Sunday, July 16, 2017


*πŸ‘‰1. TYPHOID FEVER:* Get unripe pawpaw, unripe
pineapple,ginger,lime orange and Lipton tea. Cut into pieces,
boil with fermented corn water for one hour. Take one glass cup
3 times daily for one week. The ailment will disappear.

*πŸ‘‰2. STOMACH ULCER:* Get 7-8 unripe plantain, peel them, cut
them to pieces and pound. Put everything inside a plastic
container, fill it with one gallon of water. Allow it to ferment for
three days. Take one cup 2 times a day for one week. The
ailment will disappear.

*πŸ‘‰3. ASTHMA:* Get some seeds of mango, cut it into pieces and
keep under the sun to dry. Grind to powder. Put one spoon of
the powder into a glass cup of water, stir it and drink. Once in a
day for 3-4 weeks .

*πŸ‘‰4. RHEUMATISM / ARTHRITIS:* Get 5 seeds of English pear
(Avocado pear),cut into pieces and dry under the sun, grind to
powder. Mix with a glass of honey to form paste. Take one
spoon,3 times daily until the 6 days.

*πŸ‘‰.5 CHOLERA :* Take three teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of
sugar, add half spoon of dry gin. Drink all as a single dose. The
cholera will stop immediately.

*πŸ‘‰6. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE :* Get 4 seeds of English pear
(Avocado pear),cut into pieces, dry under the sun and grind into
powder. Put a teaspoon of this powder into your prepared palp
and drink. Once daily for 2 weeks.

*πŸ‘‰7. PNEUMONIA:* Get a handful of garlic, grind to extract the
juice. Drink a spoon and use the juice to rub the chest and back.
That will close the chapter.

*πŸ‘‰. 8 SEVERE COUGH :* Get about 10 pieces of bitter cola, grind to
powder, add half cup of original honey. Take 2 spoons thrice
daily for 4 days.

*πŸ‘‰. 9:TUBERCULOSIS :* Get 20-23 pieces of bitter cola, ginger of
equal quantity and 3 bulbs of garlic. Grind everything and add a
bottle of original honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one

*πŸ‘‰10. DIABETES :* Grind 6 bulbs of big onions, add one original
bottle of honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one month.
ALTERNATIVELY; get a handful of bitter leaf and scent leaves,
squeeze out the water in them, add lime(orange)juice, grinded
garlic and small potash. Take half glass of it twice daily for one

*πŸ‘‰11. STAPHILOCOCCUS :* Get 2 pieces of aloe-vera,cut into
pieces and put it in a container. Add one bottle of original honey
and a glass of water. Take half cup of it,2 times daily for one

*πŸ‘‰12. WOMAN UNDER HARD LABOUR :* Get some leaves of
Cochorus Olitorus(Vegetable Leaf),squeeze out the water and
give it to the woman under hard labour.She will deliver the
baby instantly.

*πŸ‘‰13. INTERNAL PILE:* Get the leaves of pawpaw, scent leaves and
bitter leaves, squeeze out the water. Take half cup twice daily
for 4 days.

*πŸ‘‰15. MENSTRUATION PROBLEM:* Get 4-5 cola, ginger and garlic
,cut them in pieces .Mix it with lime orange juice. Take 2
spoons daily for 3 days.

*πŸ‘‰16. WEIGHT LOSS :* Get some corn silk, boil with lime orange
juice. Drink half cup of it daily for one week and also embark on
physical exercise.

*πŸ‘‰17. FUNGAL INFECTION :* Mix a native soap with ground potash,
add lime orange. Apply the mixture after bath.

*πŸ‘‰18. GONORRHEA :* Get 3-4 pieces of cola, ginger and garlic, cut
into pieces. Mix everything with lime orange juice. Take 2
spoons daily until, it is over.

*πŸ‘‰19. INTERNAL HEAT :* Get some quantity of dry pawpaw leaves
and cashew leaves, boil with water and drink half cup daily for
one week.

*πŸ‘‰20.  INSOMNIA :* Add 3 spoons of honey into a glass cup of milk.
Take all at bedtime for one week.

*πŸ‘‰21-. HEART FAILURE :* Grind 12 bulbs of onions and 12 bulbs of
garlic together. Get 3 bottles of honey, mix together. Take 2
spoons thrice daily for 2 weeks.

*πŸ‘‰23. TEETHING PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN :* Get a mixture of lime
juice and honey; let it be of equal quantity. The child should
take one teaspoon twice daily until the problem is over.

*πŸ‘‰24. LOW SPERM COUNT :* Get large quantity of guava
leaves,pound,add water and filter. Drink one glass cup thrice
per day for 1 week. As you are taking that, eat carrot and
cucumber daily for 2 weeks.

*πŸ‘‰25. QUICK EJACULATION :* Get 3 bulbs of Okro,slice them; get
the dry seed of it, ferment everything with soda water for 2
days. Take half cup daily for one week.

