one bottle of olive oil and one bottle of
honey. Mix together and warm it for few minutes. Use the
mixture to wash your hair.

👉31. BALD HEAD: Grind bird pepper, unripe pawpaw seed and
mix with lime orange juice. Use the mixture to rub the head, hair
will start growing in the affected area.

👉32. FIBROID : Eat about 20 pieces of unripe palm kernel seeds
everyday for about two months.

👉33. BLOOD BUILDING : Get some quantity of pumpkin leaves and
garden egg leaves, squeeze out the liquid, add milk. Drink it for
three days; your blood will be boosted.

👉34. CATARACTS : Apply the aloe-vera gel to the affected eyes
every night until the problem is over.

👉35. THROAT PROBLEM : Eat small quantity of ginger
continuously for one week.

👉36. LOSS OF VOICE : Get some okro bulbs, cut it into pieces and
pound. Add small water and honey and drink thrice in a day.



HOW TO MAKE HAIR CREAM FOS SALE {materials}*petroleum jelly-1nd half cooking spoon *lanolin-1tbs *paraffin wax-little *paraffin oil-2&half cuking spoon *mentol/perppermint-2tbs *industrial camphor-3tbs *vit E-3tbs *glycerin-2tbs *perf. as desire * colourant 1/2tbs(optional)   PROCESS....1 put a dry clean pot on heat 2, add paraffin oil&petroleum jelly, allow them to dissolve & blend properly 3, add lanolin&paraffin wax 4,add glycerin&vit E 5, put off the heat nd bring dow d pot, allow to cool for about 5minutes 6,add mentol/peppermint, champor,perf &colour.Leave to cul a bit 7.scoop into sterilized container,capping it wit tight fitting lid and allow to sit overnight till the content settles down. YOUR DAMATTOL CREAM IS READY FOR SALE. but if u r doing soulmate cream, do not add peppemint or mentol i make a lot of money in this. which u good luck...BE CREATIVE..... BE EMPOWERED.......

Credit - Adekoya lizzy


For those who want to know how to make vaseline there you go.........INGREDIENT *paraffin wax(1/8 slab)*petroleum jelly(3kg)*micro wax(1/16 slab)*paraffin oil(5litrs)*perfume(any how)*colour(if u want) but not neccessary..... PROCEDURE.........1, set ur pot on fire, put the paraffin wax,micro wax&petroleum jelly stir until its well blended.2, get a bowl nd pour 4ltrs of paraffin oil nd keep d remaning 1ltr 5, pour ur contents mixture to d paraffin oil in d bowl 6, add perf, stir properly 7,check if its too tick/hard by putting small in a cup nd pour water, if ur mixture float very well that means its ok. but if not, add the remaning paraffing oil nd stair together. then its ready for sales just package ur product.NB. vaseline need more heat than hair cream so that all the wax can dissolve quickly.  BE CREATIVE......BE EMPOWERED.....

Credit  - Adekoya lizzy



50ml of fennel oil
3tbsp of Cocoa butter
20 ml of wheat germ oil
50ml of fenugreek oil
1/4 tbsp of E-wax

The process:
Add the wheat germ oil, Cocoa butter and ewax. Let it melt, bring it down and allow to cool for sometime.
Then add the oils and stir till it is fully mixed with the Cocoa butter.
Store in a container and it's ready to use.


10ml of grape seed oil
2ml of lemon grass oil
10ml of virgin olive oil
10ml of Argan oil
10ml of fenugreek seed oil
10ml of Almond oil
20 drops of carrot oil
10 drops of geranium oil

The process:
Mix them all together accordingly.
Use after one day.
Use it to massage your breast avoiding your nipples.


Soak a handful of fenugreek seeds in water for an hour then grind and turn it into a thick paste, keep it aside.
Take a cup of youghurt and whisk it properly then add the fenugreek paste and mix well.
Apply on the breast in a circular motion, let it stay for an hour, then wash off with water.
Repeat it 3-4 times per week for effective results.

The most effective way of deriving the benefits of fenugreek is to consume it in the form of fenugreek oil as a capsule or supplements.

Use twice daily.

The process: Add 1tbsp of fenugreek powder to 1 cup of soya milk.
Drink 2 times daily.

Drink a cup of soya milk twice a day. It contains a lot of protein and produces estrogen needed for breast enlargement.

Take 1 cup of cow milk everyday twice daily

Take Soya beans either the powder or the milk. Soya milk can also be taken with cereals.

Fennel seeds are rich in flavonoids, that allows your body produce estrogen.

There are different methods to use this seeds to enlarge your breasts.

Take 1tbsp of fennel seed in a cup of hot water, leave it for 15 minutes, drain and drink it twice a day.

Take 1tbsp of fennel powder and 1/2tbsp of wheat germ oil or fenugreek oil or coconut oil massage onto your breasts.
Repeat daily.

Sprinkle Fennel seed powder on your food, smoothie or tea.


Saw palmetto (works for both boobs and butt)

Grandex breast solution. (I am presently using this) works for boobs and butt.

Note: Do not take all of them at once. Choose any of them.

Fenugreek (in a capsule form)


The process:
Cut a leaf of Aloe Vera and scrap out the gel.
Store in a bowl and whisk it well.
Apply the gel on the breasts and massage in gentle circular motion for 10-15 minutes, so that the gel gets absorbed into the skin, then wash off with water.
Repeat it 4-5 times per week to get effective results.


The process:
Grate half cucumber and add 2 egg yolks to it. Mix well and apply on the breasts evenly.
Let it stay for 30 minutes and wash off with water.
Repeat this 2-3 times per week to see noticeable improvements.

Credit - Hybee Lola babs


Usefulness of lemongrass.

