Tuesday, January 23, 2018


According to how it was explained d first I came across ds, for egusi bara for fibroid, d writer said dt 1...u should buy 2 balls of bara, chop it very well and put inside a container.
2....slice 5pcs of white onion and add to it
3....pound 10 pcs of Ghana seed and add to it
4.....added 50cl of lime
5.....added nd fill it up wt any dry gin of ur choice and leave for 24 hours to ferment then u start taking it. She said dt for fibroid patients, u d should take 10 table spoons, dts one shot. And for trying to conceive mothers should take 15 table spoons

Not for breastfeeding mothers
To be taken morning n night for 90 days
To unblock Fallopian tubes and to bring down fibroids

Boil with Omo ogi to treat reproductive organs infections


  1. All thanks to dr omohan He helped me with a fast cure to fibroid and infertility,and the size of it was .7cm, Then I started taking the medication for only one month, and now am completely cured from it. I was able to make it without any surgery, now I can live like every normal human and I can eat any food of my choice If you need such help, contact him via Email dromohanherbalmedicine@gmail.com or whatsapp +2348164816038 for advice,i hope this also help some one out there.

    1. thankes to Dr oniha, who cured me of fallopian tube blockage and fibroid. i married for over eight years wthout a child of my own. because of the problem with my fallopian tubbe and fibroid, until i came in conntact with Dr oniha's testimony and recommendations online, on how he has cured and healed so many people of the same illment, and i decided to contact him, and he administered his medicatons on me, and i became pregnant in two monnths. incasse you wannt to reach him for a similar problem, yoou can call or whatsap him on +2347089275769 or email: dronihaspell@yahoo.com

    2. Am pela, thanks to Dr Osaze who cured me of fallopian tube blockage and fibroid with his herbal tuber cleanser. My marriage was on the verge of collapsing, because I was unable to bear a child for my husband. Until I came across Dr osaze's recommendation on line, and I contacted him. And he administered his herbs on me. I now have a child I can call my own. In case you want to contact him for a similar problem, or all other issues, you can reach him through his email:
      drosaze39@gmail.com or call him on +2347089275769

    3. Am pela, thanks to Dr Osaze who cured me of fallopian tube blockage and fibroid with his herbal tuber cleanser. My marriage was on the verge of collapsing, because I was unable to bear a child for my husband. Until I came across Dr osaze's recommendation on line, and I contacted him. And he administered his herbs on me. I now have a child I can call my own. In case you want to contact him for a similar problem, or all other issues, you can reach him through his email:
      drosaze39@gmail.com or call him on +2347089275769

    4. Am Hellen, thanks to Dr oniha who cured me of fallopian tube blockage and fibroid with his herbal tuber cleanser. My marriage was on the verge of collapsing, because I was unable to bear a child for my husband. Until I came across Dr ONIHA's recommendation onLine,of how he has helped numerous of childless couples to have children with the help of his wonderful herbal medication, and I contacted him. And he administered his herbs on me.within the space of two months, i became pregnant, I now have a child I can call my own. In case you want to contact him for a similar problem, or all other infertilty issues, you can reach him through his email:
      DRONIHASPELL@YAHOO.COM or call him on +2347089275769

    5. Herbal medicine is the best Greetings I am here to testify how great man called Dr OMO helped me out with herbs and roots which he prepared for me in use of curing my fibroids and Getting pregnant after 8 years of try to conceive with fibroids I takes his product (cure for my fibroid made with herbal medicine Root) for (14) days before I am to known I was totally pregnant after 2months of using dr omo herbs he also have Herbal medical for all types of diseases, and i promised him that i will tell the world about his Great job he ask me to drink from the herbal medicine before meeting my husband I did and after 2months I was pregnant thank you for your great job he can also help you if you have a low sperm count you want to convince a baby fast PCOS ,infections, stomach ucler , Endometriosis, breast cancer,HIV?AID, yeast infection, Epilepsy Gonorrhea, Chronic Sinus, HPV , Genital Warts low testosterone, Herpes, blocked fallopian tubes Liver parasites ovarian Arthritis, Cysts, pile, Crowns and all other type of diseases, breast cancer, kidney failure, Get lost period back, stop period pain, Email : dromo596@gmail.com WhatsApp him on +2349033505260 thank you for all your work..