*πŸ‘‰26. WEAK ERECTION:* Get 6 bulbs of white onions, grind and
extract the juice. Mix the juice with honey. Take 2 spoons thrice
daily for one week.

*πŸ‘‰27. VIRGINAL DISCHARGE:* Get 3 pieces of bitter cola, some
ginger and garlic, grind and add lime juice .Take 2 spoons twice
daily for one week.

*πŸ‘‰28. CHILDREN CONVULSION :* Get one onion, small garlic and
ginger, grind all. Mix with palm kernel oil. Give the child to drink
and use the mixture as cream for the child.

*πŸ‘‰29. FIRE BURNS :* Rub the affected the area with pure honey

*πŸ‘‰30. HAIR BREAKAGE :* Get one bottle of olive oil and one bottle of
honey. Mix together and warm it for few minutes. Use the
mixture to wash your hair.

*πŸ‘‰31. BALD HEAD:* Grind bird pepper, unripe pawpaw seed and
mix with lime orange juice. Use the mixture to rub the head, hair
will start growing in the affected area.

*πŸ‘‰32. FIBROID :* Eat about 20 pieces of unripe palm kernel seeds
everyday for about two months.
*πŸ‘‰33. BLOOD BUILDING :* Get some quantity of pumpkin leaves and
garden egg leaves, squeeze out the liquid, add milk. Drink it for
three days; your blood will be boosted.

*πŸ‘‰34. CATARACTS :* Apply the aloe-vera gel to the affected eyes
every night until the problem is over.

*πŸ‘‰35. THROAT PROBLEM :* Eat small. quantity of ginger
continuously for one week.

*πŸ‘‰36. LOSS OF *VOICE :* Get some okro bulbs, cut it into pieces and
pound. Add small water and honey and drink thrice in a day.



*I cant keep this piece to myself alone. Its forever going to be useful, even for our unborn generations.* *It is for keeps.*
*I advise u print and keep in a file* *captioned Health Issues just like am going to do after forwading to u all.*


*πŸ‘‰1. TYPHOID FEVER:* Get unripe pawpaw, unripe
pineapple,ginger,lime orange and Lipton tea. Cut into pieces,
boil with fermented corn water for one hour. Take one glass cup
3 times daily for one week. The ailment will disappear.

*πŸ‘‰2. STOMACH ULCER:* Get 7-8 unripe plantain, peel them, cut
them to pieces and pound. Put everything inside a plastic
container, fill it with one gallon of water. Allow it to ferment for
three days. Take one cup 2 times a day for one week. The
ailment will disappear.

*πŸ‘‰3. ASTHMA:* Get some seeds of mango, cut it into pieces and
keep under the sun to dry. Grind to powder. Put one spoon of
the powder into a glass cup of water, stir it and drink. Once in a
day for 3-4 weeks .

*πŸ‘‰4. RHEUMATISM / ARTHRITIS:* Get 5 seeds of English pear
(Avocado pear),cut into pieces and dry under the sun, grind to
powder. Mix with a glass of honey to form paste. Take one
spoon,3 times daily until the 6 days.

*πŸ‘‰.5 CHOLERA :* Take three teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of
sugar, add half spoon of dry gin. Drink all as a single dose. The
cholera will stop immediately.

*πŸ‘‰6. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE :* Get 4 seeds of English pear
(Avocado pear),cut into pieces, dry under the sun and grind into
powder. Put a teaspoon of this powder into your prepared palp
and drink. Once daily for 2 weeks.

*πŸ‘‰7. PNEUMONIA:* Get a handful of garlic, grind to extract the
juice. Drink a spoon and use the juice to rub the chest and back.
That will close the chapter.

*πŸ‘‰. 8 SEVERE COUGH :* Get about 10 pieces of bitter cola, grind to
powder, add half cup of original honey. Take 2 spoons thrice
daily for 4 days.

*πŸ‘‰. 9:TUBERCULOSIS :* Get 20-23 pieces of bitter cola, ginger of
equal quantity and 3 bulbs of garlic. Grind everything and add a
bottle of original honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one

*πŸ‘‰10. DIABETES :* Grind 6 bulbs of big onions, add one original
bottle of honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one month.
ALTERNATIVELY; get a handful of bitter leaf and scent leaves,
squeeze out the water in them, add lime(orange)juice, grinded
garlic and small potash. Take half glass of it twice daily for one

*πŸ‘‰11. STAPHILOCOCCUS :* Get 2 pieces of aloe-vera,cut into
pieces and put it in a container. Add one bottle of original honey
and a glass of water. Take half cup of it,2 times daily for one

*πŸ‘‰12. WOMAN UNDER HARD LABOUR :* Get some leaves of
Cochorus Olitorus(Vegetable Leaf),squeeze out the water and
give it to the woman under hard labour.She will deliver the
baby instantly.

