Sunday, June 24, 2018




Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus. Sometimes, these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign (noncancerous). The cause of fibroids is unknown.

TYPES OF FIBROIDS: Different fibroids develop in different locations in and on the uterus.


Intramural fibroids are the most common type of fibroid. These types appear within the muscular wall of the uterus. Intramural fibroids may grow larger and can stretch your womb.


Subserosal fibroids form on the outside of your uterus, which is called the serosa. They may grow large enough to make your womb appear bigger on one side.


When subserosal tumors develop a stem (a slender base that supports the tumor), they become pedunculated fibroids.

These types of tumors develop in the middle muscle layer (myometrium) of your uterus. Submucosal tumors are not as common as other types, but when they do develop, they may cause heavy menstrual bleeding and trouble conceiving.


It is unclear why fibroids develop, but several factors may influence their formations. Family History Fibroids may run in the family. If your mother, sister, or grandmother has a history of this condition,you may develop it as well... Now I will show you what God has kept for us to treat this stubborn disease called fibroid.... With the help of ....
2 big size of Melon (Yoruba call it egusi, Bara)
5 bulbs of White Onion
Lime juice
10 Ghana seeds

Method :- Get two big size of melon use your knife and open it remove the seeds inside then slice it into cubes and pour all in a 5litre container, slice the onion into the container, pound 10 seeds of Ghana seeds into the container, add 50ml of lime juice then fill the container up with any white Gin, allow to ferment for 24hrs....

This mixture is very powerful to bring down any form of fibroid starting from 90days which many women I have done this for have testified but I am giving it out for free today...good luck.

Dosage for fibroid:- Take 10 tablespoon first thing in the morning before meal. 10 tablespoon last thing at night after food.

Dosage for big tommy :-10 tablespoon before meal in the morning and 10 tablespoon before meal when you eat by 6pm NOTE:- You must eat before 6pm or by 6pm everyday until you see good result

Dosage for TTC Mothers:- Take 15 tablespoon first thing before you eat in the morning 3times in a week..

CAUTION:- You might defecate for some minutes after using it for the first time.. Pregnant mother cannot use it!! For more info if you need to get anything like the Ghana seeds which is hard to get among all the ingredients please call SIR EDDY ON +2347032253043 its two in a sachets and the price is #300 for a sachet...




Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus. Sometimes, these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign (noncancerous). The cause of fibroids is unknown.

TYPES OF FIBROIDS: Different fibroids develop in different locations in and on the uterus.


Intramural fibroids are the most common type of fibroid. These types appear within the muscular wall of the uterus. Intramural fibroids may grow larger and can stretch your womb.


Subserosal fibroids form on the outside of your uterus, which is called the serosa. They may grow large enough to make your womb appear bigger on one side.


When subserosal tumors develop a stem (a slender base that supports the tumor), they become pedunculated fibroids.

These types of tumors develop in the middle muscle layer (myometrium) of your uterus. Submucosal tumors are not as common as other types, but when they do develop, they may cause heavy menstrual bleeding and trouble conceiving.


It is unclear why fibroids develop, but several factors may influence their formations. Family History Fibroids may run in the family. If your mother, sister, or grandmother has a history of this condition,you may develop it as well... Now I will show you what God has kept for us to treat this stubborn disease called fibroid.... With the help of ....
2 big size of Melon (Yoruba call it egusi, Bara)
5 bulbs of White Onion
Lime juice
10 Ghana seeds

Method :- Get two big size of melon use your knife and open it remove the seeds inside then slice it into cubes and pour all in a 5litre container, slice the onion into the container, pound 10 seeds of Ghana seeds into the container, add 50ml of lime juice then fill the container up with any white Gin, allow to ferment for 24hrs....

This mixture is very powerful to bring down any form of fibroid starting from 90days which many women I have done this for have testified but I am giving it out for free today...good luck.

Dosage for fibroid:- Take 10 tablespoon first thing in the morning before meal. 10 tablespoon last thing at night after food.

