Friday, October 27, 2017

Princess Matthew kayode Odunayo



08094070116 WHATSAAP

Sunday, October 22, 2017



Corn silk(dry one)
unripe pawpaw,

Soak everything together after 3 day start taking one morning,afternoon, night 4 five day.

This worked for someone I know
After we were taught.

Saturday, October 21, 2017


*what* *you* *need*
Black cumin/seed
Dried mint leaves(blended)
Cinnamon( blended)

Take a level teaspoon of black seed, mint leaves and cinnamon and put in a small pot. Add a little more than a glass of water to the pot. Allow to boil for 2-3mins. Use medium heat. Wash and peel your ginger, then blend or pound. While the mixture is boiling, add half lemon( press the juice into the pot then chop the peels into it) allow to simmer for 1minute then add the blended ginger. Let it boil for 20seconds then put off the heat. Leave it covered for sometime. Sieve and drink a glass morning and evening.


Ulcer remedy has been shared countless times, but I have a different method that I and my husband have used for a long time which is equally effective. He's symptoms were more severe than mine and has used all the giant ulcer medication like ulsakit, omeprazole, tinidazole, gestid, gaviscon etc..till he started this simple yet powerful home plantain drink.

Get 2 big unripe plantain,
peel, chop in pieces
Blend with 1ltr of water
Refrigerate overnight.
Start drinking 1 cup morning and night.

It should be taken cold. It gives instant relief. Long usage is guaranteed to heal the sores in the stomach region.

Guess what, this is not the only benefit.
It also dries up the vagina converting you to a virgin free of charge. If you are tight already, use with caution.
It also promotes better sleep for those that stay awake due to ulcer pains.
It improves watery stool conditions. Please drink with caution if you are prone to constipation. I suggest you drink only in the morning.
Even if you don't have any of the above conditions, taking it once in a while is good for the heart. Did I say it improves male libido? Yes it does.

I decided to share this method for those that find it difficult drinking the fermented plantain method and also those that can't eat it raw. It tastes like garri and water without sugar. Not bad at all.

God bless you all.

Friday, October 20, 2017




The time blood flows out of your vagina which you uses pad.


How many days it takes to see another blood in the month.


If you saw your period last month June 11th
and it came yesterday 10th July
have 30days Cycle (counting from 11th June to 10th July).


We are made to believe its 28day cycle......
that's not so,
Different  women different cycles ranging from 26-32days.


Forget grammars.......
This is time of getting pregnant fast without stress, this is two weeks after your period or
two weeks before the next period.


1. From the first day you see the blood of your period.

2. Pick up a calendar and count 15 days including the first day of the blood stain.

3. Mark the 15th day with a pen (circle it).

4. Mark 3 days before the 15th day

5. Mark 3 days after the 15th day

6. You will notice you have 7 days marked.

These 7 days are your ovulation/fertile days also known as unsafe period.
Meaning if you have sex on any of these days then you have 98% chances of being pregnant.

7.Do these every month and try and ABIDE by these rules


For example:

1. If your period is 11th July, 2017,

2. 15 days from the first day of the blood stain will be on 25th of this July too (2weeks after) counting from 11th.

3. 15th day is on the 25th July 2017.

4. 3days before the 15th day which are 22,23,24.

5. 3days after 25th July 2017 which are 26,27,28.

6.22th - 28th July (7days) is when you are ovulating and it's your fertile period.


Don't forget that these 7days is to remind you that Sperm stays in the female body for up-to 7 days (a week), any sexual contact in between ovulation period will
form something that has ears, eyes etc


I have been confronted with this question times without number.

Never forget, GOD is the giver of life and determinant of sex. But with GOD'S permissive will, we as humans can now calculate the sex we want. GOD makes it work and affirmative results have been derived severally.

Now, if you want to have a baby girl, have sex between 3days before ovulation (22- 24) 2017.
For baby boy will be 25 (main ovulation day) and 3days after 25th



You don't need a doctor, just relax after two weeks you feel the following...........


2.Body temperature rises (sometimes you touch a girl and her body is hot but she is not sick)

3.Dizziness(feeling of tiredness and sleepiness )

4.Breast tenderness/size increases just like when you are menstruating.

5.Increased sex drive(sugar body)

6.Light cramping or pain on one side of the pelvis

7.Abdominal bloating.