*πŸ‘‰13. INTERNAL PILE:* Get the leaves of pawpaw, scent leaves and
bitter leaves, squeeze out the water. Take half cup twice daily
for 4 days.

*πŸ‘‰15. MENSTRUATION PROBLEM:* Get 4-5 cola, ginger and garlic
,cut them in pieces .Mix it with lime orange juice. Take 2
spoons daily for 3 days.

*πŸ‘‰16. WEIGHT LOSS :* Get some corn silk, boil with lime orange
juice. Drink half cup of it daily for one week and also embark on
physical exercise.

*πŸ‘‰17. FUNGAL INFECTION :* Mix a native soap with ground potash,
add lime orange. Apply the mixture after bath.

*πŸ‘‰18. GONORRHEA :* Get 3-4 pieces of cola, ginger and garlic, cut
into pieces. Mix everything with lime orange juice. Take 2
spoons daily until, it is over.

*πŸ‘‰19. INTERNAL HEAT :* Get some quantity of dry pawpaw leaves
and cashew leaves, boil with water and drink half cup daily for
one week.

*πŸ‘‰20.  INSOMNIA :* Add 3 spoons of honey into a glass cup of milk.
Take all at bedtime for one week.

*πŸ‘‰21-. HEART FAILURE :* Grind 12 bulbs of onions and 12 bulbs of
garlic together. Get 3 bottles of honey, mix together. Take 2
spoons thrice daily for 2 weeks.

*πŸ‘‰23. TEETHING PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN :* Get a mixture of lime
juice and honey; let it be of equal quantity. The child should
take one teaspoon twice daily until the problem is over.

*πŸ‘‰24. LOW SPERM COUNT :* Get large quantity of guava
leaves,pound,add water and filter. Drink one glass cup thrice
per day for 1 week. As you are taking that, eat carrot and
cucumber daily for 2 weeks.

*πŸ‘‰25. QUICK EJACULATION :* Get 3 bulbs of Okro,slice them; get
the dry seed of it, ferment everything with soda water for 2
days. Take half cup daily for one week.

*πŸ‘‰26. WEAK ERECTION:* Get 6 bulbs of white onions, grind and
extract the juice. Mix the juice with honey. Take 2 spoons thrice
daily for one week.

*πŸ‘‰27. VIRGINAL DISCHARGE:* Get 3 pieces of bitter cola, some
ginger and garlic, grind and add lime juice .Take 2 spoons twice
daily for one week.

*πŸ‘‰28. CHILDREN CONVULSION :* Get one onion, small garlic and
ginger, grind all. Mix with palm kernel oil. Give the child to drink
and use the mixture as cream for the child.

*πŸ‘‰29. FIRE BURNS :* Rub the affected the area with pure honey

*πŸ‘‰30. HAIR BREAKAGE :* Get one bottle of olive oil and one bottle of
honey. Mix together and warm it for few minutes. Use the
mixture to wash your hair.

*πŸ‘‰31. BALD HEAD:* Grind bird pepper, unripe pawpaw seed and
mix with lime orange juice. Use the mixture to rub the head, hair
will start growing in the affected area.

*πŸ‘‰32. FIBROID :* Eat about 20 pieces of unripe palm kernel seeds
everyday for about two months.
*πŸ‘‰33. BLOOD BUILDING :* Get some quantity of pumpkin leaves and
garden egg leaves, squeeze out the liquid, add milk. Drink it for
three days; your blood will be boosted.

*πŸ‘‰34. CATARACTS :* Apply the aloe-vera gel to the affected eyes
every night until the problem is over.

*πŸ‘‰35. THROAT PROBLEM :* Eat small. quantity of ginger
continuously for one week.

*πŸ‘‰36. LOSS OF *VOICE :* Get some okro bulbs, cut it into pieces and
pound. Add small water and honey and drink thrice in a day.


Friday, July 14, 2017


It's corn season, so let's take advantage of the silk.
Talking about corn silk, last year Christmas, I was with my guardian, so base on observations, I brought up a question, asking him the reason they use sugar to cook almost all dere meals and if he ain't scared of diabetes, I told him in my country Nigeria, we don't joke with sugar, he laughed out loud and said, Drink good red wine, Get use to water therapy and drink ur corn tea and you just gonna have almost nothing to worry about.

Asians believes in plants a lot, 98% of every home you must see a garden.  So I will be sharing my knowledge with you on plants all the way.

#CornSilk... Benefits?

Bladder infections.
Inflammation of the prostate.
Inflammation of the urinary system.
Kidney stones.
Congestive heart failure.
High blood pressure.
High cholesterol levels, and many more.

Note: Place the corn silk on a flat basket and let it dry, Once all the water is gone from the silk and it feels slightly crispy you can store it.

How to make the tea: Put water and silk into a pot to boil,after it has boiled for some time,  turn the heat down to lowest setting and simmer for ten minutes. Turn off the heat and let the silk continue to steep for another half hour. Strain the silk and enjoy your tea.

