Friday, February 9, 2018


These are the items you need to prepare the herbs for ovarian cyst and fallopian tube blockage. your will add The items are:
1 green potash - Green POTASH is "SOMISORO" "IMIOJO DUDU" in Yoruba. .But Use little ooo. .It's too Powerful.
2 lime leaf
grind the lime leaf and add very little of the green potash and grind together, then mould the grinned potash n leaf make it small(see d size in the picture) so that it can get into the vagina freely. Sun dry it when its dry, insert one into the vagina leave it there you will see the dirt that wil be coming out of your vagina and after some days d leaf you inserted will fall back with the cyst and you will see it with your eyes. After it falls off, allow your body to rest for a week then insert another one. After using like 3 of it and your vagina is now free, just stat dancing and playing games with your hubby and by the special grace of GOD you will come back to testify and to say thanks to me.
If u want to use it to dissolve fibroid you add maiorganic root and chargbo root that's the end result in d pictures.


  1. my name is grace jose, i want to tell all the women in the world with no child that there is hope for you all, because i was also a barren woman, i had no child for the past 8 years and i contacted my doctor and he told me that there is no way on earth that i can ever getting pregnant,.. so i was confused and my husband was tired and told me that we should adopt a child, so i was so sad in such a way that i had to talk to a friend about adopting a child my friend told me to forget about adopting a child, with this she then introduced me to a spell caster whom i contacted and i explained everything to him and immediately he told me not to worry that all my problems will be solved, so i believed and did as he asked me.After two week i went to the hospital for a total test and i found out that i was pregnant and today am now a mother, so if you are barren or childless kindly contact Dr ORAL on his whatsapp number:+2349031111198 or emai him on so be a mother now


    Each time I recall how I got my girlfriend back and better for real, it gladdens my heart with beautiful thoughts of all that transpired all thanks to Dr. Odinani Owelle who did it all with a spell cast I hardly believe in and being that it was the first time I ever tried it out.
    How it all happened, I lost a relationship I value with every bit of my life because I cheated on my girlfriend and she caught me, even though I did not get involved with the other girl in question, my girlfriend did not bother considering that because she was angry about me ever conceiving such thought in my heart, she decided to give up a long time relationship for just that. The quarrel lingered for quite sometime until I can across a post that looks more like a testimony online and thought of giving it a trial of which I am now the one testifying of the goodness and awesome help I got from Dr. Odinani Owelle
    In less than three damn days, my girlfriend did return to me and things have being awesome and our relationship has being blazing since then. I really wanna use this testimonial note of mine to reaching to broken homes and relationships to get the same help I did get from this wonderful Doctor. Just reach out to him for any case or troubles. Contact Him on his email address He is the hope of life, his spell cast is so real.

  3. I want to thank Native Iya Hindi from the bottom of my heart for all the prayers, positive vibes and powerful herbal medication you did to make me a mother of my baby boy and sticky baby dust you sent me throughout my pregnancy. you are really the best fertility health practitioner out there, All the love and support hasn't gone unnoticed. And all that positive energy sprinkled out into the universe and it worked. He's snuggling on my chest perfectly calm. baby boy Hendrix was born in the couple's New Jersey home on September 13 at 3:37 p.m, weighing in at 9 pounds, 4 ounces and measuring 21 inches long. and content as i write this caption to you and everyone who needs your help in getting pregnant easy and quickly. my fertility doctor Contact is ( }. his new Whatsapp number ‪+1 (914) 530‑9510 will certainly help.

    I will also Suggest you get at try to traditional healing from a powerful man called Native iya Hindi His prayer cured my husband from deadly virus. Contact is : . his new Whats-app number ‪+1 (914) 530‑9510he will certainly help



I HOPE THIS HELP SOMEONE THE HEALING WONDERS OF CABBAGE LEAF So it seems cabbage leaves 🍃 are not just for eating! In addition to being ...