Wednesday, February 28, 2018


1 cup of caustic soda
1 cup of soda ash
1 cup of palm kernel oil
1 cup of sodium bicarbonate
1 cup of any disinfectant
1 silicate borax
Ferment 1 cup of caustic soda and 1 cup of soda ash for 48hours (2days) in a cup of water
Pour in a pot and  heat over a stove for between 30mint or 1hour
Then add palm kernel oil to it
Add colourant
Caustic soda
Sodium bicarbonate
Pour all together into a mould to set.

3 milk cup of paraffin oil
5-7 milk cups of petroleum jelly
Colourant (as desired)
Paraffin wax
Lanoline or glycerin (shinning agent)
1/4 kg strict acid ( medicated cream only)
1 perfume
Put it on fire
Add 3 cups of paraffin oil
Add petroleum jelly 5-7 cups
1/8 of strict acid
Add paraffin wax to taste
Then add color you desire and put down pot for cooling
Add lanoline and stir
Add camphor (medicated only)
Add perfume and pour into bottles

10 desert spoon jelly
¼ tea spoon level colorant
Add 2 wax desert spoon, perfume or scent
1 tea spoon level flushing oil
¼ tea spoon level lanolin
Put the wax in a clean pot, dry on fire
Add petroleum jelly and stir
Put flushing oil and stir
Put lanoline and stir
Then add colorant and stir again

Sodium Chloride
Calcium Chloride
Add ½ cup of calcium chloride
Add 2kg of sodium chloride into 4 liter of water
Mix properly and add alum
Allow for 26 hours
Filter and bottle

Candle wax
Heat the candle wax on fire
Fix the thread to the wax in moulds
Allow it to cool for about 22 hours
Cut it to your desire shape

¼ liter of phenol solution
¼ liter of Lysol
½ liter of germicide
¼ liter of carbolic acid solution
¼ of texapon

1 liter of booster
¼ liter Izal concentration/perfume
8 liter of water
Please get the above chemicals
Measure & mix them accord

(1)Petroleum Jelly - 1kg
(2)Parafin oil  -----1/2kg
(3)parafin wax ----1/8kg
(4)perfume (pears) -1/8kg.

Put your pot on d fire add PETROLEUM JELLY allow to melt. add PARAFIN OIL then WAX allow all to melt together then remove from fire and add ur PERFUME and stir together,allow to cool down a little before u pour it into ur desired container to give a shape, leave it for 24hrs..ready for use.

Saturday, February 24, 2018



Tube cream has a common usage is Africa n that is for mixing another cream to make you fairer.

But the original purpose of production of these creams are for treatment of skin problems.

Tube creams do more harm than good.


In the process of making the skin white, It thins it out.

The skin that is meant to protect n cover us up becomes nylon bag that you can see through.

You begin to see the green veins, red veins n even the tissues.

Now at this point,

1. Wounds get difficult to heal.
2. You can't stitch it
3. Easily traps the sun to you bringing about burns n hyper pigmentation
4. The skin will be prone to all sought of problems.

Problems such as

1. Acne breakout
2. Stretch marks
3. Itching
4. Skintags n most of all,
5. Sunburn


1. It give temporal solution for acne
2. It's used to treat some skin conditions like psoriasis, itching
3. Use for fungi n so on

Never use a tube cream without prescription. The end result of a prolong usage of tube cream is SKIN n BLOOD CANCER.. & DAMAGED KIDNEY.

Please be warned!

For a beautiful skin as this

CONTACT +2348023388321

Thursday, February 22, 2018


For pile : go get 1 Bara (Egusi,melon ) 10 seeds of Abere , 2-3 bottles of 7up drink . Procedures : divide the Bara into 4 .take 1part and peel the skin and remove the seeds , cut into pcs .put them into empty 75cl Ragolis bottle, peel off the Abere seed back and grind add into the bottle ,then pour the 7up drinks into the bottle .allow to ferment for 3days . Dosage : Adults : 1table spoon 2ce daily . Children 1-13yrs 1tea spoon 2ce daily , if your condition is serious increase the dose by 1spoon .

I Was Wit Dis Problem For 6yrs I Took Many Drugs No way Until Meant Wit Dis Woman Who Told Me 2 Put 280 Red & Yellow Capsul In2 4 Litres Galon Of Water 2 Be Drinking 2day I Eat Anything Dat I Could Nt Eat Be4 Iike Salt


1. Fresh Okro = #50
2.egg (yolk) = #40
3.onions = #20
4. Sulphur = #50
Ground the okro and onions, pour the yolk and Sulphur and mix all together, apply to your scalp and leave overnight.
Note: it has a very bad odor but I tell you this mixture must remove any manner of dandruff and hair loss.
Wash morning with a mild shampoo and condition the hair.

