Wednesday, October 18, 2017



 Black seed is an anti-oxidant thus helps cleanse the body of toxins. It contains immense benefits for the body and is used as a remedy to treat wide range of ailments such as skin disorder, allergies, illnesses, infections, conditions related to respiratory health, digestive system, kidney and liver function, circulatory and immune system as well as support and assist the general well being.

It has been effective in stimulating the body and its energy through treating sexual impotency, stimulating women’s menstrual cycle and flow of breast milk and calming the nervous system. Its properties have made it a successful remedy for treating common problems such as fatigue, asthma and bronchial problems, back pains, eczema, arthritis, diabetes, disorders, flu and nasal congestion, hair loss, headaches, muscular pains, dry coughs, colic pains, skin allergies, toothaches and ulcers.

From its numerous usage is a list below of simple remedies for common skin disorders and illnesses.

🌿 For dandruff:
Crush 2 tablespoons of  black seed, mix with apple cider vinegar to make a paste and apply to the scalp. Let stay for 30 minutes and wash away with Luke warm water.  This should clear the scalp off of dandruff.

🌿For Pimples:
Mix black seed powder with a little apple cider vinegar to form a paste and apply to the affected area. Leave for 10 minutes then wash away with Luke warm water and moisturize.

🌿Improving memory:
Take a teaspoon of black seed oil with a glass of pure orange juice every morning for a period of 10 days

🌿Backache and muscular pains:
Mildly heat a little black seed oil and then massage into the affected area.  Alternatively, powder equal quantities of asparagus seeds, black seed, fenugreek seed and caraway seed. Take ¼ teaspoon of powder every morning with a glass of water.

🌿Sleeping disorder:
Mix a teaspoon of black seed powder with some honey in a cup of hot water and sip before retiring to bed.

🌿Asthma, bronchial and respiratory problems:
Mix a teaspoon of black seed oil in coffee, and take twice a day. Also rub the chest with black seed oil every night and inhale the vapour of black seed powder/oil added to  hot water.

🌿Hair loss:
Massage lemon juice into the hair and leave for 15-20 minutes, wash out thoroughly with shampoo, then apply black seed oil into the scalp and continue for this for a period of 20 days.

🌿Eye infection, pain and weak sight:
Apply the oil around the eyes and on the eyelids before retiring to bed.
Take ½ a teaspoon of black seed oil mixed with carrot juice for weak sight. Continue this treatment until there is improvement.

🌿Flu and nasal congestion:
Insert four drops of black seed oil into each nostrils to relieve from nasal congestion and  cold distress.

🌿Tooth and gum ache:
Mix  half a teaspoon of black seed oil with warm water and gargle in the mouth. Also, apply oil on the affected tooth or gum for quick relief.

🌿Increase in flow of breast milk:
Mix together a cup of black seed powder with 250ml of pure honey, stir and take one tablespoon of this mixture with black seed oil twice a day.

Take half a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice mixed with equal amount of black seed oil, till changes is noticed.

Black seed oil is known to fight Cancer, it is recommended for Cancer patients, it destroys cancer cells.

Infertility: Black seed boosts fertility level of Women that are trying to conceive, it increases fertility level both in men and women.

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