  2. with your roots and herbs you have enveloped my frown face with smile, slung to stand,tube tie burned alive, i used your herbs and root according to the instruction given it materialized,i have conceive now and delivered a baby boy,from letter A-z can't speak how joyful i'm. contact him via on facebook (Oduduwa Ajakaye)

  3. thankes to Dr oniha, who cured me of fallopian tube blockage and fibroid. i married for over eight years wthout a child of my own. because of the problem with my fallopian tubbe and fibroid, until i came in conntact with Dr oniha's testimony and recommendations online, on how he has cured and healed so many people of the same illment, and i decided to contact him, and he administered his medicatons on me, and i became pregnant in two monnths. incasse you wannt to reach him for a similar problem, yoou can call or whatsap him on +2347089275769 or email: dronihaspell@yahoo.com

  4. Wonders shall never end, who could have imagined that herbal medication can cure fibroid. I have been battling with Fibroid for so long, I experienced pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding and I had several miscarriages. I went to the hospital and I was diagnosed of multiple fibroid and I was treated but nothing seems to be working until I read about Uduehi’s medication online and of course I gave it a try and after using his medicine all the fibroid shrank, and the pains gone. I am 4 months pregnant now. You can reach him if interested through: uduehiherbalcare@gmail.com phone/WhatsaPP: +2347084878384

  5. Am pela, thanks to Dr Osaze who cured me of fallopian tube blockage and fibroid with his herbal tuber cleanser. My marriage was on the verge of collapsing, because I was unable to bear a child for my husband. Until I came across Dr osaze's recommendation on line, and I contacted him. And he administered his herbs on me. I now have a child I can call my own. In case you want to contact him for a similar problem, or all other issues, you can reach him through his email:
    drosaze39@gmail.com or call him on +2347089275769

  6. Who would have believed herbal medicine could cure FIBROID? I suffered fibroid for a long time and getting pregnant was a problem, I had pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding even hospital could not help. Until I read about doctor Uduehi online, I contacted him for help and behold I was cured. I have gone for test severally at the hospital and was proved negative which means I am free from fibroid and I am also pregnant at the moment. You too can be cured if having such problem. His contact: uduehiherbalcare@gmail.com phone/WhatsaPP: +2347084878384

  7. I want to thank a great herbal doctor who treated me of FALLOPIAN TUBE BLOCKAGE is name is Dr. Uduehi. I came to the knowledge of his medication while looking for how to unblock my both Fallopian tubes, I contacted him for help just as I was told by a friend and he did sent me the medicine and my Fallopian tubes were opened after taken the medication. I came here to testify of his great work and also to let the world know that Fallopian tube can be unblocked with herbal medication. Here are his details: uduehiherbalcare@gmail.com phone/WhatsaPP: +2347084878384

  8. I am very happy today to share my testimony on how a herbal doctor cure my wife from FIBROID INFECTION. my wife was infected with FIBROID, we went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking on how to get a solution out so that we can have our own child. i found an article about one doctor who already help a lady with his herbal medicine. then i contacted him. He told me all the things I need to do, and he send the herbal medicine to me here in my country to take, my wife followed the instruction properly on how to take it. Before I knew what is happening after 0ne month the FIBROID that was in my wife body got vanished and she was cured totally . so if you are also heart broken and also need a help, you can also email him at droriane6@gmail.com or call +2349031652461

  9. I am excited to share this testimony, I was 3 years ago diagnosed of fibroid and complicated Endometriosis. My medical condition was heart broken because it was causing my menstrual cramps,bloating before menstrual periods,lower abdominal pressure which result to heavy periods. I was subjected to different medications by my doctor for treatment such as Coenzyme Q10,ibuprofen, Danazol and many more. Despite my visit to several doctors my health wasn't getting better, all they could say was surgery. At the verge of giving up, I went to the internet to search for a treatment at least. But I found a cure instead. In the internet, I read a testimony of a lady who had Fibroid. She shared an e-mail address of the Doctor. Luckily everything seemed to be okay after I took the Herbal Medicine. I wish I could say that’s the end of it because I haven't had any symptoms since then. Do not expose yourself to more danger, use a herbal remedy that is safe and effective. If interested contact him via email address drleetu99@gmail.com.

  10. I am excited to share this testimony, i was 3 years ago diagnosed of fibroid and complicated Endometriosis. My medical condition was heart broken because it was causing my menstrual cramps,bloating before menstrual periods,lower abdominal pressure which result to heavy periods. I was subjected to different medications by my doctor for treatment such as Coenzyme Q10,ibuprofen, Danazol and many more. Despite my visit to several doctors my health wasn't getting better, all they could say was surgery. At the verge of giving up, I went to the internet to search for a treatment at least. But I found a cure instead. In the internet, I read a testimony of a lady who had Fibroid. She shared an e-mail address of the Doctor. Luckily everything seemed to be okay after I took the Herbal Medicine. I wish I could say that’s the end of it because I haven't had any symptoms since then.
    Do not expose yourself to more danger, use a herbal remedy that is safe and effective. If interested contact him via email address drleetu99@gmail.com.