8.Heightened sense of smell, taste or
vision(you eat more too).

9.Vagina mucus becomes slippery (if you notice such, put it in between fingers..
stretches like thick catarrh or snail
mucus...colorless just like egg whites.
The instance I gave here is for ladies with 30days cycle. If yours is 28 then it's 14days instead of 15days
.Anytime you have headache without a
cause check back when your period arrived,
nothing to worry about just get maltina and
peak milk mix both,drink and relax.. ....... Stop rushing to pharmacist always on issues that
can be naturally handled.

Drugs are not
always good on us girls.
From the moment I
understood ovulation problems, I stayed off
drug............You can take paracetamol only.

read and educate your wives, some women don't know they can use this method as a form of birth control rather than pills.

your phone or buy ovulation predictor kit.

Please do not forget,
Assume ur cycle to be 28day. .. ur ovation date will be on d 14th... so 3days to 14th and 3days after 14th are ur fertile days.



As dry season is approaching,  try and locate where u can get mucuna prurien - velvet beans (werepe), get the pod and put it inside water  b4 extracting  the seed easily.  Roast the seed and grind it 2 powder, add it to pap or make a tea of it and drink before  time.

For Low Sperm Count Eat Lots Of Groundnuts And Avoid Too Sugary And Oily Foods

Also take guava leaf drink and Cavata drug for pharmacy.


VIRGINS AND MASTURBATION....copied. Hope it helps someone.

I get lots of questions on masturbation most especially from ladies -yes, ladies masturbate a lot, especially virgins. Guys also masturbate. There is no debate on that. I'm not here to argue about who masturbates most, I need to deal with a serious issue.

Sexual urge for virgins is strong. What makes it stronger is the novelty, newness, the mystery and the hear says about sex.

Masturbation is fondling your genitals consistently to achieve orgasm. Ladies may stroke their clitoris while guys rub, massage or caress their penis. I decided to give explicit explanation because some ask me what masturbation is. Some ladies especiallly non-virgins use candles, banana, small bottles, sticks, dildos or whatever represents a penis and do solo sex (having sex by yourself).

From teenage upward, you will have a strong desire for sex. It's a sure sign you are normal and capable of having and enjoying sex in marriage. In your 20s it will be stronger and intense! You may wake up feeling horny for no single reason in the world or go hot on spotting a curvy lady! You may start noticing shapes and curves and you have to shake your head several times to keep the image off. You may get worked up on watching a romantic movie and discharge something. You check up and discover you are wet. All these are normal, you haven't committed any sin.

So what then do you do when you get hot and horny? Have sex? I know you know my answer and some singles will never be caught dead sleeping around, so what do they do? They masturbate! They give themselves release and pleasure through solo sex while claiming virginity at theseame time. Masturbation is completely wrong and not the way out. Let me explain:

1. Masturabation is not done in isolation. It is done with the image of someone in mind. It can be a lover, an EX, a celebrity, a married person, a crush, someone you like but incapable of having. You imagine having sex with them while masturbating. That is MENTAL FORNICATION

2. For ladies, while inserting all manner of objects, you may mistakenly deflower yourself and also introduce infection into your genitals and womb. It will be very difficult to convince your future partner that you never had sex with man except objects during your solo sex.

3. You kill your ability to enjoy sex in future. Millions of women don't enjoy sex in marriage which leads to sexual frustration, adultery, lesbianism and feminism. If you are used to getting orgasm by yourself, you won't be able to get it from your husband. If you are used to objects in your private part, you won't have feelings for your husband's penis. You will always think of something harder, bigger, longer, larger and completely unrealistic! Women who complain their husbands' penis are too small didn't marry as virgins. They must have been promiscous as singles.

4. You will not have a good sex life as a man. You will experience pre-mature ejaculation and your wife won't enjoy you leading to acute sexual frustration in marriage. You need self control to fully enjoy sex and give your wife maximum sexual pleasure. A woman enjoys sex when the man can go on for at least 7 minutes before ejaculating. Because you are used to instant release from masturbation, you may not be able to go more than a minute before exploding leaving your wife completely unsatisfied and frustrated. She may close up, become frigid and stop having sex altogether which may lead to you having an affair, she having an affair or both of you having an affair. Self control before marriage helps you enjoy sex to the maximum. You are able to delay ejaculation, go on for a long time and have excellent orgasm while giving your wife pleasure too. That is why total virginity pays!

