Friday, August 25, 2017


Household products often possess some unbelievable health benefits.

Did you know??

Rice water is one of nature’s beauty secrets. We usually throw away the water after the rice is done, but what we should really do
is keep it and use it for our skin.
It is rich in vitamins and minerals which are great for the skin and hair.

its beauty benefits.

1. Rice water preparation: Boil some  rice in water and pour the
excess water in a glass jar once done. Cover it and put it in the fridge to
cool it down. When cold, you can use the rice water on your hair and

2. Rice water improves the quality of hair: Shampoo your hair usually,
then rub some rice water on your hair. Leave it to work for a couple of
minutes then wash it away. This way, your hair will be smoother and

3. Rice water improves the skin: Wash your face clean with lukewarm
water. Take a cotton pad and dip it in some rice water, then apply it all
over your face. This will tighten your pores and bring a glow to your

4. Treats skin irritation and inflammation: Prepare some rice water
and take a bath in it for at least 15 minutes every day. This remedy will
cure rashes and prevent inflammation on the skin.

5. An excellent acne healer: Soak a cotton pad in rice water and apply it
on the affected area. This will treat the acne and reduce the inflammation.

6. Treats eczema: Apply some rice water on the area affected by
eczema. Repeat the treatment until you see the results. Rice water’s
starch contents are highly effective against eczema.

7. Cures diarrhea: Pour some rice water in a glass and add a pinch of
salt. Drink this solution to cure diarrhea quickly and easily.

8. Starching of white clothes: Soak your white clothes in some diluted
rice water. Leave them for a couple of minutes then wash them usually.
As you can see, rice water has amazing health benefits.

It is rich in 8 essential amino acids that can help muscles regenerate and
the carbohydrates content will give you a boost in energy.
When you cook rice the next time, you will think twice before throwing
the rice water away. #MYhomemadericewater

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Cure for Hepatitis B

Have been seeing people here recently complaining about #Hepatitis B.  Please, get this plant known as "phyllantus amarus"......... Yoruba called it "Eyin olobe" boil the plant, either the leaf or everything along with the roots. Take a tea cup in the morning, once per day for a month. NOT TO BE TAKEN BY PREGNANT WOMEN!

Also effective are

Moringa leaves
Bitter leaves and

Blend together and drink morning afternoon and night

Credit  - Oluwaseun Michael
Health Benefits  of eggplant

The eggplant, known as aubergine in France and England, is thought of as a vegetable but is actually a berry of the nightshade (Solanaceae) plant. It is native to the Indian Subcontinent. Here are 8 health benefits of eggplant.

Antioxidant Activity
Eggplant contains several phytonutrients with good antioxidant activity: caffeic, chlorogenic acid and the flavonoid, nasunin. Nasunin is a powerful antioxidant that has been proven to fight free radical activity in the body. Animal studies have found that nasunin protects lipids (fats) in brain cell membranes. Chlorogenic acid is also considered a potent antioxidant with many proven benefits.

Heart Health
Animal studies show that eggplant may help lower overall cholesterol in the body and help to improve blood flow. The antioxidant compounds in eggplant help to prevent oxidative stress to the cardiovascular system and thus reduce the risk of heart attack and heart disease. Eggplant is also a good source of fiber, which is needed to maintain good cardiovascular health.

Brain Health
Eggplant contains nasunin, an antioxidant anthocyanin, which may help to promote healthy brain function. Nasunin protects brain fats through scavenging free radicals that target brain lipids.

One cup of eggplant contains about 8% the DV of dietary fiber. Fiber can aid in digestion and weight loss. It helps to balance the metabolism. The fiber in eggplant helps to reduce cholesterol and relax blood vessels, which suggests it may play a productive role in maintaining good heart health.

High In B Vitamins
Eggplant is rich in vitamins B1, B3 and B6. B vitamins play an essential role in the proper function of the central nervous system, energy production, hormone balance and healthy liver function. They are also believed to help balance blood sugar and reduce cholesterol.

Weight Loss
Maintaining the proper DV of fiber and B vitamins can be a great way to contribute to healthy weight loss. Fiber promotes a healthy, active metabolism and B vitamins can help the body to process fat. Eggplant is also rich with nutrients while offering very few calories (only 19 per cup), which makes it a great addition to an active, effective weight loss program.