  Lemongrass has been treasured as a skin tonic and make an effective cleanser for oily or acne - prone skin,due to it's astringent &antiseptic qualities.

  It helps in strengthening the skin tissues and toning up the pores while also sterilizing them.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Share if u find it worth it

WOW I just learned something New!


Avocado is one of the most complete and beneficial fruit for our health, plus the avocado seed is very powerful and useful. Today, we’ll show you why.
Over 65% of the amino acids can be found in the avocado seed. It also contains more fiber than many other foods.


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1- It is very effective in combating arthritis, as it’s an anti-inflammatory.
2- The avocado seed helps reduce inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Also useful for diarrhea, it can be used to make medicines for infections and stomach problems.
3- It is a good source of rejuvenation, according to recent studies, it was found that this increases the level of collagen, helping to make your skin firm and reduce wrinkles.
4- Strengthen your immune system and helping to prevent disease.
5- Very effective when it comes to burning fat, it also gives us is feeling full we need to lose weight.
6- Contains high levels of energy to help you keep energized all day.
7- The consumption of this seed can be eaten in salads, make tea, smoothies or shakes.
8- Avocado seed prevents the growth of tumors thanks to it having a flayonol content.

To consume, just grate mix with hot water, sieve and drink the plain water as tea. You can also choose to grate it and dry. Then anytime you want to take it, collect one spoonful and mix with hot water, sieve and then drink plain

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1. It's sodom apple leaf,it serves as a coagulant.It is use to make cheese ,it coagulates  the milk making it to come together instead of alum

2. Soak it inside water, then grind the leaf to extract the milk and use it to wash the 2 breasts. Be prepared for free flow of milk.

3. Yes is good to treat chicken pox or measles
Just grand the leaf add it to original black soap
Mix it very well
And use it to bath
It will dry off the chicken box.

4. It is not poionous, in Yoruba it is called  ewe bombom. It is used for stomarch aches. Soak it in dry gin. It has worked for me.

5. It is being soaked with either schnapp or palm-wine with milk for typhoid.

6. yes o we can also cook it with lemon grass and lime to treat malaria.

7. Bom bom in Yoruba ,timpapiya in Hausa ......its good for pile and also for tooth ache.
For the pile dt is already out in it comes out wenever u poo , u get manshanu (in Hausa) I don't know d Yoruba name ......rub d manshanu on d leaf , place over ur coal .....wen d leaf becums warm and d oil starts dripping place on d anus .....its painful buh effective.

8. Cut and drop d whitish get dt comes out of it on d tooth with hole and chew on d root wit d affected tooth.

9. It drives away snakes.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Olu iju
Odindin atare kan
Burn it togeda, grand small potash (ako kaun) with it, use shinapp or undilluted lime juice to use d powder twice a day. Bfr starting using it pls go for scan to knw d size of d fibroid & after one month of taking dis herb go for anoda scan to knw d size again. I wil post d next remedy vry soon.


I have fibroids too but I have four kids well spaced too,when the fibroid is big talking from experience please you first visit your doctor,as in your gynaecologist who will tell you the type of fibroid you have which I know that there is two types of fibroid the one outside the womb and the one inside the womb which is more stubborn and it is advisable to remove surgically cause it could be referred to be a tumor which will not allow a foetus to grow to term when one conceive, I had the one outside the womb and I was opportuned to use a medication called female corrective formular and living bitters which was made in Ghana and bought from a herbal shop,I used it for two months after waiting for four years and conceived, I use it any time am ready for another baby and the fibroid gives way for conception,so my advice is see your doctor first before you start taking any local or othordox medication,wish you good luck



Stretch mark occur as a result of middle layer skin tore. It can be caused by child birth, creams that are sensitive to your skin or it can be idiopathic.
Treatment include, 200mls of coconut oil, 2 capsule of vitamin E, 2 capsule of vitamin A, 2 table spoon of alovera juice, and 4 table of aspirin, Open the capsules, crushed the tablets and mix everything together apply on the affected area morning and night you will see a great result within 2wks

People are calling me every minute everyday for how to get rid of stretch marks within 7days,  I will explain again for the sake of people who really need it, green soap 9pieces, 1 red soap, pink soap 1, mix it inside 2 litres of water,  rub it on affected area, for 20 to 30mins,  rinse and now apply the powder one, they call it stretch marks powder, it's white in colour it's they are selling it 4k, take small quantity and add very small water to form a paste then rub, the two of them work together, u will surprise your stretch marks will disappear.


simply mix 1 BRAViA BABA DE CAROCOL cream with
2 miracle powders together. It works like magic.

This amazing mixture is perfect for removing stretch marks very quickly.

This mixture preparation is very easy! You can save a lot of money because you can make it at your home!

It is 100% natural  your blemishes, stretch marks, wrinkles, and burns will disappear with no side effects at all!

The amazing benefits of Aloe Vera:

Treating sunburn or burns that are caused from fire, boiling water, etc.
Skin rejuvenation and natural skin hydration.
Preventing or hiding wrinkles, blemishes and stretch marks
Calming irritated skin and allergic skin reactions

The benefits of Coconut:

Natural skin hydration
Providing a natural shine of the skin
Recommended especially for people with dry skin

Amazing RECIPE for all skin problems:


113 grams of Aloe Vera gel (gel, not juice)
113 grams of organic coconut (solid form)
3-4 drops of any essential oil (lavender or vanilla oils )


In a small bowl put the coconut oil and aloe vera gel and mix them well. For about 5 minutes stir the mixture until you get a bright and homogenous mass.  Add 3-4 drops of any essential oil and store the mixture in a clean glass jar with a good lid. You should keep the mixture at room temperature.