5. If you do not suffer premature ejaculation, you may have serious problem with delayed/ retarded ejaculation. A situation where you get erection for several hours without ejaculation or orgasm. What is the benefit of sex without orgasm? Rough masturbation with your hands kills your ability to feel/enjoy sex with your wife. It is hell for a woman to be under a man who thrusts in for hours unable to ejaculate. How will the woman get pregnant? It's the reason some women are seemingly "barren" and can't talk to anybody out of embarrassment. Thrusting hard for so long leaves the woman sore, frustrated and hating sex altogether. You have so much to lose sexually when you masturbate. Abstaining from this degrading act helps you feel relaxed, confident, have normal sexual intercourse and enjoy the pleasures that comes with sex IN MARRIAGE!

6. You start having sex in the dream with a known or unknown person (demonic entities other wise known as spiritual spouse).

7. You feel drained, dirty, empty, useless and powerless after each act.

8. You start getting unsatisfied and wants the real thing. You fantasize more about sex and start longing for the real act.

9. You get a warped view of the opposite sex. You see them as sexual objects and start having sex with anything in skirt or trousers -you become promiscous.

10. You get damaged, hurt and broken.

11. You are at risk of hell fire!

These and more are the consequences of masturbation. They damage you and shatter you to pieces!  What then should you do with your sexual urge? How do you handle the constant hunger for sex?

1. Avoid all dirty pictures, pornography videos, pictures and hot, romantic movies -they are powerful sexual triggers!

2. Avoid friends who say dirty,lewd and obscene things. Stop all sexy banters with friends and say only things that are pure, holy, needful and helpful.

3. Get busy with your life, education and career, there is more to life than sex.

4. Transmute your sexual energy: Channel your sexual energy into something great. I had a strong sex drive in the institution. I simply channelled them into my education making me the best student in my department from the second year. I was very excited and energetic. I burnt the energy on my studies. I also started my ministry and was very committed as my fellowship bible study co-ordinator. If you don't burn that energy, you will have sex.

5. Study the word a lot especially Psalm 119. When you are filled with the word, you have no space for the devil and his demons in your heart.

6. Pray and speak in tongues always. It sanctifies you.

7. Make friends with godly people.

8. Avoid pornography and romantic movies.

9. Get busy in kingdom service.

10. Give your life to Jesus if you are not born again. He will surely help you out.


AVOID it and end it with speed if you are deeply involved in it.

JESUS can help you. CALL 📞 on HIM Now !


I used onion and lemon or lime. Blend onion with a cup of water, boil for 5mins after that sieve it and add ur lemon. Drink it first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

Cure for impotence


This group is an awesome group good evening my people, I have come again to appreciate and thank everyone for your wonderful contribution towards my request last time, base on my hubby penis not standing up again, my doctors and native doctors in the house you people are amazing, you guys have done it, thanks to you all, thanks to Mrs Bouqui Ademola, God bless you for creating this wonderful group. For what I used for him was, small small carrot,native  pineapple, one apple, water melon,cucumber, cabbage, tiger nuts dabino, banana and water onions, blended them together, give him morning and night,Wow my hubby has bounce back, without me touching it, it stand like before lol, my little baby as I use to call it is healthy and well thanks to all of you, one love will continue to us cheers

lots  of banana,groundnuts, sour sop,avocado can help boost sperm.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017



 Black seed is an anti-oxidant thus helps cleanse the body of toxins. It contains immense benefits for the body and is used as a remedy to treat wide range of ailments such as skin disorder, allergies, illnesses, infections, conditions related to respiratory health, digestive system, kidney and liver function, circulatory and immune system as well as support and assist the general well being.

It has been effective in stimulating the body and its energy through treating sexual impotency, stimulating women’s menstrual cycle and flow of breast milk and calming the nervous system. Its properties have made it a successful remedy for treating common problems such as fatigue, asthma and bronchial problems, back pains, eczema, arthritis, diabetes, disorders, flu and nasal congestion, hair loss, headaches, muscular pains, dry coughs, colic pains, skin allergies, toothaches and ulcers.