For people with bladder infection etc, This is a great remedy for you with any type of urinary discomfort. If you are prone to urinary tract infections, corn silk is the herb for you. Put herbs and water in half gallon in the sun for half a day. Bring it in the house, strain the herbs out. Add honey and lemon or lime to taste then flex it. 2cups a day.

Lastly and most importantly, NEVER under estimate the power of WATER THERAPY.

Thank you for your TIME. #stayHealthy.

Credit Kay kay

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


we have 3 types of icing
Butter cream

How 2 make butter cream -:
In a bowl pour ur butter & sugar, mix well till it looks whitish & fluffy add flavour mix 2geda, add ur icing sugar mix well, add ur milk (optional)..mix well, put ur chosen colour mix well den u r gud 2 go 4 ur decoration
Pls note:- ur mixture must not b 2 tick nor watery, it must b able 2 stay on ur cake without falling off easily...

How 2 make Royal -:
Get d no of egg needed break 1 after d oda, carefully remove d egg white 4m d yoke coz u r using d egg white, whisk d egg white u av carefully remove till it looks like foam den add ur icing mix well til it looks like tuwo, add ur chosen colour & mix well den u r good 2 go 4 ur decoration

How to make fondant icing -:
In a bowl of lukewarm water (not hot water) pour ur gelatine mix well till der s no traces of gelatine powder,set aside for 5-10mins den get another bowl measure ur glucose & glycerin mix well den after d set aside gelatine s done mix d already mixed glucose & glycerine 2 d mixed gelatine mix 2geda very well, den gradually pour ur icing sugar mix well till it looks like chewing gum den get ur rolling pin or bottle (depending on d 1 u av ) transfer ur mixture 2 a clean table ,sprinkle some icing on d table b4 putting ur mixture den begin 2 roll out just like dat of chin chin .... Ensure dat it's not 2 tick nor 2 light.... Good luck
Note:- i decided not 2 put measurement bcos measurement of icing materials has 2 do with d size of d cake u want to ice....

Pls I welcome corrections, comments & addition... Tnx

Credit Abidoye Omowunmi


Get 8 pieces of bitter cola,cut it long into two,remove the skin,put it in a clean container add 1/2 glass  of water and soak it for 2 days and the third day  drop it in your eyes every night,once a day for seven takes care of eye problem ,it helps you remove your eyes glass.if you have not gone for operation of the eye before,no matter the eye problems, it is a natural cure for eye.

Kidney n Asthma

Good morning admin and all the good people behind this group. I beg of admin to approve this post.
I want everyone to wish Mr. Oluwaseun Michael a happy birthday n please help me pray for him.
This is my testimony, i have someone suffering from kidney problem n asthma and it happened that a leaf(eyin olobe) wass posted here for the treatment of both. At first, i didn't take it serious n i wanted to know how effective the leaf was n if it was actually a real post, i told my frnd about the leaf, he got them n started using and not until Monday July10th he came back from check-up and told me the Doctor asked him wat he was using apart from d drugs' prescribed and told him its herbal. His health is really improving.
Do you know who did that? It's God and Mr. Oluwaseun Michael.
I dont have money nor presents to give him today but i know your prayers will go a long way. Please help me appreciate a God sent.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017



Your period, monthly visitor, menstruation. Whatever you
call it, most of us have to deal with it
every month. And it can be a little confusing. We
may not understand exactly what is happening. So
here’s what you need to know.
Most girls see their period between ages 10 – 12.
Some get it much later even as late as age 16.
For most of us 3-5 days. But it can last as long as
7 days. If your period lasts longer than this you
should see a doctor or tell a trusted adult as this is
could be sign of something wrong.
Every month your body gets ready to carry a child.
It does this by thickening the walls of your uterus.
Then it releases an egg. When the egg is not
fertilized, that lining sheds.
This is what causes the bleeding. The pain comes because
sometimes your uterus
contracts when it sheds the lining. It is absolutely normal to
experience some pain.
You can try exercise. A gentle walk sometimes
works. Hot drinks, like milk, can also help You can
also take a warm bath or put a warm towel on the
hurting area,. Try lying down for a while. For some girls the
pain is so bad, it stop them from doing everyday activities.
If this is case, you can visit a
clinic to get medication.
Yes, you can totally get pregnant. It is possible to
experience ovulation before or even during period. If a
sperm comes in contact with an egg at a time like this you
can get pregnant.
A normal period is around 3 table spoons of blood.
That’s not enough blood to put you in any danger.
The answer is no. Your period is not an illness. When it
comes you can still do the normal things you enjoy doing.
Go to school, go to the market,
ride a bicycle, run, jump, even dance.
Your period is absolutely normal. Every girl
experiences it. Some religious and cultural believes
exempt girls from participating in certain activities during
their period. However, this doesn’t make you unclean. It is
not something to be embarrassed
about. Do you have other questions about your period?