Dosage for big tommy :-10 tablespoon before meal in the morning and 10 tablespoon before meal when you eat by 6pm NOTE:- You must eat before 6pm or by 6pm everyday until you see good result

Dosage for TTC Mothers:- Take 15 tablespoon first thing before you eat in the morning 3times in a week..

CAUTION:- You might defecate for some minutes after using it for the first time.. Pregnant mother cannot use it!! For more info if you need to get anything like the Ghana seeds which is hard to get among all the ingredients please call SIR EDDY ON +2347032253043 its two in a sachets and the price is #300 for a sachet...


Happy new year to all the honourable members and happy new year to "OMO TO YAYI!"  The leaf with white flower is known as GOAT WEED,  Yorubas call it "Ewe imi esu." The second leaf is known as fertility leaf, Yorubas called it "Ewe Akoko." IGBO called it "Ogirisi."

1......... For irregular menstruation, squeeze the fresh fertility leaves in water, take a glass cup twice daily OR you can dry the leaves in a room(avoid sunlight), put some dry fertility leaves in hot water and drink like  tea.
2...... For stomach ULCER, squeeze the fresh  fertility leaves, add a pinch of salt, take twice per day for nine days!
3.......... For those with fertility issue, boil the fresh fertility leaves, allow to cool for 24hrs, mix original honey to the water content in a good proportion, take a glass cup twice per day for two weeks.
 4........... The goat weed helps to enhance sexual performance, squeeze the fresh goat weed leaves in a water, drink a glass cup of the juice trice per day for a week!

Credit Oleaseun Micheal


How to make ur chapman.
The recipe are:_
half bottle of sprite.
half bottle of mirinda.
1 and half cup of grenadine syrup.
3 tablespsoon of black currant tasty time.
Dashes of angostura aromatic bitter.
Fresh lime(cut into two part).
1 cup of ice cube.
1 Orange or cucumber(cut in round shape).
Procedure:_ a bowl,combine ur sprite and mirinda together and stir.
2.add in ur grenadine syrup,this is what give the drink it reddish light colour.
3.add ur tasty time,this serve as a flavour to the drink.
4.add in ur angostura bitter,just a little is ok,it is very sharp,but u can skip this step if u are making non alcoholic chapman.
5.begin filling ur glass cup with the ice cube,remember chapman are best enjoy when they are chill.
6.pour ur chapman inside the ice cube glass.
7.add ur fresh lime inside the cup of the chapman.
8.garnish with either orange or cucumber.

Credit Yusuf olanrewaju

Sunday, June 17, 2018



1.Tea made from guava leaves decreases bad cholesterol levels (LDL) without affecting the levels of good cholesterol (HDL).

2.Guava leaf tea can also treat bronchitis and cough.

3.You can relieve the itching caused by allergies by applying crushed guava leaves on the affected area.

4.Insect bites can also be relieved with the abovementioned method.

5.You can treat hair loss by boiling guava leaves. Use the cooled liquid to massage your scalp in order to prevent further hair loss.

6.Guava leaves can help you lose weight. The tea made from these leaves prevents carbohydrates to turn into sugar while suppressing the appetite.

7.In case of food poisoning guava leaf tea provides great relief for the upset stomach.

8.Diarrhea and dysentery can also be treated with guava leaves due to their powerful antimicrobial properties.

9.In case of enlarged prostate or prostate cancer guava leaf tea works like a charm.
10.Men who have fertility problems should consume this tea.

11.If you have problems with acne or pimples the guava leaves can help you heal them and reduce their appearance due to the vitamin C they contain.

12.To prevent infections from minor cuts or skin abrasions apply crushed guava leaves. Another way of using this miraculous tea is to relieve outer ear infection. Take a few drops from the cooled guava tea and apply them in your ear.

13.For dengue treatment, take 9 guava leaves and boil them in 5 cups of water. Boil until half of the water evaporates.

14.Diabetic should also consume this tea because it does not stimulate insulin secretion but it helps reduce blood sugar levels.