  11. I am excited to share this testimony, i was 3 years ago diagnosed of fibroid and complicated Endometriosis. My medical condition was heart broken because it was causing my menstrual cramps,bloating before menstrual periods,lower abdominal pressure which result to heavy periods. I was subjected to different medications by my doctor for treatment such as Coenzyme Q10,ibuprofen, Danazol and many more. Despite my visit to several doctors my health wasn't getting better, all they could say was surgery. At the verge of giving up, I went to the internet to search for a treatment at least. But I found a cure instead. In the internet, I read a testimony of a lady who had Fibroid. She shared an e-mail address of the Doctor. Luckily everything seemed to be okay after I took the Herbal Medicine. I wish I could say that’s the end of it because I haven't had any symptoms since then.
    Do not expose yourself to more danger, use a herbal remedy that is safe and effective. If interested contact him via email address drleetu99@gmail.com.

  12. Getting my uterine fibroid totally shrinked wasn’t easy. But today I am fibroid free and I am A mother, all this happened within a short time when I came across DR LEETU on Facebook and I contacted him for proper treatment. Behold he introduced me to his herbal medicine which I paid for before he delivered it to me , at first I was scared if he was a scam or not but I gave it a try and he delivered the medicine to me . I followed his prescriptions and after 23 days the fibroid was gone and was melted , it came out from my vagina as thick blood . I just want to say thank you Sir for everything , God will continuously bless you . you can also email him on DRLEETU99@GMAIL.COM
    Jesus will not leave you behind Our case is different

  13. Hello everyone, just a quick note to let you all know about a herbal doctor who cured my daughter of FIBROID, his name is Dr. Uduehi.I read about him online while searching for a solution, I reach out to him for help and he administered his medication on my daughter.The multiple fibroid shrink down and her pains like: Heavy menstrual bleed, Pelvic pain, Backache and difficulty emptying the bladder gone after the treatment. She went for test and she was tested fibroid free at the hospital. doctor's contacts: (+2347084878384) (uduehiherbalcare@gmail.com)

  14. Hey Gina! I read your comment about Dr. Uduehi’s medication concerning Fibroid and you were right, I tried it and it worked like magic for me. It was like hell living with FIBROID all this years until now, no more pains no miscarriage and I would've come with my testimony before now but I have to wait for a couple of months to see if it will regrow again but there's still no sign of fibroid, I also went to the hospital for test and still i was tested negative. All thanks to Dr. Uduehi and to you too Gina. And for anyone out there who wish to try can reach the doctor through: (+2347084878384) uduehiherbalcare@gmail.com

  15. Hello everyone my name is Betty from Ohio and I want to share my testimony on how I got cured of my fibroid naturally after 8 years of suffering from this abnormal growth in my uterus. I have been married for 5 years and the fibroid has been hampering my ability to conceive. I have had this fibroid before I got married. I was told that since the fibroid is not affecting quality of my life, treatment may not be necessary. So I decided not to treat it not until I got married and it became even worse affecting my ability to conceive so I decided to look for a permanent solution. When I discussed it with a colleague at work, she told me that she knows a traditional doctor that can help me with his herbal medicines and I will be cured and be able to conceive. I decided to give it a try because I was afraid of surgery and that was the only option my doctor gave me since the fibroid is severe. So she gave me the contact of Dr. Sani, and I called him and discussed with him, he assured me that after taking his herbal medicines for 3 weeks that the fibroid will be gone and I can go to my doctors for checkup to confirm it. It sounded too good to be true but I went ahead and gave him a try, after using the herbal medicines for 2 weeks, all my symptoms disappeared and I told him about it but he asked to complete the treatments before going to my doctor for checkup. I completed the treatments and today I am so happy that my fibroid is totally gone and my son is 2 months old. There is nothing compared to the joy of motherhood.
    If you are also suffering from any fibroid, you can contact him too, you might be the next person to share her testimony.
    You can contact Dr. Sani by Email at: perfectherbalcure@gmail.com OR Call/WhatsApp on: +2348118184266

  16. because of DR DOHGO my herpes virus was cured within 21 days, i tot

    there was no cure, but to be specific there was nothing i did not try

    during finding medical solution, all medical prescription was not

    helping to cure they only help to control the symptoms to some extends

    later on the outbreak was unable to controlled, the moment i discover

    about DR DOHGO herbal formula i doubted but i have no choice but to

    contact his whatsapp number +2347062142293. when i reached him he smiled

    after how i told him of my suffering, he told me not to worry,

    immediately after two days i received a medication from him after i used

    it for 3 weeks my body systerm felt relieve for the first time in 3

    yeers i felt different and positive changes my outbreak vanish and i

    went for checkup behold i was cured. so in use this this little way to

    appreciate his good work on my health, if you still waiting and

    patiently waiting and delaying putting your health and partner health in

    risk please contact DR DOHGO today via

    email: doctordohgo@gmail.com.