Credit Steph Miriam


Saw this and decided to share... It might be of help to someone.
Blocked fallopian tube refers to the blockage tube. It is caused when pus or fluid fill the fallopian tube thereby resulting to blocked.

Some other causes of a Blocked Fallopian Tube Include; Pelvic inflammatory disease, History of some S.T.Ds such as Gonorrhea or Chlamydia, History of uterine infection due to miscarriage or abortion, Prior surgery of the fallopian tubes, History of abdominal surgery, History of an injured appendix, Previous ectopic (pregnancy outside the womb) pregnancy.

A vital symptom of blocked fallopian tube is female infertility. Naturally, eggs are fertilized in the fallopian tube. However, if the fallopian tube is blocked, then the sperms will not meet the eggs in the fallopian tube, thereby, resulting to infertility.

Some other symptoms include; unusual vagina discharge, pain during sex, painful mensuration, lower abdominal pain.

INGREDIENTS: Skin of kola nut and water.
PREPARATION: Boil the skin of kola nut and drink
DOSAGE: Half glass, 2 times daily for 7 days. Provided you don’t have any infection because this can cause seizure.

These are the items you need to prepare the herbs for ovarian cyst and fallopian tube blockage. your will add The items are:
1 green potash - Green POTASH is "SOMISORO" "IMIOJO DUDU" in Yoruba. .But Use little ooo. .It's too Powerful.
2 lime leaf
grind the lime leaf and add very little of the green potash and grind together, then mould the grinned potash n leaf make it small(see d size in the picture) so that it can get into the vagina freely. Sun dry it when its dry, insert one into the vagina leave it there you will see the dirt that wil be coming out of your vagina and after some days d leaf you inserted will fall back with the cyst and you will see it with your eyes. After it falls off, allow your body to rest for a week then insert another one. After using like 3 of it and your vagina is now free, just stat dancing and playing games with your hubby and by the special grace of GOD you will come back to testify and to say thanks to me.

If u want to use it to dissolve fibroid you add maiorganic root and chargbo root that's the end result in d pictures.


50ml of distilled water and fluffy water mix together add hydrogen acohol inside it and stir well, you can use hydrogen peroxide too but acohol is active, 200ml of phosparic acid and methapaben mix together

Add 100ml of chloride and 1tablespoon of peppermint oils or any hot oil. Stir them well very well.dont use plastic mixer for the product o but can be store inside plastic. After the production open it for 1hr before closing the container mouth. Is very active and not harmful

Use cotton wool to apply morning and night and see results in just 7days no matter how strong the black patches is it will clear off. You can get all this materials @ chemical shop.

Credit Olasunkanmi Yinka Animashaun



 *Bitterleaf also known as Veronia Amygdalina*

*In scientific parlance is an aborigine of Africa. It can be cooked, juiced or chewed raw.*

*Regular consumption of this vegetable helps to regulate blood* *cholesterol levels which is a risk factor for heart attack and stroke*

 *Bitter leaf is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Due to the presence of nutrients especially Beta Carotene,*

*It controls the synthesis of female sex hormones. This allows women to stay younger and healthy for a longer duration of time.*

*Bitter leaf has been shown to significantly* *lower blood sugar levels It does not only reduce blood sugar, it also helps to repair the pancreas.*

*The plant has been widely used and recognised for its efficacy in preventing malaria. *Drinking the juice alone is an antidote for malaria*.

*Consumption of the plant is helpful in increasing milk production in breast feeding mothers. It increases appetite in anorexia(loss of appetite).*

*It is also useful in treating sleeplessness(insomnia) and boosting immune function. It can be utilised in the management of coughs, helminthiasis(worm infestations) constipation ,and as fertility inducers.*

*There are strong revelations that bitter leaf if incorporated in the diet can slow cancer growth and even kill cancer cells.**

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Guava leaf helps in PRODUCING SPERM

Guava leaf helps in PRODUCING SPERM
, it promotes weight loss and cures diarrhea/dysentery............ For sperm boosting; get good quantity of guava leaf and carrots. Wash properly, slice the carrots and put them at the base of your pot, put the guava leaves on it and boil till it is properly done. Take a glass cup of the water solution morning and night. You can prepare another fresh water solution if the concentration is getting low! Try to abstain from sex while taking the herbs to allow proper build up, you can take a week off, after taking the herb for a week, meet with your wife then go for medical check up to know wat'z up!............. For weight lost, diarrhea/dysentery. Just boil the leaf and keep taking. Twice per day as well.