Normally right after showering when the pores of the skin are open apply this mixture on your skin. All the useful ingredients the skin will then absorb and in no time you’ll notice positive results!

Credits - Ucee I k,  Atinuke Ige & Bouqui Yayi 


Hello house. I will like to share some knowledge on natural and risk free treatment of malaria,fever, fungi and bacteria infections. Meet a common plant called Acalypha Wilkesiana. It's a flower plant, many folks knows but never imagine how useful or powerful it is. I have been using this plant for over 6years to treat malaria. It comes in green and red colour. The green one can be added to porridge as spice or squizze the leaf and drink the juice. Its not bitter. Its like drinking tea. When u boild the leaves in kettle and drink. Procedures: wash the leaves, put in kettle and boil for 10 - 20 min. Dosage: drink 3 cups in empty belly and wait till u go to defecate mostly twice. And u get your healing. Try it and thank me later.

Credit - Adeniyi Mathews

Sunday, May 21, 2017


If you are on God's waiting list trying to conceive, God has opened your chapter, a Chinese friend sent it to me, he said it works like magic and with God ,all things are possible.

what we are preparing is


1.  .250g brown sugar
2.   .150g ginger (peeled and bruised)
3.     .12 – 15 red dates
4.       .750ml water


1. Slice the ginger thinly.
2. In a deep saucepan or a pot, add
in water, sliced ginger, brown
sugar and red dates.
3. Keep the fire medium to low, keep
on boiling for around 30-40

The tea is better consumed on the
second day after the menses stop;
continue taking for seven consecutive
days. You should take this on an empty

It helps to
regulate the menstrual cycle
and ovulation, thicken the uterine
lining, regulate hormones, prevent
certain types of miscarriage, and
improve overall health.
Good luck

Credit - Aroeze Oluchi

Saturday, May 20, 2017


Classic white cake
Banana cake
Chocolate cake
Dry fruits cake
Vanilla cake
Strawberry cake  etc.

Flour -3cups
Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
Butter or margarine -250gm
Vanilla - 4caps
Milk – 1 tin milk
Egg white - 5
Sugar - 1cup

Spray pans with butter and dust with flour before baking begins.
In a medium bowl, sift together flour and baking powder, set aside.
In a large cream butter and sugar with electric mixer until light and fluffy, add vanilla and beat well.
Add flour to butter mixture alternatively with milk. Beat well after each addition.
In separate bowls beat egg whites within stiff but not dry, gently fold into the batter. If batter will be tinted divide batter until desired color is reached, pour batter into prepared pans, bake for 30 minutes.
And Good luck.

Flour - 3cups
Baking soda - teaspoon
Butter -250gm
Granulated sugar - 1cup
Eggs - 5
Vanilla - 4caps
Ripe bananas mashed - 2
Cup sour cream -1cup

Spray your pan with butter and flour before baking begin in a medium bowl, combine flour, baking soda and set aside in a large bowl, cream butter and sugar with electric mixer until light and fluffy.
Add eggs, vanilla and banana mix well.
Add flour mixture alternately with sour cream, (use lemon juice and little water on powder milk to make sour cream) blend thoroughly but do not over mix.
Pour into prepared pan. Good luck.

Flour - 3cups
Baking soda - 1 teaspoon
Chocolate bar - 6 squares and cocoa powder three table spoons.
Butter - 250gm
Granulated sugar -250gm
Eggs -5
Vanilla - 4cups
Cup milk - 3cups

Spray pans with butter and flour baking begins. In medium bowl, combine flour soda in a large microwavable bowl, place chocolate and butter, microwave at high power of 2 minutes or until butter is melted. (Mixture can also be melted on top of range is heavy saucepan over low heat) stir until chocolate is completely
Combine chocolate with sugar in a large mixer bowl beat with electric mixer until well blended.
Add eggs one at a time, and vanilla. Mix well
 Add flour mixture alternately with milk beat until well blended and smooth
In case you don’t have chocolate bar you can also use cocoa powder. Good luck.

Flour - 3cups
Baking powder ½ teaspoon 25ml
Butter - 250gm
Granulated sugar - 1cup
Vanilla - 2cups
Butter scotch - 2 cups
Ginger - 1 piece
Eggs - 5
Nut meg - 1 seed
Almond - 1 seed
Brown sugar or brownie - 2 table spoon
Dry fruit socked in brandy - half cup
Brandy - 4 table spoon
Lemorien and Lemon juice - 1 table spoon each

Spray pans with butter and flour before baking begins, in a medium bowl with electric mixer beat sugar, butter together until fluffy in another small bowl, beat eggs and flavors together then you pour into the butter mixture mix well
add ginger, grated almond seed, net meg together with your socked dry fruit beat well alternately after each addition until smooth.
Good luck, and bake for 45 minutes.

Flour - 3cups or 12 cups
Baking powder - 2.5 half teaspoon or(4 2.5 or 2 teaspoon)
Butter - 250gm  or(4 simas)
Granulated sugar – 1cup or(4 cups)
Eggs – 5 or (20 eggs)
Optional milk -1cup or (4cups)
Lemon reins lemon juice 1 - table spoon each or(4 table spoon)
Ginger - 1 piece or (4piece)

Spray pans with butter and flour before baking begins in a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder set aside in a large bowl, cream butter and sugar with electric mixer until light and fluffy, add eggs, and vanilla, mix well.
Add flour mixture and lemon juice together with lemon rein mix alternately with milk, (optional) beating well after each addition, and bake for 45 munities. Good luck.