From its numerous usage is a list below of simple remedies for common skin disorders and illnesses.

🌿 For dandruff:
Crush 2 tablespoons of  black seed, mix with apple cider vinegar to make a paste and apply to the scalp. Let stay for 30 minutes and wash away with Luke warm water.  This should clear the scalp off of dandruff.

🌿For Pimples:
Mix black seed powder with a little apple cider vinegar to form a paste and apply to the affected area. Leave for 10 minutes then wash away with Luke warm water and moisturize.

🌿Improving memory:
Take a teaspoon of black seed oil with a glass of pure orange juice every morning for a period of 10 days

🌿Backache and muscular pains:
Mildly heat a little black seed oil and then massage into the affected area.  Alternatively, powder equal quantities of asparagus seeds, black seed, fenugreek seed and caraway seed. Take ¼ teaspoon of powder every morning with a glass of water.

🌿Sleeping disorder:
Mix a teaspoon of black seed powder with some honey in a cup of hot water and sip before retiring to bed.

🌿Asthma, bronchial and respiratory problems:
Mix a teaspoon of black seed oil in coffee, and take twice a day. Also rub the chest with black seed oil every night and inhale the vapour of black seed powder/oil added to  hot water.

🌿Hair loss:
Massage lemon juice into the hair and leave for 15-20 minutes, wash out thoroughly with shampoo, then apply black seed oil into the scalp and continue for this for a period of 20 days.

🌿Eye infection, pain and weak sight:
Apply the oil around the eyes and on the eyelids before retiring to bed.
Take ½ a teaspoon of black seed oil mixed with carrot juice for weak sight. Continue this treatment until there is improvement.

🌿Flu and nasal congestion:
Insert four drops of black seed oil into each nostrils to relieve from nasal congestion and  cold distress.

🌿Tooth and gum ache:
Mix  half a teaspoon of black seed oil with warm water and gargle in the mouth. Also, apply oil on the affected tooth or gum for quick relief.

🌿Increase in flow of breast milk:
Mix together a cup of black seed powder with 250ml of pure honey, stir and take one tablespoon of this mixture with black seed oil twice a day.

Take half a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice mixed with equal amount of black seed oil, till changes is noticed.

Black seed oil is known to fight Cancer, it is recommended for Cancer patients, it destroys cancer cells.

Infertility: Black seed boosts fertility level of Women that are trying to conceive, it increases fertility level both in men and women.

Monday, October 16, 2017


10 Reasons To Drink Turmeric

1. Quell Inflammation

Chronic inflammation throughout the body is linked to a whole host of illnesses like asthma, allergies, heart disease, cancer, premature aging and more. This silent yet prevalent condition can be prevented or cured by eating primarily anti-inflammatory foods – including turmeric, a superstar in the fight against inflammation.

A whole body of research highlights the anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin, the active compound in turmeric that is responsible not only for the spice’s health benefits, but for its golden yellow hue.

Of course, this means that turmeric can help kill the pain associated with inflammation in a variety of conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis and even post-workout muscle pain.

2. Aid Digestion

Turmeric has been used for centuries to relieve gas and bloating – with research confirming the validity of this old folk remedy.

In addition, the German Commission E, which determines which herbs can be safely prescribed in Germany, has approved turmeric for digestive problems. It’s thought that the curcumin stimulates the gallbladder to produce bile, aiding digestion.

3. Rich in Antioxidants

The curcumin pigment is a powerful antioxidant which destroys free radicals in the body – those rogue molecules which damage cell membranes and DNA, and cause cell death.

4. For Liver Health

Long considered a tonic for the liver, turmeric has been found to improve symptoms of liver function, even in those with already impaired livers.

5. Improve Immunity

With antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, it should come as no surprise to discover that turmeric can provide a boost to the immune system when taken regularly.

6. Protect the Heart

Curcumin may help prevent cardiovascular diseases – the leading cause of death worldwide. This pigment has been found to improve the function of the endothelium (the lining of the blood vessels), helping the body to regulate blood pressure and blood clotting.

One study even shows that curcumin is as effective as exercise in boosting endothelium function, while another shows it works as well as a commonly prescribed drug.

It’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects are also vital in the fight against heart disease.