Credit  Oluwaseun Micheal

Saturday, July 1, 2017


1. Anovulation
This is when ovulation fails to occur or when is not regular. This could be caused by wrong medication, emotional imbalance or a polycystic ovarian disease stein-level-thal syndrome.
1. Bark and root of Newboudia leaves
English: Fertility plant
Yoruba: Akoko,
Igbo; Ogirishi,
Esan: Ukhimi
2. Ginger
Receipe: Scrape the bark of the root and stem. Dry and grind into powder. Pour 1 teaspoon of the powder into a teacup of hot water, then add 1/2 teaspoon of powered ginger. Allow it to infuse for 10-15 minutes.
Dosage: 2 cups daily for 6 weeks.
A: 40 leaves of fertility plant.
B: 20 pieces of Xylopia aethiopica
Yoruba; Erunje,
Igbo: Uda,
Hausa: Kimba
Esan: Usira
C. 40 leaves of Alstonia boneei ( stoolwood)
D. 10 bottles of water
Recipe: Bring A, B and C to boil together in D, Allow it to stand for 24 hours. Sieve and add D..
Dosage: 1 cup 3 times daily ( cup = 240ml )
side effect: Slight laxative

Credit  Asinobi Love



Castor oil therapy consists of using a warm castor oil wrap over the abdomen in order to stimulate blood flow to this uterus and ovaries.

How Using Castor Oil Packs Can Help You Conceive


Properties Of Castor Oil Therapy
Castor oil assists the body in the removal of inflammatory components like prostaglandins. This decreases pain during menses and pain associated with endometriosis, inflammation, and adhesions.

Benefits Of Castor Oil Therapy

The following conditions respond to the application of Castor oil packs:
1. Menstrual dysfunction and painful periods.
2. Liver, pancreas and gallbladder disorders.
3. Digestive and stomach problems.
4. Adhesion and scarring of the Fallopian tubes.
5. Constipation and poor elimination through the bowels.
6. Benign fibroids, endometriosis and ovarian cysts.
7. Lymphatic congestion and swollen lymph nodes.
8. Constipation, bowel impaction or adhesions.
9. Bladder and vaginal infections.
10. Fibrocystic breast disease (breast applications).
When To Use A Castor Oil Pack
The typical duration of castor oil therapy is about 45-90 minutes 3-5 times a week for at least 8-16 weeks.
If you have endometriosis, PCOS, or ovarian cysts you should notice improvement during the first two menstrual cycles. During this time the ovarian pain and the menstrual discomfort should decrease considerably. As you notice improvement, taper off slowly by decreasing the number of session per week.


Do not apply a Castor oil packs on broken skin. Avoid doing castor oil pack during menses. In women who are actively trying to conceive, it is best to avoid castor oil therapy after ovulation has been detected. Avoid applying heat castor oil treatment are contraindicated in pregnant and nursing moms.
If you have uterine bleeding or suffer from cancerous tumors do not do castor oil packs. For any serious conditions talk to your doctor before doing castor oil therapy.


1. Cold Pressed Castor Oil .
2. Magic bag, heating pad or water bottle.
3. Tow cotton flannel pieces of 1 foot square each.
4. One piece of plastic bag one foot square in size.
5. A towel.
How To Apply Castor Oil Packs:

1. Soak the flannel piecs in Castor oil, generally about 1 cup of Castor oil will be enough. Place it over your whole abdomen (make sure to include the liver and the uterus).
2. Place the piece of plastic on top and then place the towel.

3. On top of the towel place the warm water bottle, a heating pad, or the magic bag.
4. The pack should remain in place for at least one hour.
5. When you remove the pack, the remaining oil can be massaged into the skin or cleaned off using the other clean flannel cloth.
6. Take it easy for a couple of hours after doing a Castor oil application.
If you suffer from PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, blocked fallopian tubes and want to take charge of your own health, try using this Castor oil therapy kit
Castor Oil Therapy can work miracles!

Fertility Blessing

Credit Tgold Olawale


I saw dis and I think it may help some of us here.


 Fertility seeds
These are simply some seeds that contain high levels of prenatal and antenatal vitamins that are essential for conception and healthy gestation....In the journey to Fertility we cannot do without them as they are very effective for hormonal balancing.These seeds includes
Pumpkin seed
Chia seed
Sesame seeds
Almond seed
Sunflower seeds

We have what we call seed cycling

Seed cycling is simply a natural method balancing our hormones every month by eating specific seeds are specific time.

Being a Holistic Nutritionist, one of the questions I frequently get asked is how to balance hormones naturally. A whole foods diet, blood sugar balance and optimal endocrine function are at the foundation for hormonal balance and by far the most important starting place, but there are other ways to support the fluctuating hormones that ebb and flow throughout the month as well.

Seed cycling can be used for both women AND men. By adding flax, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds to your diet at the right time, you can support your body in binding and eliminating excess hormones and increasing deficient hormones. Cool, huh?

How does seed cycling work

Seeds contain nutrients that are the precursors to our body’s hormone production.

Flax and pumpkin seeds support the estrogen dominant time of the month while sesame and sunflower seeds support the progesterone peaks.