Flour - 3cups
Powder - 1.5 (one and half) tea spoon
Granulated sugar - 1cup
Butter -250gm
Eggs - 5
Vanilla - 4cups
Cup milk - 1cup
Sliced strawberries in syrup

Spray pans with butter and flour before baking begins in a medium bowl,
combine flour and baking powder, set aside
in a large bowl cream butter and sugar with electric mixer until light and fluffy,
And add eggs one at a time and vanilla then mix well, add flour mixture alternately with milk.
Starting with the flour, mix well and fold in strawberries and bake for 45 minutes. Good luck.

500g Butter
300g sugar
500g flour
10 eggs
½ nutmeg seed, grated
1 tsp Vanilla or any other of your choice
2 tbsp baking power
Fruits (optional)

Grease your pans
Mix butter and sugar until light and fluffy
Beat eggs till light and fluffy
Sift all dry ingredients together
Pour beaten eggs gradually into butter mixture, alternating with flour and beating well after each addition
Remember, folding in is the process used for putting flour and other dry ingredients
Put in your desired flavor or essence
Pour into your 8 or 9 inch pan and bake in a moderately preheated oven for about one hour

Credit - Oyinye Ifejeh

D I A B E T E S!!!

Pls if u try this remedy on yourself or someone, pls try to share your testimony. & pls if u don't test your sugar level pls don't use any of this drug because it can make your blood sugar fall total & we are knows wat that means. Any home remedy i post has bin tested and confirmed on my patient ( Am a registered nurse & i practise a trado-medical), & none of d remedy has any repercaution nor side effect. Thanks.

D I A B E T E S!!!!!
Make a 5L of bitter leave juice by yourself (pls don't blend, use your hand to squeeze it in a big bowl without adding any drop of water), reason why i said by yourself is that some people use to dilute it before selling it. Then go to local herbal seller, buy 5-10 snail shell (ikarawun igbin), put them inside black pot and put on fire to burn to ash, (it can take a day to burn completely because it very hard to burn) use a stone to grind it inside same pot to powder, put it inside one bottle or plastic & cover it (it will be very heavy in hand), take 1full adult spoon with half cup of undiluted bitter leave juice in d a.m & p.m for good 1month. Note: always check your sugar level because we respond to drug faster than each other.

2. Alubosa aayu ( garlic) use a stone to crush it small, put it inside plastic, add coconut water (d water inside coconut not coconut milk), let it soak for a whole day & starting taking it twice in a day

3. ABEERE (just write d spelling down), use stone to crush it into pieces, put it inside plastic & add undiluted lemon juice to it, u can stat using it d following day. Twice in a day. Pls d first one is magic if u follow my instructions.

Credit - Olukunle Oluwabunmi Olatundun

Friday, May 19, 2017


 Cook RED cassava ,Dont peel it. Pour the cassava water inside a bottle and drink it regularly. You can store it inside the fridge.

Credit - Oladimiji Olanike


This is for Removing of excess sugar in the body which eventually  turns to serious pile and back pain.

Cook the leave inside kettle and drain the water to make Eba or amala. You will purge a bit and all the pile's fat will be out.

The dry flower of the leave. It does have yellow flower petals. Get the flowers, sun dry it and grind with potash to powdery form. Mix with drink pap or tea without sugar

Credits - Kayode Odunayo


By Miss Liu

It's amazing...

Keep a syringe or needle in your home to do this...It's amazing and an unconventional way of recovering from stroke, read it through it can help somebody one day.

This is amazing.
Please keep this very handy. Excellent tips.
Do take a minute to read this.
You'll never know, ones life may depend on you.

My father was paralysed and later died from the result of a stroke. I wish I knew about this first aid before.
When stroke strikes, the capillaries in the brain will gradually burst. (Irene Liu)
When a stroke occurs, stay calm.

No matter where the victim is, do not move him/her. Because, if moved, the capillaries will burst.

Help the victim to sit up where he/she is to prevent him/her from falling over again and then the blood letting can begin .

If you have in your home an injection syringe that would be the best.

Otherwise, a sewing needle or a straight pin will do.

1. Place the needle/pin over fire to sterilize it and then use it to prick the tip of all ......10 fingers.
2. There are no specific acupuncture points, just prick about an mm from the fingernail.
3. Prick till blood comes out.
4. If blood does not start to drip, then squeeze with your fingers.
5. When all 10 digits is bleeding, wait a few minutes then the victim will regain consciousness.
6. If the victim's mouth is crooked, then pull on his ears until they are red.
7. Then prick each earlobe twice until 2 drops of blood comes from each earlobe.
After a few minutes the victim should regain consciousness.

Wait till the victim regains his normal state without any abnormal symptoms then take him to the hospital.
Otherwise, if he was taken in the ambulance in a hurry to the hospital, the bumpy trip will cause all the capillaries in his brain to burst.

'I learned about letting blood to save life from Chinese traditional doctor, Ha Bu Ting, who lives in Sun Juke.

Furthermore, I had practical experience with it. Therefore, I can say this method is 100% effective.
In 1979, I was teaching in Fung Gaap College in Tai Chung.

One afternoon, I was teaching a class when another teacher came running to my classroom and said in panting,
'Ms Liu, come quick, our supervisor has had astroke !'. I immediately went to the 3rd floor.
When I saw our supervisor, Mr. Chen Fu Tien, his colour was off, his speech was slurred, his mouth was crooked -all the symptoms of a stroke.

I immediately asked one of the practicum students to go to the pharmacy outside the school to buy a syringe, which I used to prick Mr. Chen's 10 fingers tips.

When all 10 fingers were bleeding (each with apea-sized drop of blood), after a few minutes, Mr. Chen's face regained its colour and his eyes' spirit returned,

But his mouth was still crooked . So I pulled on his ears to fill them with blood .
When his ears became red ,
I pricked his right earlobe twice to let out 2 drops of blood .
When both earlobes had 2 drops of blood each, a miracle happened .
Within 3-5 minutes the shape of his mouth returned to normal and his speech became clear.

