Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Know your Rhesus factor = BLOOD GENOTYPE + OR -

Ifeoma got married in the year 2010,from that time till now she has been rocked with 10 heart breaking miscarriages. She blames the terrible experience on the witches in her village ,she doesn't know that she and the Nigerian dysfunctional system is the cause of her predicament .i will tell you how.

Have you ever heard of the word Rhesus factor?
Rh factor is a protein that can be present on the surface of the red-blood cell. People that have the Rh factor are Rh positive +, those who do not have the Rh factor are Rh negative-.

The + and - in front of the blood group is the rhesus factor. So we A+,A-,O+,O-, B+,B-,AB+,AB-. Rhesus factor is genetic, it's gotten from the parents emphatically the man.
Now that we are clear on what Rh factor is Let's move further to why I said Ifeoma is the cause of her miscarriages .

if you are Rh positive eg(a+,b+,o+,ab+) you are safe, but if you are negative eg(a-,B-,AB-,O-)  you not. If are a male rh- u are safe, if you are a female u aren't. If you  a rh- woman gets pregnant for a man who is rh- you are safe but if you get pregnant for a man who is Rh+ you aren't.
Most people are Rh positive only very few are negative, the possibility for a rh- woman to find a rh- man is slim.

Let's assume Ifeoma is rh- and during her school days she aborted a pregnancy, the man who got her pregnant is rh+, obviously her baby was rh+.
During abortion, the rh+ blood came in contact with her rh- blood. That was the beginning of her problem.

once rh- comes in contact with an rh+,certain antibodies are activated. This antibodies are activated to stop anything they think is a threat from coming into the body. E.g a baby.  A rh- woman with an activated antibodies would keep having miscarriages ,d antibodies would keep fighting and taking off any foetus. The woman might end up childless and if not properly informed might think she is under a demonic oppression.
Women with activated antibodies are RH sensitized and once this antibodies are activated it can never be deactivated until the woman dies.

Antibodies are activated in a rh- woman by abortion, ectopic pregnancy,miscarriage and child birth.During child birth of a rh- woman who got pregnant by a rh+ man ,children inherit their rhesus factor from d man so once the baby's  rh+ comes in contact with the woman rh- during delivery the antibodies are immediately activated so after that particular child birth the woman would keep having miscarriages because the activated antibodies would as usual fight off any foreign body.

The antibodies can be stopped from being activated by administering an injection known as Rh Immunoglobulin to a negative woman. The injection is administered 28wks into pregnancy, 72 hrs after delivery, after ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion. If it's not administered and the antibodies are activated, it would never be deactivated.

Because our dysfunctional system doesn't promote proper rhesus factor sensitization, Ifeoma is left helpless after one mistake. Mothers tell your girls and sisters, a rh- girl must be extremely careful. Because of the very small number of rh- people ,it's extremely rare to find a rh- man. The possibility to get pregnant for a rh+ man is high. Once  she gets pregnant for a positive man and rushes to have a quick abortion, she might have as well jeopardized her life.

Apart from this ,a woman with a negative rhesus factor has no problem. it can however be controlled with rh Immunoglobulin injection.
A rh- man or woman cannot receive blood donation from a rh+. it would lead to death as the blood would immediately clog and cake.

Know your rhesus factor today!

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
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