7. Protect the Brain

Curcumin has been shown to increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), responsible for the growth and maintenance of nerve cells, which can improve cognitive function, memory and mood.

What’s more, it may even prevent cognitive decline.

Alzheimer’s Disease, the most common form of dementia – which causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior – is associated with a chronic inflammatory response in the brain. It makes sense, therefore, that turmeric’s powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and circulatory effects may help prevent and treat this condition.

8. Improve Symptoms of Depression

As we’ve seen above, curcumin can increase BDNF, which improves mood. It may also boost the ‘happy hormones’, the brain neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.

In one small study, researchers found that depressed patients experienced similar improvements when taking either curcumin or Prozac! However, the patients that took both experienced the greatest improvement in mood – highlighting the potential of turmeric to boost mental health.

9. Asthma Relief

While many herbs, spices and other foods provide natural relief for asthma sufferers, turmeric may be one of the most potent spices asthmatics can use. It improves air flow, relaxes muscle spasms, restores normal breathing patterns, thins the blood and relieves asthmatic inflammation.

10. Glowing Skin

For the healthiest skin around, make turmeric an integral part of your daily beauty routine. When ingested or applied topically, it can speed up healing, reduce the signs of ageing, correct oily skin, and calm the symptoms of eczema, psoriasis, scleroderma, rosacea and other skin diseases. Turmeric can even reverse UV damage and is applied topically to treat hirsutism (abnormal hair growth) in women.

For more reasons to use turmeric for your skin, check out this post.

Even More Benefits…

The health benefits of turmeric don’t end there! From healing ulcerative colitis to lowering cholesterol, check out these 10 reasons to add turmeric to your daily diet.

16 Recipes To Help You Drink More Turmeric

Now that you know what turmeric can do for your physical and mental health, it’s time to check out these tasty inflammation-fighting spiced drinks!

Golden Milk – this traditional turmeric drink, used in Indian households as a wellness tonic, is an infusion of either dry turmeric powder or fresh turmeric root in milk. Easy to prepare and highly palatable, it leads to better sleep, headache relief and much more.

Turmeric & Ginger Iced Tea – a refreshing iced drink that helps to support your heart, brain and every cell in your body. The recipe includes black pepper which helps to make the nutrients more readily available for your body to use.

Iced Turmeric Latte – on cooler days, try this iced turmeric latte, a chilled vegan version of Golden Milk. Made with cashew milk, fresh turmeric, fresh ginger, lemon juice, sugar (optional) and just a pinch of cardamom and salt, it’s as refreshing as it is healing.

Wellness Shot – for a quick hit of health, down this detoxing shot upon waking. Packed with nourishing ingredients like coconut water, turmeric, ginger, lemon, sea salt and honey, it has an earthy flavor with a ginger zing and gentle sweetness. As it’s gone in one gulp, this shot is ideal for those who want the health benefits of turmeric but can’t stand the taste!

Hot Detox Tonic – if you want to feel warm, energized, and ready to tackle the day but don’t have any fresh ingredients on hand, then this ‘pantry drink’ is for you. Using ginger tea, cinnamon, ground turmeric, cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and maple syrup, it’s guaranteed to rev up your metabolism and boost circulation.

Black Pepper and Turmeric Tea – this spicy tea contains cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, ginger, turmeric, raw honey and coconut milk along with an unusual addition … black pepper. Studies have found that the piperine in black pepper increases curcumin bioavailability by 2000%…meaning you get more bang for your buck with this tea.

Turmeric Cinnamon Coffee – coffee lovers can improve the health of their favorite drink – which already packs its own health punch – with a sprinkle of both turmeric and cinnamon.

Ginger Turmeric Lemonade – feed your soda cravings with this healthy sparkling refreshment. Along with turmeric, it contains anti-inflammatory ginger which aids in digestion, and lemon juice, which is both alkaline and detoxifying. A teaspoon of raw honey and some carbonated water add both sweetness and fizz so it tastes just like the ‘real deal’.

Cold & Flu Fighting Apple Green Tea Turmeric Tonic – take this on a weekly basis during the fall and winter months, and say goodbye to colds and flu. Sweet apple, fragrant cinnamon, tangy lemon, raw honey, earthy turmeric, creamy coconut oil, and spicy ginger, cayenne, and black pepper create a tasty blend of flavors that really complement the organic green tea. An absolute superfood tonic!

