Sunday, June 24, 2018


Happy new year to all the honourable members and happy new year to "OMO TO YAYI!"  The leaf with white flower is known as GOAT WEED,  Yorubas call it "Ewe imi esu." The second leaf is known as fertility leaf, Yorubas called it "Ewe Akoko." IGBO called it "Ogirisi."

1......... For irregular menstruation, squeeze the fresh fertility leaves in water, take a glass cup twice daily OR you can dry the leaves in a room(avoid sunlight), put some dry fertility leaves in hot water and drink like  tea.
2...... For stomach ULCER, squeeze the fresh  fertility leaves, add a pinch of salt, take twice per day for nine days!
3.......... For those with fertility issue, boil the fresh fertility leaves, allow to cool for 24hrs, mix original honey to the water content in a good proportion, take a glass cup twice per day for two weeks.
 4........... The goat weed helps to enhance sexual performance, squeeze the fresh goat weed leaves in a water, drink a glass cup of the juice trice per day for a week!

Credit Oleaseun Micheal

1 comment:


    Each time I recall how I got my girlfriend back and better for real, it gladdens my heart with beautiful thoughts of all that transpired all thanks to Dr. Odinani Owelle who did it all with a spell cast I hardly believe in and being that it was the first time I ever tried it out.
    How it all happened, I lost a relationship I value with every bit of my life because I cheated on my girlfriend and she caught me, even though I did not get involved with the other girl in question, my girlfriend did not bother considering that because she was angry about me ever conceiving such thought in my heart, she decided to give up a long time relationship for just that. The quarrel lingered for quite sometime until I can across a post that looks more like a testimony online and thought of giving it a trial of which I am now the one testifying of the goodness and awesome help I got from Dr. Odinani Owelle
    In less than three damn days, my girlfriend did return to me and things have being awesome and our relationship has being blazing since then. I really wanna use this testimonial note of mine to reaching to broken homes and relationships to get the same help I did get from this wonderful Doctor. Just reach out to him for any case or troubles. Contact Him on his email address He is the hope of life, his spell cast is so real.



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