Saturday, February 17, 2018


Tiles cleanser
Materials for 5litters:
1. HCL: Hydrochloric acid-- 2lits
2.  Texapon - 1/2
3.  Caustic soda -1/4
4.  Salt (industrial) - 1/4
5. Poly - 1 wrap
6.  Color
7.  Pefume.
8.  Water
9. Nose guild or tick tower (bc of the HCl)
1. Suck ur color into a lit of water.
2. Get 2lits of water into a bucket and pour ur Texapon. Mix it very well till it dissolved.
3. Add caustic soda into ur Texapon and stir together.
4. Add industrial salt and mix it very well. (The industrial salt look like stone, so u have to mix)
5.  Add poly into it.
6. Sieve the color that u suck and pour it into all ur mixture.
7. Add ur pefume
8. Pick up ur nose guild and cover ur nose very well.
9. Let all ur mixture to mix together and pour ur HCL.
10. Now mix all together.


Pls do ur mixture in a ventilated area.
The HCL has a very hot smoke.
It kills if it is being inhaled
So pls be careful
That is what I sell and it work like magic.

Monday, February 12, 2018



1. Boil water
2.pour into a bowl
3.dilute with cool water to your body tolerant
4.blend garlic and add
5. Sit in it for 20minutes
6. Rub aloe vera jell to the penis after each sitting
 Twice daily for three days

    For another three days
add activated charcoal into the hot water instead of garlic

Finally, drink garlic juice and garlic capsule,
Vitamin C 3000 in divided doses


Cook 21 pieces of onion and squeeze the juice into a container.One spoon 3 times every day.

Get plenty of white onion, grind and extract the juice, mix with equal quantity of honey. Take 2 spoons of it three times daily.

Homemade Natural Viagra
This potion is a very effective remedy for male and female libido boost, treatment for erectile dysfunction(impotence) and a fertility boost. It's mostly referred to as the ultimate natural viagra.

- 1 medium size Watemelon
 -2-3 Lemons (According to preference though, but whatever quantity u choose to make the quantity of watermelon should always be much more than lemons)
Cut the watermelon with the white part (it is important you do so as it contains more of the necessary nutrient citrillune-amino acid which helps to increase blood flow to the heart and the genitals)
Dice into smaller piece and blend in a juicer or blender, pour in a pot and boil for several minutes,mix the extracted lemon juice with the boiling watermelon juice very well and boil till the content evaporates and reduces to half. Leave it to cool completely, Transfer to a glass bottle(very important as it helps with longer preservation)store in a cool dry place or refrigerate. This recipe is best taken on an empty stomach especially  when you wake up and before dinner.
Take 1/3 cup or a few tablespoon is enough. It's recommended for both male and female of all ages and has no side effects. Women can add pomegranate juice for fertility.


Guava leaves (the topmost parts) and moringa leaves and seeds. wash and boil them together. Take first thing in the morning and night. You can use it as your drink as well. Try refrigerate them(preferably 5days).

This all purpose natural herbs would treat and heal the following:

1. Total body cleaning of broad spectrum of bacteria
2. Reduce cholesterol level
3. All types of STD/STI, Gonorrhea, staphylococcus etc
4. Erectile dysfunction, Detoxification, Waist Pain, body pain, slimming (add lime).
5. Impotence and low libido, increase spermatogenesis production.
6. Digestive problem and reduction of high blood pressure
7. Colon cleanser, Kidney/Liver cleanser.
8. Menstrual problem.


Goodmorning house, admin please post this it is very helpful especially for women that menstruate (black colour during menstruation) it is test ed and trusted, i learnt from my daady who is ......., i want to share it wit my people incase one need it. When you drink it, it will go straight to your liver and fallopian tube and cleans anything it traced.
Note: for women; to be taken the day u start menstruating till the ovulation starts.
Side effects: it can extend your normal flow and speed your flow.
2. It is used for strong cough for adult not for children

guava leaves (not agric guava leaves)
uzuza seed (not leaves)
garlic  {3 seed)
55cl overnight palmwine

wash the guava leaves, put in a very clean pot ( if u av a pot u av not used to cook before, it serves d best but if you dont av wash the one you av  very well to avoid oily)  add 2 cups of water to it and boil for 40mins. Leave the guava leaves wit the water in the pot till tomorrow to get the real juice ;  reboil the guava leaves in the early morning, sieve the water out and throw away the leaves. Put the sieved water back to the pot
2. Grate or pound  your ginger, tumeric, uzuza seed and garlic with a clean grater or mortar, add them to the guava leaves juice inside the pot
3. Add the 55CL overnight palmwine to it and boil for 20 mins
4. U can sieve out the ginger and rest or leave it.

Friday, February 9, 2018


These are the items you need to prepare the herbs for ovarian cyst and fallopian tube blockage. your will add The items are:
1 green potash - Green POTASH is "SOMISORO" "IMIOJO DUDU" in Yoruba. .But Use little ooo. .It's too Powerful.
2 lime leaf
grind the lime leaf and add very little of the green potash and grind together, then mould the grinned potash n leaf make it small(see d size in the picture) so that it can get into the vagina freely. Sun dry it when its dry, insert one into the vagina leave it there you will see the dirt that wil be coming out of your vagina and after some days d leaf you inserted will fall back with the cyst and you will see it with your eyes. After it falls off, allow your body to rest for a week then insert another one. After using like 3 of it and your vagina is now free, just stat dancing and playing games with your hubby and by the special grace of GOD you will come back to testify and to say thanks to me.
If u want to use it to dissolve fibroid you add maiorganic root and chargbo root that's the end result in d pictures.