Golden Milk Kefir – take your Golden Milk up a notch by adding in the power of probiotics – those friendly little bacteria that improve the health of your gut and your whole body. Simply blend milk kefir with turmeric paste, coconut oil and raw honey for a seriously healthy cultured drink.

Turmeric Pineapple Water Kefir – like ginger ale but with the added earthiness and healthfulness of turmeric, this gut-friendly drink mixes raw honey, lemon, lime, pineapple, ginger and turmeric for a kefir soda that kids and adults will gulp down. Blend together a batch of concentrate to keep on hand for whenever you need a boost.

Turmeric Green Juice Cooler –  cool down with this medicinal cocktail – a healthy green vegetable juice which harnesses the properties of cucumber, carrot, romaine, lemon and, of course, turmeric!

Carrot, Beet, Blood Orange, Ginger and Turmeric Juice – put some pep in your step and clear out your stuffy nose and head with this vibrant fresh juice which is packed full of vitamins, minerals and heat!

Golden Mango Smoothie – a meal in a glass, this tempting smoothie packs in plenty of nutrition – including Vitamins A, B6 and C, potassium, manganese, healthy fats, and even four grams of protein! Made with mango, banana, almond milk, coconut oil, chia seeds, turmeric, cinnamon and optional chili.

Tropical Cleanser Green Smoothie – this exotic tasting smoothie contains mango, coconut milk, ginger, lemon and turmeric, along with pineapple – which aids digestion and is rich in the powerful painkilling compound bromelain; and kale – the poster child of superfoods, containing Vitamins A, C and K; the minerals copper, magnesium and calcium; and essential omega 3 fatty acids.

Healthy Bloody Mary – this twist on a classic combines kale, fresh ginger, black pepper, turmeric, vodka, tomato juice and celery to make the healthiest cocktail you’ll likely ever consume!

Turmeric Bee’s Knees with Lavender – for a less saintly alcoholic beverage (but still pretty healthy nonetheless) try this aromatic tipple, made with gin, fresh lemon juice, turmeric, honey and lavender.

Friday, October 13, 2017



To expel this dangerous creature from
your homes
(Tsaka in Hausa , wall gecko
in English , omo onile in Yoruba , pls I  don't
know the Igbo name (make una no vex )
Simply mix SALT and GALIC and pour at
all corners of the room , by God's grace it
will leave your homes forever..
 May God
protect us from its dangerous action.

Cockroaches are disgusting insects or better said pests that thrive in houses, particularly i n the dark and warm places. These pests carry dangerous diseases.
There are many different ways in which you can get rid of the cockroaches, but most of the products specially created to destroy these pests are loaded with poisonous chemicals. These chemicals are dangerous for your and the health of your children, as well.
Below is presented a natural mixture that is completely harmless for your family and pets, but is extremely efficient and will kill the cockroaches instantly.
All you need is: 1 onion and 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
Preparation: first chop the onion and then add the baking soda. Place the resulted mixture in the corners of your house, in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Very soon you will notice dead cockroaches on these places. Repeat this process every day and you will get rid of these disgusting pests – forever!
NOTE: Can a cockroach hurt you?
While they do not bite or sting they do feed and live in areas that harbor dangerous bacteria, such as bathrooms, drains, and dumpsters. The American cockroach (like other roaches) carries the bacteria on their body and can contaminate food as well as areas where food is prepared.
I really hope you find this article helpful.
This week we shall be talking about sweet potato leaves for eye problem...

Not many people are aware of the fact that sweet potato leaves are edible in the body. Sweet potato leaves are high in Lutein and Zeaxanthin (xanthophylls) which are said to have a number of benefits to the eyes especially in the prevention of AMD (age-related macular degeneration) and cataracts. Lutein and zeaxanthin are the only carotenoids reported to be present in the eye lends.

Sweet potato itself is low in Saturated Fat and Sodium, and very low in Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Protein, Niacin, Calcium and Iron, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Manganese.

And I will say sweet potato leaves are natural painkillers. This is due to a high beta carotene content contained in these leaves which is anti-inflammatory.

Get some quantity of matured sweet potato leaves, cut put it in your pot or kettle add clean water boil for about 10-15minutes then allow it warm..
Drink a tea cup morning and night
Do this for one month for any eye problem..

