Friday, May 18, 2018


My people,my people,
 I Will like to share a remedy i got from another group with you all, its tested and believe me its a miracle drink, doing wonders, the testimonies i keep getting is so good i can't keep it to my self.

What you need.
 Fresh Ginger
  Fresh tumeric
Qty of ingredients depends on the qty of clean water.

 Peel the ginger, garlic and tumeric, Pound it a little, then transfer it to any big Eva bottle water and keep for 3days..then it Should be taken in the morning, afternoon and night, an  hour before you eat.

This remedy works as a
-Strong Antibiotics
-Reduction of belly fat, big stomach,waist.
-Infections & itching.
-General Well-being and so much more.

❌Not suitable for children or Nursing mothers or people on medication pls.
❌Not suitable for aged people with health challenge, hypertension,diabetics,ulcer, pls consult you doctor first.

And please don't forget to share your own testimonies, as this will encourage others.
You can get this items from those Mallam who sell spices or women who sell Zobo drink ingredients.



7 good reasons to consume pepperfruit now that it is in season.
 By Dr Gilbert Ezengige.

The season of pepperfruit is here again. This is the time to bolster your health with nutrients in this special power-packed fruit. Generally known as *Mmimi* among the Igbos,
Ata Igbere by the Yorubas and Ako by the Edo people of Nigeria, pepperfruit which is scientifically called *_Denettia tripetala_* and which belongs to the family *Annonaceae* is a medicinal plant with great potentials.
The flesh of the fruit and the seeds are highly aromatic and has a spicy taste hence the common name, pepperfruit. The seeds however are more pungent. The fruit is green in colour but starts to turn red as it ripens.
A review of the uses and medicinal properties of Dennettia tripetala (Pepperfruit - Mmimi in Igbo) documented by Sylvia Oghogho Iseghohi of the Department of Biochemistry, University of Benin, Nigeria is quite revealing.
Sylvia’s findings which largely are corroborated by other notable researchers mostly in Nigeria and West Africa, are summarized and captured below for education concern of the ever increasing healthbunnlesplus blog fans.

1. *Pepperfruit fights germs.*
“Researchers at Delta state University, Abraka, have found that the essential oil and phenolic acid extract of pepperfruit can inhibit the growth of food-borne microorganisms such as Staphyloccocus aureus, Salmonella sp., Escherichia coli, and a host of others.”

2. *Pepperfruit reduces body aches and pain, it reduces inflammation too.*
“The essential oil of the fruits has been found to possess analgesic effects as great as that induced by the powerful opioid morphine as well as aspirin and indomethacin. This oil also relieved inflammation in rodents with edema to levels comparable with that of dexamethasone.”

3. *Pepperfruit relaxes the nervous system.* It also has anticonvulsant effects and relieves anxiety.

4. *Pepperfruit lowers blood sugar level*
Research shows that pepperfruit recruits “glucose uptake proteins from the interior of the cell to the plasma membrane.” *Diabetic patients will benefit from regular intake of this fruit.*

5. *Peppertfruit has an antioxidant effect*
Analysis shows that pepperfruit is rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). Sylvia stated that, “a group of researchers at the Federal University of Technology, Akure evaluated the changes in antioxidant content and potentials of fresh fruits with ripening. Using the aqueous extract, they found that the phenol content increased with ripening, while the ascorbic acid and flavonoid content did not change. Intriguingly, their results showed that the aqueous extract of unripe fruit possesses greater antioxidant ability compared to ripe fruit.” Oh no… and I prefer the ripe fruits anytime any day. However, following this finding, I will switch to consuming more of the green fruit.

6. *Pepperfruit could benefit glaucoma patients,* ingesting it lowers intraocular pressure in healthy persons.

7. *Pepperfruit inhibits growth of prostate cancer cell.*
“A recent report from the University of Illinois at Chicago showed that pepperfruit extract inhibits the growth of prostate cancer cells.”

So much healing properties of this fruit have been researched and documented, but let’s get started with these 7 outstanding benefits.

**Those with active ulcer should not take it on empty stomach.*


Bar Soap also called laundry soap is one of the lucrative business in Nigeria. In which everyone needs as an household item. I will take you thru steps of making Laundry soap

Laundry soap is one of the most essential house-hold items that humans
use daily. It commands regular or constant demand in the market place.
It is in the group of useful commodities like food items, water, clothes, and shelter that we can not do without. Little wonder that the soap making business has not suffered any set back in spite of the global economic melt-down.

Different types of soap are produced daily and they include – laundry soap, bathing soap, antiseptic soap, detergent and a host of others. The modes of producing them the chemicals used are slightly different.
Our focus here is on how to produce laundry soap on a small scale. There are various methods of production, but two are outstanding. The hot and cold method. The hot method involves boiling the chemicals in a mixture. The cold method, which is easier and does not involve boiling, is being exposed here.

1. Nylon sheets
2. Stamp or stamping machine
3. Hand gloves
4. Nose mask
5. A mixer ( plastic or metal but not aluminium containers)
6. A measuring scale (in kg or litres)
7. A mould ( wooden , plastic or metal of length-43cm,width-33cm
height-4cm )
8. Hydrometer
9. Containers (Plastic buckets)

1 Palm kernel oil (P.k.o)
2 Caustic soda Pearls
3 Soda ash (dense)
4 Sodium sulphate
5 Perfume
6 Water
7. Colouring (optional)

1. CAUSTIC SODA: Ferment caustic soda pearls for 24 hours – 48 hours before use. How? Mix caustic soda pearls with water in the ratio of 1 to 2 (caustic soda 2kg to water 4litres). Mix by stirring with a stick. Then leave the solution for 24- 48 hours to ferment. Please keep caustic soda solution out of the reach of children because it is a corrosive alkali. After fermentation, the solution becomes cool. Then gauge the potency level by using a hydrometer. (Hydrometer is that measuring instrument which battery charging technicians use to gauge the level of electrolyte i.e battery water.)Caustic soda solution is gauged at 12.50—12.75. Adjust with ordinary water or caustic soda pearls if necessary.

2.SODA ASH : Ferment soda ash too for 24 hours to 48 hours in the
ratio of 1 to 2.When the solution cools, gauge soda ash solution with the hydrometer at 12 .00 – 12.25.

3. SODIUM SULPHATE: Dissolve sodium sulphate in water
Just immediately before production. It needs no fermentation.Gauge sodium sulphate
at 12.75

1. P K O - 3 Litres
2. Caustic soda solution – 1.5 Litres
3. Soda ash solution - 1.2 Litres
4. Sodium sulphate – 0.6 Litres
5. Perfume - to- taste
6. colourant -- to- taste

Pour P.K.O into the mixer (container), and then add caustic soda solution
And continue stirring. Add soda ash and stir. Add sodium sulphate and perfume. If you want to produce soap of various colours, then add the colouring you desire—yellow or blue or green. Pour the pap-like solution into the mould that has already been covered by nylon. Spread the soap solution in the mould. Allow the soap solution to dry for 3 hours. Remove the nylon and what you have is the slab of soap. Then cut the soap into various bar sizes. It is ready for use and for sell, wholesale and/ or retail.

1. It must foam very well.
2. It must be solid, strong and durable
3. It must have attractive scent or perfume.
4. It must NOT itch your hand or body ( No scratching of any kind)
5. It must not develop whitish flakes after a few days of production.


I HOPE THIS HELP SOMEONE THE HEALING WONDERS OF CABBAGE LEAF So it seems cabbage leaves 🍃 are not just for eating! In addition to being ...