Male Infertility: Causes, Treatment And Prevention

Infertility affects approximately 1 out of every 6 couples. An infertility diagnosis is given to a couple who are unable to conceive over the course of one year. When the problem lies with the male partner it is referred to as male infertility. Male infertility factors contribute to approximately 30% of all infertility cases, and male infertility alone accounts for approximately one-fifth of all infertility cases.

What causes male infertility?

There are four main causes of infertility in males:

A hypothalamic or pituitary disorder (1-2%)
Gonad disorder (30-40%)
Sperm transport disorder (10-20%)
Unknown causes (40-50%)
Much research remains to be performed on the topic of male infertility, as many cases still receive an “unknown cause” diagnosis. Male infertility usually occurs because of sperm that are abnormal, because of inadequate numbers of sperm, or problems with ejaculation.

Sperm can be considered abnormal for two possible reasons: unusually short life span of the sperm and/or low mobility.

Sperm abnormalities may be caused by one or more of the following:

Inflammation of the testicles
Swollen veins in the scrotum
Abnormally developed testicles
Reasons for a low sperm count or lack of sperm include one or more of the following:

A pre-existing genetic condition
Use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs
Severe mumps infection after puberty
Hernia repairs
Hormone disorder
Exposure to poisonous chemicals
Exposure to radiation
Blockage caused from a previous infection
Wearing restrictive or tight underwear
Injury to the groin area
Male infertility can also occur when there are problems with ejaculation.

Ejaculation problems may include any of the following:

Premature ejaculation
Retrograde ejaculation, which occurs when the semen is forced back into the bladder
Erection dysfunctions
Complications from radiation therapy or surgery
Other causes of male infertility can include:

History of STD’s
Urinary tract infections
Use of certain types of medications

How is male infertility diagnosed?

Potential male infertility will be assessed as part of a thorough physical examination. The examination will include a medical history regarding potential contributing factors.

Your healthcare provider may use one or more of the following tests to assess fertility:

Semen analysis to determine the number and quality of sperm
Blood test to check for infections or hormone problems. Hormone levels are just as important in male fertility as they are in female fertility
Making a culture of fluid from the penis to check for infections
Physical examination of the penis, scrotum and prostate
Semen analysis is the most important part of male fertility testing. Some men find it more comfortable to do semen analysis testing in the privacy of their own homes. In-home testing kits are available.

What are they looking for in the testing?
When semen analysis is done, your health care provider will be looking for some specific markers to access fertility.

Total amount or volume of semen – 2 milliliters is considered normal. A lower amount may indicate an issue with the seminal vesicles, blocked ducts or a prostate gland issue.
Sperm count – 20 million to 300 million per milliliter is considered in the normal range for sperm counts. Below 10 million is considered “poor.”
Morphology – the size and shape of the sperm affect the sperms ability to reach and fertilize an egg. 30% is considered a good amount of sperm that are shaped “normal.” And “strict” testing shows an even lower percentage as normal.
Motility – movement and number of active cells. Movement is rated from 0-4, with score over 3 considered good. The amount of active cells is rated in percentages from 1-100%, with 50% considered the minimum.

How is male infertility treated?

Male infertility is most often treated by conventional methods that include one or more of the following:

Taking medications to help increase sperm production
Taking antibiotics to heal an infection
Taking hormones to improve hormone imbalance
Avoiding taking long hot showers, using hot tubs or saunas
Wearing looser underwear such as boxer shorts versus jockey shorts
Sperm production may also improve by taking clinically proven supplements.  Anything that increases the number of healthy sperm increases the chances of conception. Many health food stores and vitamin shops offer male fertility supplements. Shop for male fertility supplements.

Artificial insemination is an option if the man’s sperm count is low. In this procedure, sperm is collected through multiple ejaculations.  They are then manually placed in the female’s uterus or fallopian tubes.

In vitro fertilization is another option that can be used to overcome male infertility factors. In this procedure, the sperm and egg are fertilized in a laboratory after which the fertilized egg is placed in the female’s uterus.

If tests show that there is no sperm production or that other related problems are present, donor sperm can be used to help facilitate conception. In this procedure, donor sperm are obtained from a sperm bank and placed inside the female’s uterus or fallopian tubes through artificial insemination.

Can Male Infertility Be Prevented?

There is usually nothing that can be done to prevent male infertility caused by genetic problems or illness. However, there are actions that men can take to decrease the possibility of infertility.

These include:

Avoiding sexually transmitted diseases
Avoiding illicit drugs
Avoiding radiation when possible
Avoiding exposure to toxic substances
Avoiding heavy or frequent use of alcohol
Observing good personal hygiene and health practices
Avoiding long, hot baths, hot tubs or saunas
Wearing loose-fitting underwear
Some couples want to explore more traditional or over the counter efforts before exploring infertility procedures. If you are trying to get pregnant and looking for resources to support your efforts, we ask you to



I HOPE THIS HELP SOMEONE THE HEALING WONDERS OF CABBAGE LEAF So it seems cabbage leaves 🍃 are not just for eating! In addition to being ...