Thursday, January 11, 2018


BEAUTY INGREDIENTS TO BEWARE OF #MBMB- Hello people! Our post today focuses on those ingredients to watch out for when purchasing your moisturizers and lotions and by extension, your beauty products in general. As much as we love our lotions and creams for keeping our skin well moistured with its nice smell and in other cases, lightening our skin deliciously, there are some harmful ingredients which are boldly written on the packs usually in scientific terms which manufacturers will assume you wouldn't know the meaning nor care as long as it promises flawless skin. Most of these harmful ingredients especially in lightening creams are chemicals that actually aid in getting rapid results, giving you that even tone, fair and spotless look but as you walk by a market for example, you will see loads of women looking shiny and fair and then loads of other women with damaged and ravaged skin, the first set are women who are yet to have their skin damaged and the other are those who have learnt the hard way, the bitter way hence the beauty world is going organic, not just in beauty products but in foods. I recall back in the day when I will squeeze Funbact A into my cream and mix to even tone me but it is a steroidal cream to be prescribed by a doctor and long term usage is dangerous, thank God, I knew this early on, so starting with 1) STEROIDS- Steroids are actually good when used within a specific number of days to at least 3 months maximum, they are usually prescribed by doctors in cream formulation for clearing eczema, acne and other skin irritation and in some cases, formulated in drugs and protein shakes for building muscles by men but shouldn't exceed 3 months maximum, ofcourse using these in beauty products, you get carried away by the results and continue using thus, your skin gets addicted to it and the repercussion is terrible and begins to manifest, your skin starts to redden as your red blood cells begins to get visible from your thinning fair skin, acne becomes worse and stopping the cream altogether would even be way worse as your skin would have been addicted to it. Steer clear. 2) BUTYLATED HYDROXYANISOLE (BHA)
BHA is a food preservative and stabilizer that routinely shows up in body lotions, as well as everything from lipstick to yeast infection treatments but beware—it’s an endocrine disruptor and reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen that is, liable to cause cancer. 3) DMDM HYDANTOIN
This mysterious-sounding ingredient is a type of formaldehyde-releasing preservative used in a host of personal care items, including body lotion. (Formaldehyde releasers are used in 20 percent of all cosmetics and personal care products, according to the Environmental Working Group). It’s an irritant for eyes and skin, and while there’s no evidence that DMDM hydantoin itself is a carcinogen, formaldehyde definitely is and if there’s an impurity in the DMDM Hydantoin used in your moisturizer, there’s a chance that formaldehyde is present. 4) PARABENS
You’ll find parabens in practically all popular commercial body lotions (just look for butylparaben, isobutylparaben, methylparaben, propylparaben, or ethylparaben on the label). They prevent bacteria and fungus from growing in your favorite bottle of moisturizer, which would be great if they weren’t linked to hormone disruption and breast cancer. Luckily, manufacturers of organic lotions have found safer ways to keep their products fungus-free, like using vitamin E and citric acid, though these products tend to have a shorter shelf life than those that contain parabens.  5) RETINYL PALMITATE
Retinyl palmitate, the most controversial form of vitamin A, is a vitamin A derivative that you’ll see in some sunscreens, as well as lotions and creams advertised to have anti-aging properties. A study published by the National Toxicology Program found that mice exposed to retinyl palmitate developed a frightening number of tumors after exposure to sunlight. If you’re going to use lotions that contain retinyl palmitate, do so at night. 6) MERCURY- Is a dangerous ingredient which ruins and debilitates vital internal organs, avoid it by all means. 7) HYDROQUINONE- Notably popular in skin lightening lotions, this ingredient has also being found out to damage skin and on a long term use, cause severe burns to skin and damage to vital organs, use products containing Alpha Arbutin instead. A word is enough for the wise. OUR SKIN CARE HACK FOR TODAY- Steer clear of carbonated drinks and swap with water for glowy skin.

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