Bone Health
Eggplant contains many of the minerals needed to maintain strong, healthy bones: manganese, potassium, magnesium and copper.

Cancer Prevention
Many doctors and scientists believe that a compound in eggplant can effectively treat certain types of skin cancer. The phytochemical, known as BEC5, is believed to kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells. BEC5 cream is purported to have worked in thousands of cases, mainly in Australia and England with a success rate of nearly 100% when used for 12 weeks. There are conflicting reports as to its effectiveness and the FDA has not approved its use in the U.S. It is not known whether obtaining BEC5 from eating eggplant will help to prevent or treat cancer.

Credit - Jennifer aganoke

Know your Rhesus factor = BLOOD GENOTYPE + OR -

Ifeoma got married in the year 2010,from that time till now she has been rocked with 10 heart breaking miscarriages. She blames the terrible experience on the witches in her village ,she doesn't know that she and the Nigerian dysfunctional system is the cause of her predicament .i will tell you how.

Have you ever heard of the word Rhesus factor?
Rh factor is a protein that can be present on the surface of the red-blood cell. People that have the Rh factor are Rh positive +, those who do not have the Rh factor are Rh negative-.

The + and - in front of the blood group is the rhesus factor. So we A+,A-,O+,O-, B+,B-,AB+,AB-. Rhesus factor is genetic, it's gotten from the parents emphatically the man.
Now that we are clear on what Rh factor is Let's move further to why I said Ifeoma is the cause of her miscarriages .

if you are Rh positive eg(a+,b+,o+,ab+) you are safe, but if you are negative eg(a-,B-,AB-,O-)  you not. If are a male rh- u are safe, if you are a female u aren't. If you  a rh- woman gets pregnant for a man who is rh- you are safe but if you get pregnant for a man who is Rh+ you aren't.
Most people are Rh positive only very few are negative, the possibility for a rh- woman to find a rh- man is slim.

Let's assume Ifeoma is rh- and during her school days she aborted a pregnancy, the man who got her pregnant is rh+, obviously her baby was rh+.
During abortion, the rh+ blood came in contact with her rh- blood. That was the beginning of her problem.

once rh- comes in contact with an rh+,certain antibodies are activated. This antibodies are activated to stop anything they think is a threat from coming into the body. E.g a baby.  A rh- woman with an activated antibodies would keep having miscarriages ,d antibodies would keep fighting and taking off any foetus. The woman might end up childless and if not properly informed might think she is under a demonic oppression.
Women with activated antibodies are RH sensitized and once this antibodies are activated it can never be deactivated until the woman dies.

Antibodies are activated in a rh- woman by abortion, ectopic pregnancy,miscarriage and child birth.During child birth of a rh- woman who got pregnant by a rh+ man ,children inherit their rhesus factor from d man so once the baby's  rh+ comes in contact with the woman rh- during delivery the antibodies are immediately activated so after that particular child birth the woman would keep having miscarriages because the activated antibodies would as usual fight off any foreign body.

The antibodies can be stopped from being activated by administering an injection known as Rh Immunoglobulin to a negative woman. The injection is administered 28wks into pregnancy, 72 hrs after delivery, after ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion. If it's not administered and the antibodies are activated, it would never be deactivated.

Because our dysfunctional system doesn't promote proper rhesus factor sensitization, Ifeoma is left helpless after one mistake. Mothers tell your girls and sisters, a rh- girl must be extremely careful. Because of the very small number of rh- people ,it's extremely rare to find a rh- man. The possibility to get pregnant for a rh+ man is high. Once  she gets pregnant for a positive man and rushes to have a quick abortion, she might have as well jeopardized her life.

Apart from this ,a woman with a negative rhesus factor has no problem. it can however be controlled with rh Immunoglobulin injection.
A rh- man or woman cannot receive blood donation from a rh+. it would lead to death as the blood would immediately clog and cake.

Know your rhesus factor today!


I HOPE THIS HELP SOMEONE THE HEALING WONDERS OF CABBAGE LEAF So it seems cabbage leaves 🍃 are not just for eating! In addition to being ...