15.If you have a toothache or inflamed gums and sores in your mouth chewing guava leaves will provide a great relief.

16.If you have those annoying blackheads you can remove them with your homemade guava scrub. Crush a few leaves and stir them with some water and apply them like you do with your regular face scrub.

17.The previous method is also great for preventing premature skin aging.


Credit Awodokun Marie

Monday, June 11, 2018


There is a leaf called Resurrection leaf or Never die leaf,  yorubas call it ewe abamoda. Igbos call it Osas opuo. The leaf cures asthma, use it anytime you feel the symptoms to chew raw onion and inhale the essence constantly, you will forget you ever had asthma, I am q living testimony, if you can go through those go and get Ventolin inhaler, the Lord will heal you in Jesus name Amen

Credit Funmi Biodun

Chew peeled ginger it works wonders also
Cover yourself up in the heat of hot water n honey and see God at work

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


Many of us are already familiar with this word enema, very popularly employed in medical practice. When we were growing up it was referred to as "Pump", employed especially by the villagers in deworming the children. In this modern time people tend to see it as an archaic measure. This is not so, as it is still applied in medical practice when the need arises.
Enema is still relevant in both preventive and curative medical interventions. It does not really require any hard schooling to be able to use it aright.
To evacuate stomach Fat, All you need do is Get your ginger- Basil leave blend togeather & sieve
Boil your water and allow it to cool abit,feel it on your hand, mix your Ginger and Basil in your water.
Lubricate your pump and insert in your an**s
Hold yourself togeather,do not rush to d toilet this time,'cos you will be pressed.If u have a potty use it,to see d dirt and Fat that comes out.
You can pump in your mixture 2-4 times
Its better done 1st thing in d morning or last thing b4 going to bed
You will sleep like a New born baby.
Thank me Later(For those wanting to concieve,pump before your ovulation starts)Be Sure to buy the original soft pump not d hard one.
Make Sure that u let out air after filling ur mixture.


Nichole Dietary consultancy


Good morning great minds

Have been taking care of scorpion bite since dawn😁😁😂

Please if you are bitten by a scorpion/snake, hope you know there are ways you can curb it without going to the hospital?😳😳

Reason am always nagging on ginger, turmeric, garlic, cinnamon to cook not maggi

Well, it saved me today

I equally had limes at home

The moment I heard a scream, what's that?😳😳

" scorpion "

" Scorpion in my house ?"

" yes, it bite me from the bed"


" OK, papa get me the limes in the fridge please "

I tore the spot, ensured blood spilled, then placed the lime there to magnetize the poisons

The moment he told me the pain was gone, I removed it

Then made a paste of garlic and rubbed on his swollen leg and in 1 min, gbam!

Everything disappeared

He's off for work this morning

This is exactly same thing I do for snakes

Whether you squeeze or just cut the fruit and place on the bloody leg, the important thing is contact with the blood

You will gradually feel the pain going out of you

Please let's all try have these things in our houses

Even if you want to live your life anyhow, these are for rainy days

Do exactly what I did, even if its a snake

After removing the poisons with lime, make a paste of any of the four herbs listed above and apply then rest, shikena

You don't need ambulance

You need not some chemicals

I don't joke with citrus fruits, they are always in my house

Oranges, lemons, limes

Cos they save me

Anytime I urinate and it's yellow, " papa, boil ginger in water for me"

He brings the ginger water for me, I squeeze in orange, lemons, limes, drink

And the next urine will be clear again

Any time my urine is smelly cos of my love for excess protein, I do same

And before you know🙄🙄🙄

This is what leads to the kidney issues you hear of

It starts from here

Because they do not have this secret they run to the hospital and compound everything

I just leaked a secret now

Credit Bukky Tonode


I HOPE THIS HELP SOMEONE THE HEALING WONDERS OF CABBAGE LEAF So it seems cabbage leaves 🍃 are not just for eating! In addition to being ...