We let him rest for a while and have a cup of hot tea, then we helped him go down the stairs, drove him to Wei Wah Hospital . He rested 1 night and was released the next day to return to school to teach.. Everything worked normally.
There were no ill after effects.
On the other hand, the usual stroke victim usually suffers Irreparable bursting of the brain capillaries on the way to the hospital.
As a result, these victims never recover.' (Irene Liu)
Therefore, stroke is the second cause of death.
The lucky ones will stay alive but can remain paralysed for life.

It is such a horrible thing to happen in ones life.

If we can all remember this blood letting method and start the life saving process immediately, in a short time, the victim will be revived and regain 100% fc


Credit - Time Abasi Ekong

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Hello everyone this is what I used in making my black soap Ghana black soap, tamarind, extracts of papaya,mulberry and bearberry, castor oil, shea butter, coconut oil, AHA, turmeric and whitening powders ,honey ,Chinese licorice root ,jojoba oil, grapeseed oil,wheat germ oil, avocado oil, carrot oil, almond oil, goat milk,neem oil African camwood original sandalwood fragrance .....this are what I used. It's really sad how some of our members here speak to people and sometimes this can really make people change their minds or perceptions about things here. I am not aware that it was said you have to post your recipe here after production, A girl here spoke to me here as if am her child or what? Pls watch the way you speak to people in public..... Thank you for the prayers, God bless you all too.

Credits - Emem Udo


People diagnosed with cancer keep increasing by the day. People call me for advice on new diagnosis on a daily basis now.  If you are reading this please do me a favour....SHARE IT. Yes, that much you can do. Save a life.
Repeated post

First of all, the cancer patient should eliminate the following acidic foods:
1. Bread and anything made from wheat and flour.
2. Meat, I mean all kinds of meat and fish. 3. Anything fried,
4. Any food containing sugar including all carbonated drinks like coke and processed drinks including the so called packaged fruit juices like 5Alive etc.
5. Eggs.
6. Milk. etc

His meals must contain a lot of the following on a daily basis:
1.He must begin to eat a lot of green vegetables. It can be prepared like smoothies. The veggies should just be steamed before he eats them to avoid over cooking them. There's an Edmark product called Splina. It's concentrated chlorophyll. Just a spoon in a glass of water.  It's good for cancer patients. You can find it in NAO Supermarket.

2. He must begin to eat a lot of different types of fruits like carrots, cabbage, carrots,  watermelon, oranges, grape fruits, almond seeds (if you can find them) pineapples, avocados, etc. You should eat more of these fruits as meals. This is very important.

Carrots, beetroots are particularly great for cancer patients.

3.Cooked tomato juice with cayenne pepper should be included in your stew.

4. If you can have an experienced nurse to give him or her Artesunate (yes the common malaria drug) intravenously and followed immidiately by a high dose of Vitamin C also giving intravenously. Artesunate is a common malaria drug but it fights cancer too.

5. Vitamin D. It is sold in supplement forms. You can get it directly by sitting in the early morning sun (9 - 11am) with your cloths off and just in underwear for at least 20 minutes daily.

6. Soursop leaves cures cancer. Boil a few leaves and drink.

7. Turmeric cures cancer. Get it in powder form and drink as tea twice daily.  Add a little black pepper. (It's available in big supermarkets like Shoprite). It helps in absorbing the curcumin the active compound in turmeric.

8. Lemon juice with Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda, not Baking get powder) This mixture also cures cancer. It is high alkaline. Drink twice a day. 2 tablespoons of u diluted lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of Baking Soda mixed in a glass of water. Don't confuse baking soda with baking powder. They are different. Baking soda is what is needed. It's also called Sodium Bicarbonate.

9. Apple cider vinegar is cancer destroyer. 2 spoons in a glass of water taken twice daily. ACV must never be taken raw.

10. Ginger. Drink like Turmeric.

11. Virgin cold pressed Coconut oil.  Take 2 tablespoons after meals.

12. Water. Should increase water intake in the morning.

13. Exercise. 30 minutes brisk walk daily will do.

14. The patient should stay off drugs, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery would worsen the problem. Chemo drugs themselves carcinogenic. Studies around the world has shown that if cancer patients do nothing, they would still live longer that those who went through chemo.

He could take supplements. Alliance in Motion sells one the best food supplements I know. Restorlyf, and C24/7 which contains 22,000 phytonutrients and Choleduz are all very good. I know others like Cellgevity too that works at cellular levels to cure all kinds of diseases. These supplements are good but expensive.

High dose of vitamin C is also helpful. Some come in 1000mg.

15. The patient should also take omega 3 fish oil daily. I've  mention Choleduz which an Omega 3 fish oil formulation.

The whole idea is to put more alkaline foods in the body, remove toxins from the body and reducing acid in the body. Cancer cells cannot survive in alkaline environment. They can only live and spread in acidic environment.

The patient should eat very little carbohydrates but with a lot of green vegetables. He should endeavour to eat more uncooked and natural foods.

Finally, it's important that the patient have a positive mind towards healing. There's a strong connection between our minds and our bodies. He should pray more and believe God to get him completely healed. Intermittent fasting will strengthen the immune system too.

The list above is not exhaustive by any means.

Cancer is no longer a death sentence but knowledge of what to do is crucial.

Please share and let's safe lives

Credits - Jenifer Aganoke


Today I want to introduce a life saving plant to us. 
Botanical name : Bryopyllum pinnatum
English name : Life plant or never die
Yoruba name : Abamoda or eru -odundun 
Igbo name : Oda opua .
I love this plant that I try it on anything. 
Regulates Bp
Heal heart disease 
Immune booster 
Fast in healing wounds 
Quick hair growth 
Heal asthma and cough 
Cure breast pain 
And lots more.
FOR THOSE ASKING FOR USAGE For internal ailments like 
Immune boosting 
Heart problems 
Asthma and cough 
Breast pain. 