Flax and pumpkin are both full of Omega-3s which allow our hormones to get where they need to be by maintaining healthy cell receptor sites. Flax also contains plant phytoestrogens called lignans that act as antioxidants and block extra estrogenic activity in the body. In fact, even though flax seeds contain phytoestrogens they actually prevent and regress hormone-associated cancers like breast and prostate cancer
Both sesame and sunflower seeds contain Omega-6 fatty acids and stimulate progesterone production and are also high in zinc, which is necessary for overall reproduction. Sunflower seeds are particularly high in selenium, which is crucial for thyroid hormone conversion and liver detoxification.

For a woman’s cycle it is important to have the right amount of each hormone, not too much, not too little. If a woman has too much estrogen it can cause depression, PMS symptoms and irregular periods. If she has too little estrogen, it can cause her not to ovulate at all. A high level of estrogen in relation to progesterone is also linked to several issues such as infertility, endometriosis, excess abdominal fat, low libido and even breast cancer. Progesterone deficiency has also been linked to irregular periods as well as fatigue, PMS symptoms, and miscarriage. You need the right amount of progesterone to conceive and sustain a pregnancy. You can use seed cycling to help regulate these hormones and bring them into balance naturally.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance:

    PMS symptoms
    low sex drive
    mood swings
    excess abdominal fat
    sleep issues
    thyroid disorders
    adrenal issues
    insulin resistance
    excessive sweating

As women, we’ve accepted painful and hard to deal with PMS symptoms like bloating, cramping, back pain, migraines and fatigue as normal. These symptoms we’ve come to know as just ‘part of the deal’ aren’t actually normal at all, but a sign of imbalanced hormones.

    The real cause for PMS is simply this: Your hormones become unbalanced, your estrogen levels increase and progesterone levels decrease, either relatively or absolutely.

 For a woman’s cycle it is important to have the right amount of each hormone, not too much, not too little. If a woman has too much estrogen it can cause depression, PMS symptoms and irregular periods. If she has too little estrogen, it can cause her not to ovulate at all. A high level of estrogen in relation to progesterone is also linked to several issues such as infertility, endometriosis, excess abdominal fat, low libido and even breast cancer. Progesterone deficiency has also been linked to irregular periods as well as fatigue, PMS symptoms, and miscarriage. You need the right amount of progesterone to conceive and sustain a pregnancy. You can use seed cycling to help regulate these hormones and bring them into balance naturally.

How to Seed Cycle

For Women

Start seed cycling on the first day of your menstrual cycle. If your cycle isn’t regular or you don’t have a cycle, use the days corresponding to the phases of the moon. It has been studied that the female menstrual cycle and phases of the moon correspond so this is a way to gage it if your cycle isn’t regular.

From Day 1-14 of the menstrual cycle (or new moon to full moon)

    1 Tbs. per day of ground flax seeds
    1 Tbs. per day of ground pumpkin seeds

From Day 15-28 of the menstrual cycle (or from full moon to new moon)

    1 Tbs. per day of ground sesame seeds
    1 Tbs. per day of ground sunflower seeds. I

For Men

Start seed cycling using the phases of the moon. Men’s seed cycle is the opposite of the women’s

Full moon to new moon

    1 Tbs. per day of ground flax
    1 Tbs per day of ground pumpkin seeds

New moon to full moon

    1 Tbs. per day of ground sesame
    1 Tbs. per day of ground sunflower

How Long Does It Take to See Changes?

Just like with everything hormone related, it takes about 3 months of consistency to see huge improvements, although a lot of people see changes right away.


    Seeds do go rancid fairly quickly, especially when exposed to air so make sure to buy seeds in a closed bag rather than the bulk bins, unless you know the store has a fast turnover for bulk items.
    Buy your seeds whole and raw and use an inexpensive coffee grinder to grind them. This is for freshness and digestibility. Whole flax seeds pass right through our bodies undigested, so make sure to grind ’em to get the benefits!
    Store your ground seeds in the refrigerator or freezer to keep them from going rancid. If you opt out of using a grinder and buy pre-ground, make sure to store those in the freezer or fridge as well.
    You can add sesame, sunflower, pumpkin and ground flax to smoothies, salads, soups, eat raw pumpkin and sesame seeds as a snack.
    You can also keep it simple and make a pumpkin + flax ground mix each week for two weeks, then a sunflower + sesame ground mix each week for two weeks and just add the 2 Tbs. to smoothies, salads, oatmeal, yogurt, nut milks everyday.

Cheers to happy hormones!
         By the way!!!

        1. Keep seed cycling, it takes awhile for the effects to kick in

        2. Make sure you’re eating a whole foods, organic as possible, unprocessed food diet if you aren’t already (that is huge in hormonal balance)

        3. Look into Maca powder (1 tsp./dy.):

Get these seeds from organic shops or shop rite.


INTERNAL staphylococcus

Get 10gm of xylopia gethiopzia, 10 big clove of garlic, 20seed of bitter kola, 10 big size of ginger, black stone powder, one and half liters of lime juice, grind them together, sieve  and drink 3glass cups in a single dose,3 times daily  for 10day
: For normal flow of mensuration

Get bara (yoruba) root of oguruguru(yoruba),use water on top of raw palp (omi ogi) to cook it. Start drinking on the first day of your messes.1cup per day


How to boast fertility in female,regulates menses then ovulation occur proper
Ewe esinsin(not werepe),ewe ile,akoko,ginger.boil all together to be taking as Tea in the morning and night  1-1glass.