    WEBSITE : doctordohgo.wixsite.com/herbs

    WHATSAPP\CALL +2347062142293.

    MY PERSONAL EMAIL VIA charleswillson375@gmail.com

  17. Thank you so much Dr.omo herbal home for bringing my life back, i never thought i would ever be cured of UTIs    again due to the medical report i had from the hospital not until When God used Dr omo herbs and root in curing me of UTIs   . Inbox him on {dromo596@gmail.com}  whatsapp no; [+2349033505260   
    dr omo can also help you If you have any problem like 
    Herpes 1/2 /  cold sores
    blocked fallopian tubes 
    Ex back
    Penis/engagement/boobs..  whatsapp no; [+2349033505260  
    his email: dromo596@gmail.com 

  18. I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Health Home, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Health Home via their website at www.ultimatelifeclinic.com I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!

  19. Do you suffer FIBROID? The cure/solution is available now, Dr. Uduehi has the solution to fibroid and I am a testimony to his medication. I was a victim of UTERINE FIBROID for years. I had Pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding symptoms and miscarriages. I took different type medicine and even did surgery and it came back after some time, I read about Dr. Uduehi’s recommendation online and I reached out to him and the fibroid shrink totally after the medication and it’s more than a year since I got free no sign of fibroid and am pregnant now for the first time. Doctor’s contact: +234-708-487-8384 (uduehiherbalcare@gmail.com)

  20. HOW DR OVIE CURE ME FROM,blocked fallopian tube and fibroid i have been married for 9 year I have not been able to conceive because of my blocked fallopian tube. and fibroid, a friend of my told me about a herbal Dr called Dr. Ovie he help her to cure her HPV I believe it, when I went online I saw so many testimony share by different people saying Dr Ovie help them to cure different disease and virus and immediately I emailed him and he told me he's going to help me after doing all he ask for me he send me his herbal medicine after taking the herbal medicine for just 14 days I started feeling good I was not feeling any pains and my stomach that was big became normal it was not big again after three months I went to the hospital I was cured from fibroid and my blocked fallopian tube was opened I was a month and one week pregnant email Dr Ovie via Ovie.miraclemedicine1@gmail.com call or whatsapp Dr Ovie on +2349056393169 contact Dr.Ovie on his website now https://oviemiraclemedicin.wixsite.com/mysitefor your own testimony God bless...

  21. I never thought i would be HIV negative again after been diagnosed in 2019, i have tried everything possible in life from one doctor to another, one hospital to another, series of tests, different kinds of medication, i had already lost hope until i meet Great Dr. OSAGIE online testimonies, a specialist in herbal medication from Africa, i contacted him (drosagiesolutiontemple@gmail.com OR DROSAGIESOULTIONTEMPLE@YAHOO.COM) and he prepared HIV herbal medication for me which i took for 14days and now i am completely cured. i want to use this medium to express my gratitude to him for saving my life and curing me from HIV, for taking away all my pains and sorrows, I''m indeed grateful and i am so happy I''m now HIV negative. i will continue to tell the good news of your great works to everyone, if you have HIV or other disease contact him, Email: his email: (drosagiesolutiontemple@gmail.com OR DROSAGIESOULTIONTEMPLE@YAHOO.COM ) or Whatsapp number: +2347030465649 DOCTOR OSAGIE CAN AS WELL HELP THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS
    5 IF YOU NEED A BABY SPELL him to solve
    6 LOW SPERM COUNT SPELL get all your problem solve. No problem is too big for him to solve.

  22. Herbal medicine is the best 💓💓Greetings I am here to testify how great man called Dr OMO helped me out with herbs and roots which he prepared for me in use of curing my fibroids and Getting pregnant after 8 years of try to conceive with fibroids I takes his product (cure for my fibroid made with herbal medicine Root) for (21) days before I am to known I was totally pregnant after 2months of using dr omo herbs he also have Herbal medical for all types of diseases, and i promised him that i will tell the world about his Great job he ask me to drink from the herbal medicine before meeting my husband I did and after 2months I was pregnant thank you for your great job he can also help you if you have a low sperm count you want to convince a baby fast PCOS ,infections, stomach ulcer, Endometriosis, cancer, yeast infection, fibromyalgia, Gonorrhea, Chronic pain, LUPUS low testosterone, Herpes, BV, blocked fallopian tubes Liver parasites breast cysts ovarian cysts Arthritis, pile, Crowns and all other type of diseases, breast cancer, COPD Get lost period back, stop period pain, Email : dromo596@gmail.com WhatsApp him on +2349033505260 thank you..Dr Omo. Please help me share and save others God bless you all........



I HOPE THIS HELP SOMEONE THE HEALING WONDERS OF CABBAGE LEAF So it seems cabbage leaves 🍃 are not just for eating! In addition to being ...