Measure a liter of water, boil the water, get 12 leaves, rinse, and pour the hot water on it (don't cook or boil the plant), allow to seat for 20mins and drink twice a day.

Hair growth 
Get like 5 leaves of life plant,  place it carefully on your hot plate  or very low burning stove and remove it within 10secs 
Squeeze out the water in an empty container and apply it at the base of your hair with cotton wool. Apply on wounds also will cotton wool. You can also place the squeezed leaf on the wound. 
You wont be able to get out the water if you don't burn it a little to soften it.

Credits - Oluwakemi Asagidigbi

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Cough and ashma remedy
Tested nd trust,wen I was younger I suffer 4rm cough every month,infact anytin I use cold water,either drink or bathing I wil ve cough,so I bath wit hot water even in hot weather.som1 gave us dis remedy very effective.
Get d peel of plantain nd sun dry,put it on fire nd let it bunt 2 ashes,put d ashes in a bottle nd add water 2 it,den start using d next day..I tink it wil b useful 2 som1 bcos it helped me wen I had lost al hope of being free 4rm cough.

Credit - Ife Polycarp agbaje


1.Crush mint leaves and combine it with honey to apply on your skin. This mint face pack cleanses and tightens your pores completely,  thus, giving you fresh and oil-free skin tone.
2.Grind mint leaves with rose water in a grinder and spread  this wonderful mix on your pimples to heal them fast. In case you have severe pimples, leave this preparation overnight. This home remedy is a sure-shot remedy to drive away persistent acne. Do try it to see for yourself that it is more effective than neem(margosa leaves). Mint, rich in sallicylic acid, helps heal pimple quickly and prevent its recurrence.

3.Boil mint leaves in water and simmer it till the water remains half.. Once cool, strain the mixture to use as a face toner. Use this mint toner to keep acne at bay. Furthermore, this toner helps keep your skin oil -free and fresh.

4. Apply fresh ground mint leaves on your face to lighten your skin tone dramatically. Application of mint paste or mint juice helps to diminish under-eyes circles as well as puffiness of eyes.

5. Apply mint oil on your hair to get rid of  lice because mint acts as a natural repellent of insects. You can try this recipe 3-4 times a week for best results.

6. Combine mint juice with oatmeal powder to make a face pack that helps in exfoliating dead skin cells and revealing fresh skin on the outer surface.

7. Add mint juice to fuller's earth and tomato juice, then dab on your pimples thoroughly. This minty  recipe helps in clearing acne-marks also.

8.Grind mint leaves and add sandalwood powder to it to make an anti-acne face mask at home naturally.

9. Take some mint leaves, mungbean and curd. Apply this natural face pack on your skin to treat all sorts of facial imperfections like pimples, blackheads and rough skin completely.

10. You can apply mint-leaves pack on  the skin to minimize the size of  enlarged pores on your face.  Try to rub while removing this mask to slough out  the unwanted blackheads and whiteheads from the skin. Rich in sallicyclic acid , mint leaves pack helps loosen up dead cells and shed them easily. So mint paste is a great exfoliating scrub for your skin.

11.You can dab mint juice on insect bites or stings to get cooling sensation and lessen the itchiness.

12. Apply mint oil on your pimples to reduce its size. Regular applications of mint oil prevents the recurrence of further break-outs.

Good new u can get from the abokis selling salad ingredient very cheap . from #100 naira .

Credits Fadipe Ngozi

Sunday, May 14, 2017


How d black soap is done gather head of palm nut remove d nut n burn d head to ashes then gather d ash n put it in a clean bucket put enough water depending on d quantity of d head u burnt turn it n leave to settle then u sieve with cheese cloth pour d water in a frying pan d one used to fry garri allow d water to dry then use ur cutlass to scrap it then u put enough red oil u leave for sometimes n bring it down ur black soap is ready. Pls when cooking dnt call its name it is believed that if d name is called while cooking it will not foam again

Credits - Chioma Onuoha

Thursday, May 11, 2017


Get rid of skin problem fast with magical soap 100% natural


Neem leaf
Mint leaf
Tulsi leaf
Lime have tbsp
Rose water 3tbsp
Aloe vera gel 2tbsp
Turmeric powder 1tbsp
Licorice powder have tbsp
Multani powder 4tbsp
Silicon mold


blend your leaves to make a pasta  add rose water if you want to blend and transfer it to a bowl add turmeric and licorice powder and add your lime and aloe vera gel also add multani powder to it mix well and turn it into your silicon mold leave it for 3hours to dry them remove it and enjoy or your package.

Credits - Debby Omowunmi David.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017



Poison is any substance that is harmful to your body. You might swallow it, inhale it, inject it, or absorb it through your skin. Any substance can be poisonous if too much is taken.

But I also want to call your attention to spiritual poisoning or charm.
Whenever you feel poisoned, you need to be spontaneous in whatever you do.
To quickly counter the effect


1. Palm oil
2. Urine
3. Bitter cola
4. Charcoal


Good for poisons ingested or absorbed through the skin.
It neutralizes the effect instantly


This is a WONDER God created in human to solve all health problems naturally by just drinking it and washing your skin with it.
Urine cures both SPIRIT n BODY.

This is a lesson for another day.

BITTER COLA is also a poison neutralizer.

I'll use my mom as a case study but lemme quickly talk on the greatness of charcoal too.


If you notice any person who has been poisoned please don't hesitate to give that person. "charcoal"
*Clean/ well grinded charcoal should be used.