You can boil or fry sweet potato leaves and eat them as a side dish.

However i will advise that to be able to attain the required nutrients, steam the leaves and mix them with other ingredients like garlic and then eat, it fight internal-heat and also any serious disease in your body

In other parts of the world, for instance Asia, sweet potato leaves are sometimes eaten raw if mixed in salads.

For those that cannot grow sweet potatoes, you can get the leaves from the market.

NOTE:- pregnant mothers can only boil and eat the sweet potatoes as many times as she likes but don't drink the potato leaves as drink...
Nursing mother all is allowed for her..

Thanks for your time.



This natural Herbal whitening Soap is made with 100% natural ingredients. This product is available for use on all skin types (face and body) and is proven to leave skin smooth and bright. Possessing antibacterial properties, this soap can be used to clear the appearance of skin issues such as pimples, stretch marks, discoloration, acne and pigmentation.  This soap gives a spotless look, No sunburn, no eczema or rashes,  a smooth and flawless skin.


1.  Strong whitening and peeling Gluta Blend with Alpha Arbutin and Kojic Acid. NOTE This soap contains high whitening content. Whitening effect noticeable after 3-5 days.

2. Original Likas Papaya skin whitening herbal bath soap.

3. Gluta pure soap with sunscreen spf50++ by wink white.

4. 2kg Black soap

5. 3tbsp Powder milk ( any powder milk)

6. 1tbsp Camwood powder

7. 1tbsp sandalwood powder

8. 1tbsp orange peel powder

9. 1tbsp snow white powder

10. 1tbsp Kojic acid powder

11. 1tbsp turmeric powder

12. 1tbsp clove powder

13. 1tbsp cinnamon powder

14. 1tbsp baking soda

15. A cup of green tea

16. 1 lemon and 1 lime

17. 1tsp grape seed oil

18. 1tsp brightening glycerin

19. 1tsp coconut oil

20. 1tsp Shea butter

21. 1tsp lemon oil

22. 1tbsp lemon peel powder

23. 1tsp fenugreek powder

24. Giga white powder

25. 50g miracle powder


Grate your soaps in four different  bowls,  In another big bowl add them together  with the other ingredients  and mix with the lemon and lime juice. Gradually you add your green tea to the consistency you want, and then you add your oils. Transfer it to the mortar and pound till it's smooth.

And voila your extra whitening soap is ready. Use twice a day and in 3 days you see a good result.


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Darts – Folds sewn into fabric expressly used to enhance the wearer’s shape. Commonly found in women’s blouses and dresses

Hems – Refers to the edge of a piece of fabric that needs to be sewn to prevent it from unraveling.

Seam: The line where two pieces of fabric are sewn together.

Seam Allowance: The space of fabric between the edge and seam. The seam allowance may be different depending on the type of fabric yo use.

Darts: A wedge-shaped fold used to shape patterns in order to make a garment fit better.

bias of the fabric is the diagonal line between the horizontal and vertical grain lines explained above.  And by diagonal, I mean a 45 degree slice between those lines.

Notches are small snip make on fabrics for references and it can also be use on curve area  to turn it inside out for a perfect finish

Notches are small small cuts like this
Okay, bias is like one wants to cut/make a flare skirt?
Yes Right. The fold of flare is also call bias.

Please can you help clarify what underarm measurement mean this is as regard sleeve

I don't understand d work of armhole
It's your armpit cut.
It's for geting armhole measurement incase you don't want to calculate it or if you don't want to use Standard one

What is the standard one

9 inches for bust 36 and above
And 7 for 34 downward
4-5 for age 4-7years
Most especially for fat people
They would not be able to raise their hands after sewing, if not up to d standard as given above.

Minimum armhole for a fat person is 9, you can take the underarm measurement for them.
[0It ranges between 9-12 for the fat people
What about for slim person of armhole
You can use between 7-9 depends on bust

The horizontal u mention is it on the tape rule
Is a measurement around the circumference of the body e.g when you take measurement around your bust/breast


I HOPE THIS HELP SOMEONE THE HEALING WONDERS OF CABBAGE LEAF So it seems cabbage leaves 🍃 are not just for eating! In addition to being ...