Powdered ginger and stem and bark of newbouldia,

Dry newbouldia and grind to powder ,put 1tbs into hot water (tea cup) and half tbs of ginger,leave it for ,20mins and drink.
One teacup 1-1 for 30days.


Obi ajopa(yoruba)3,that is native kola peeled but still have inner cover covering the kola nut, ewe patanmo(yoruba)egun esu(yoruba)
Put all inside a mortal and pound
Turn all into a big bowl, add,75cl of local palm kernel (black) add 1 bottle of dry gin(Schnapps)
Take one short in d morning and one in the evening for one month

Credit Agunbiade Kanayo Esther.


Dull skin can often look lifeless and make your skin look tired and old. Glowing skin will always be more pleasing to the eye and is also a sign of healthy skin. In order to reduce this dullness, make use of these simple home remedies.
1. Lemon Juice
The natural astringent and antibacterial properties of lemon juice are great for clearing up skin. To get the best results, just apply the lemon juice directly to the skin and leave it for up to an hour.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Sort of along the same lines as lemon juice, apple cider vinegar has the same antibacterial properties, as well as antifungal properties as well. Apple cider vinegar is very powerful though, so you might want to dilute it when you use it, at least at first. Just apply a small amount to your skin, but make sure that you choose pure, undiluted vinegar for best results.
Read this article revealing why you should start washing your face with apple cider vinegar , including for removing pimples, fighting wrinkles and age spots and much more.
3. Baking Soda
Baking soda is a great option for clearing up blemishes, it’s cheap, it’s natural, and it doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals or other ingredients. The benefits of baking soda are many : it exfoliates, it reduces inflammation, and it clears up skin. All you have to do is use warm water and baking soda to make a paste. Then, apply the paste to your skin like a mask. Leave it on for up to an hour, and then rinse. You will be amazed at the results.
4. Egg Whites
Egg whites also make a great home remedy for getting rid of pimples. To use this method, simply separate the egg white from the yolk. Then, you can use a cotton swab, cotton ball, or simply your fingers to apply the egg white to your skin. Your skin will glow and begin to tighten. Leave the egg white mixture on your skin for up to an hour for best results.
5. Manuka Honey
Have you heard of manuka honey? It’s kind of famous on the internet for it’s legendary wound healing and soothing properties. Manuka honey comes from the manuka bush of New Zealand. The way that it’s used for acne treatment is very simple- it is simply applied directly to the skin and then later rinsed.
Manuka honey is an incredibly powerful food that can be used in many ways. Read more about it here and you can
buy a tub from this page on Amazon.
6. Papaya
If you are familiar with high end skin care products, you probably already know that papaya is a very common ingredient in acne treatments. However, you can get the same benefits without spending the cash! All you have to do is mash up the flesh of the papaya to form a paste or a lotion consistency, and apply directly to the skin. You can leave it on for up to 30 minutes, then rinse and moisturize.
7. Tea Tree Oil
Tee tree oil is a very common home remedy for many conditions, but especially for acne and other skin conditions. Tea tree oil is able to break up clogged pores, clear out dead skin cells,and keep acne from coming back. To use tee tree oil for acne, mix one part oil to six to nine parts water, depending on how strong you want the mixture to be. Apply directly to the skin using cotton balls,and leave it on for around 30 minutes. You can moisturize afterwards, but be sure that you never use tea tree oil undiluted.
8. Cornstarch
If you suffer from blemishes that are extremely red and blotchy, cornstarch can be a great choice. Cornstarch is very gentle on the skin, so it is a great option for those of us who have very sensitive skin. You can apply a cornstarch and water paste to individual blemishes, or to your whole face, and you can leave it on as long as you like.
9. Garlic
Isn’t garlic great for everything? Not only does garlic have a ton of antibacterial properties when you eat it, it also has great effects when applied directly to the skin. To use, just thinly slice a clove of garlic. Rub the garlic clove and the juice of the garlic onto your skin, paying close attention to problem areas, and leave on for up to 30 minutes.
10. Ice Cubes
If you have spots that are especially swollen and red, ice can be a great way to reduce inflammation and reduce the appearance of blemishes. Just rub an ice cube on the trouble spots,and not only will your pores close up, the bacteria will be pushed out as well. Win/Win!
11. Water
Yes, it’s simple, but it works. By drinking 10-12 glasses of water per day, you can flush most, if not all, impurities out of your body. Also, you can boil a pot of water, and place a towel over the pot and your head to get the benefits of steam. Steam can help to open the pores and flush out the impurities. As you can see, water can be beneficial in multiple ways when it comes to getting rid of blemishes.


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