(Mix in water/urine)

No matter how powerful the poison is,

It will neutralise it immediately
(Even snake bites)

*Use It also for stomach pain (mix the charcoal inside water)
Be it severe or little stomach pain. It will bring relief.

*it is used for toothaches

just apply it to the affected tooth' without water, make sure it is grinded.

* For those complaining of red/brown teeth your teeth will be white in no time.

' its very very good for brushing... Trust me, in no time your teeth will be sparkling white..

Even if your teeth isn't brown and you want it to be whiter and sparkling, use Charcoal...

* If you have a sore' big or small that refuses to heal' please apply grinded charcoal on the affected area. it will fasten the healing....

 That is the power of charcoal.

Now back to my mom on poison

Hers was spiritual

She was approaching her office while she felt a sharp pain from the sole of her foot. Instantly the leg started to swell n couldn't walk well again. So, she rushed home. Thank God work was close home. I saw the pain in her eyes n asked what happened as I saw her limp. She said she has been poisoned. The short drive home that leg was already double its actual size.
The next thing, she brought out a bowl an urinated in it. Chewed bitter cola in the urine Deepen her leg in it as she just kept pouring it all over the swollen leg. She was also eating n drinking them. Of course, she did all these amidst prayers n vola! The swollen leg reduced back to normal n that was the end of pain. By the evening, it had become history to the glory of God.

This is the WONDER of urine.

I learnt this from my mom that day.


#taratanaspa #welnesscoach #poison #health #training #Festaclagos

How to Make Flat Tummy Water

How to Make Flat Tummy Water

Well, now that you know the various ingredients of flat tummy water and their benefits. It is time we tell you how to make flat tummy water.

Making it is extremely simple and quick. Here is the recipe to make 1 liter of flat tummy water.

Fill a jug with 1 liter of waterSlice 10 or more pieces of cucumber and add it to the water.Add 1 full medium sized lemonAdd in 1 teaspoon of grated gingerAdd 5 mint leavesFinish it off with a teaspoon of rock saltLeave it overnight

Sip this incredible concoction throughout the day to reduce your waist size at home. When you wake up the next day, you will see tangible flat tummy water results.

To get the most out of it, you should consistently try to incorporate it into your diet.

We suggest that you leave the tummy water overnight to let it absorb all of the nutrients of the different ingredients properly. However, it is completely up to you whether you want to refrigerate it or not. Drinking flat tummy water cold is known to help burn fat and cool down the body after a hard workout. On the other hand, drinking warm or hot flat tummy water will give you results like improved digestion, relief from pain, and will cleanse the body.

Flat tummy water is a great substitute for combating your craving for other sugary drinks. Along with a proper diet regimen and exercise, flat tummy water results show that it can help reduce waistsize fast at home in good time.

If you experience a lot of bloating and discomfort in your stomach, you will surely benefit from this. Every once in a while, it is important to detox our bodies from all of the unwanted toxins that we get from most foods. Athletes will particularly benefit from the extra hydration provided by flat tummy water during periods of strenuous exercise.
I use it and it works like magic .. try it ladies .. love u all

Credits - Nelly Tutu

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


All require the same ingredients that is the reason am crashing them


palm oil, potash small quantity, crayfish(well picked) salt to taste, maggi (choice), pepper to taste, ukpaka some Ibos call it ugba (shredded dark brown on long form)its rich in protein, then utazi leaf (bitter in taste) , choice meat, fried fish, kpomo


Get your local motar and pestle
Grind the potash into fine powder
Pls very little quantity of potash is required.

Then add the palm oil depending on the quantity of abacha or isi ewu u have on ground.

Remember u must have dressed and boiled your isi ewu till tender and cut into desired quantity.

Pour  the palm oil into the grinded potash and continue to stir with pestle till u get a milky yellowish mixture.

For abacha it must have been soaked in hot water till tender

I prefer using dry pepper.
Add salt, pepper and maggi for those who cant do without it and crayfish, well picked and washed in hot water to remove the foul taste and smell

At this point u can use your wooden Turning stick to turn in the abacha or isi ewu. 
Turn when hot u need the heat for the salt and pepper since u are not taking it back to the fire.


In isi ewu u don't need crayfish.

Serve on the plate and dress with well sliced and washed utazi,ukpaka, and onions.

NKWOBI is served 

Chef - Chizoba




Yam/Unripe plantain,Meat/Chicken/Fish, dry fish(optional) for original local taste.  ehurhu (calabash nutmeg), Uda/Uyaya, Potash, Crayfish, Fresh pepper/Cameroon pepper, Seasoning cubes(maggi/knorr), (Scent leaf, Garlic, Optional ) Salt.
You can use either yam or unripe plantain


Wash and season meat/chicken with seasoning cubes, fresh pepper/Cameroon pepper,garlic and salt, leave till it's half cooked. Take out the meat, then put your already washed and peeled yam/unripe plantain inside the stock(make sure you use enough water for the meat/chicken so as to get enough stock for the soup).
Break the Ehururu (nutmeg) open and blend the seed to powder form (set aside), open the uda and take out the seed inside cos we not using the seeds.. (set aside).
Add some more of the already grounded fresh pepper/cameroon pepper to the yam/unripe plantain, add grounded crayfish, the grounded iruru and uda, pour in the meat/chicken, add seasoning cubes and salt to taste... Leave to simmer for a few minutes and also to allow the meat/chicken get tender then add the scent leaves and it's ready to serve.

You can serve with palm oil but in a separate bowl to eat the yam. This is optional.

Chef - Nelly Tutu.


We have different effective methods health care organisations proffer to us as contraceptives

But they come with different side-effects.
So today we decide to look else where for help.

Mainly on herbs.
These methods are as follows


Learn how to prevent pregnancy using this simple but amazing herb. Neem is more commonly called as ‘Indian lilac’. It is widely used by men and women. It is the commonest natural birth control method. It helps prevent unwanted pregnancy in females by decreasing the motility of sperms and thereby preventing fertilization.

Neem can be used in three different forms for birth control: Neem leaves, neem oil and neem leaf extract. These three forms of neem have proved to be successful.

Neem oil can put a stop to fertility in females for a year, if a small amount is injected at the junction where the uterus and fallopian tubes meet. Neem oil does not alter the menstrual cycle or ovarian cycle.

Neem oil can also kill sperms in the vaginal area within 30 seconds. Neem promotes reversible and temporary sterility in males if neem leaf tablets are ingested daily. It has no effect on sperm production or sex drive.

Neem also has a protective function; it protects the female body from vaginal and sexually transmitted diseases. Neem is great because it has many functions and no side effects; it has anti-viral and anti-biotic properties.

This NEEM is commonly known as DOGOYARO here.


These also serve as an agent to regulate your menstrual flow. People who experience very low or ceased menstruation should take these well. They will be amazed at the miracle.

Well, still on pregnancy preventive measures


Learn how to prevent pregnancy using ginger root. It is hard to believe that ginger, a common household ingredient commonly used in various dishes could help prevent unwanted pregnancies, but it can. Ginger root can help stimulate menstrual bleeding.

Boil a cup of water.Wash your ginger and grate it.Add grated ginger to the water.Boil for a couple of minutes.Let the tea steep for 5 minutes and then strain it.Enjoy your hot ginger tea.

Drink at least 2 cups of ginger tea everyday to stimulate menstrual bleeding. This tea is also useful if your period is late.


Vitamin C is used to prevent conception. It is a component of many herbs. It is taken as an emergency contraceptive; the ascorbic acid interferes with the hormone progesterone. Progesterone is very important as it functions to prepare the uterus for pregnancy and helps to vitamin C inside the vagina, as that promotes an acidic environment. Sperms cannot survive in an acidic environment, they need alkalinity. However, this method is not practiced as widely anymore.

Vitamin C should not be taken in excess, as overdose of this particular vitamin can have short term and long term side effects. Consult your doctor as to what herbs contain high quantities of vitamin C.

People who take anti-coagulants or who have sickle cell anemia should  natural birth control method.


Cinnamon is not as effective as other methods of natural birth control. It takes a long time before cinnamon starts functioning as a contraceptive. Regular intake of cinnamon is advised.

Cinnamon functions to stimulate the uterus. It is included in those herbs that induce miscarriage and abortion. It is better if a doctor or herbalist is consulted before the intake of cinnamon  for induced abortion or miscarriage.

* note our BABALAWO O!
Those specialized in herbs.


Papaya is the fruit of choice for natural birth control. It is used extensively by women in South Asia and Southeast Asia. It has contraceptive and abortifacient properties.

Unripe papaya is used to prevent or terminate pregnancy. A ripe papaya is not suited for this job as it loses the phytochemicals that interfere with hormones. The seeds of a papaya can kill sperms. A daily intake of papaya seeds can decrease the sperm count in a healthy male. The best part is that this is reversible, the sperm count will return to normal once the intake of papaya seeds is stopped.

Do you remember or PAPAYA class? We spoke extensively on how the UNRIPE papaya prevents n even Aborts pregnancy.


This is an old Malaysian recipe.
Good for pregnancy prevention.

Two or three times a day drink a glass of unripe pineapple juice.


It is an old Japanese remedy, which consists in the fact that the man at least one hour before sex takes a hot sitting bath (water temperature is about 40 degrees). Sperm can not withstand the temperature rise and die or lose activity.


They do act in same capacity as ginger does.


Take care of your diet.
Consult an herbalist or a doctor.
Stop usage immediately if you start developing problems.
Use herbs that contain high quantities of vitamin C.
Use lemon juice for unwanted pregnancy.
Use unripe papaya.
Use apricot kernels, pomegranate seeds and cinnamon.
Do a lot of research before choosing an herb.
Talk to your partner or husband about your choice of contraceptives.
Drink 2 cups of ginger root tea daily.


Do not use a ripe papaya, as it does not contain the required photochemical.
Do not drink hot boiling tea; let it cool down to a bearable temperature.
Do not continue using an herb if you start developing problems.
Do not increase the dosage of herbs more than the required amount.
Some herbs function to stimulate menstruation and prevent implantation. A few even prevent fertilization and others act as abortifacients. Herbs and natural methods for contraception have been in use since ancient times because of their effectiveness. Other methods of contraception such as pills, patches and vaginal rings have been associated with health risks. Therefore, the safer and risk-free option is to use natural family planning methods of birth control.

Herbs such as Blue Cohosh, Neem, Queen Anne’s Lace and Ginger root are known to act as natural birth control.


To be double sure,  you can combine a couple of methods that go down well with your body system.

This is the GIN type that contains UDA n other herbs.

Get local gin then add the following inside it: spring onion or garlic, lemon, Uziza seed, uda, uhia-uhia (it is long wood like spice ,brown in colour,some people use it for pepper soup. when lighted the smell drives 🐍 away.) I don't know the English or Yoruba. Allow it to stay for 24hrs, take one shot immediately after the action.It is trusted & tested. No side effect so far you don't exceed the dosage.

Better when herbs are crushed to infuse fast n well.

Do these and let's get your feedbacks.


I HOPE THIS HELP SOMEONE THE HEALING WONDERS OF CABBAGE LEAF So it seems cabbage leaves 🍃 are not just for eating! In addition to being ...